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施 工 技 术 交 底 书工程名称DK52+100-D1K61+000段区间路基里程DK52+100-D1K61+000线别新建海南 西环铁路交底人日期部位表层级配碎石填筑复核人日期接受人日期交底内容:1、施工准备1.基床表层填料本段路基基床表层采用0.6m厚级配碎石填筑.采用集中拌制。2、施工工艺和质量标准在每一区段在填筑过程中,应按下列范围、频次和取样要求,对压料情况进行检测:A、压实系数K:细粒土填料,在长度不大于100m范围内检测不少于6个点;检测点应包括填层中部2个点,左、右距路肩边线1m处各2点。每个检测点应做两次平等测定,两次相差不大于0.02g/cm3,取其平均值。B、地基系数K30:粗粒土填料,每层检测一次,在长度不大于100m范围内检测3个点,填层中部1个点,距填层边缘2m处各1个点,按左、中、右大致均匀分布,满足设计承载力。C、路基有关检验频率、标准应满足铁路路基工程施工质量验收标准的要求。3、施工工艺(1)表层填筑挖掘机挖装,自卸汽车运输,首次虚铺厚度为30cm,铺设宽度经测量人员放样,用白灰线画出铺设边线。碾压前先检查含水量,等含水量适宜时推土机摊铺整平。松铺厚度及平整度符合要求后用压路机碾压。第一次试压采用以往施工经验,碾压三遍后开始检查压实度,之后每增加碾压一遍即检查一次压实度,直至达到要求的压实度标准,记录碾压遍数及方法。(2) 卸土控制填筑前首先放出线路中桩和填筑边线,每10m 钉出边线木桩,为保证路基边缘的压实度,边线应比设计线每边宽出50cm用于最后刷坡。按自卸汽车每车的方量和松铺厚度计算每10 延长米范围内的卸土车数,以达到控制松铺厚度的目地。(3) 摊铺整平基床表层填料采用同一种填料。首先检查填料的含水量,当填料含水量与其最佳含水量之差不超过2%时立即予以摊铺整平。拟选用碾压5遍后检查压实厚度,本试验段填料为B组填料,规范要求的压实厚度不大于30cm厚,以接近30cm为准则,切不超过规范要求选择最优的松铺厚度。填料的摊铺采用推土机,整平采用平地机,保证每一填层的平整度及层厚的均匀,摊平过程中不断用铁锹挖洞检查松铺厚度。每一层填筑时,平地机必须找出4%的人字形横坡 ,横向找坡从基床底层路堤填筑开始。在相邻两区段上下两层填筑接头处须错开不小于3m 的距离。在沉降观测桩周围1m 范围内的路基采用人工填筑整平。(4) 碾压摊铺整平后,松铺厚度、平整度和含水量符合要求即开始碾压。本试验段采用22T振动压路机两台,两台压路机以中线为界,各压半辐路基宽度,分别记录各自的碾压遍数及碾压速度。碾压时采取从两侧向中心的顺序,纵向进退式碾压,行与行轮迹重叠0.20.3cm,横向同层接头处重叠0.40.5m,相邻两区段纵向重叠1.01.5m, 以保证无漏压、无死角,确保碾压的均匀性。碾压方法为:静压一遍,弱振碾压一遍,强振碾压26 遍(同步检测结果定),弱振碾压一遍,最后再静压一遍消除轮迹。碾压行驶速度开始时用慢速(宜为2-3km/h),最大速度不超过4km/h 。施工中采用逐次增加强振碾压遍数后检测路基填筑的压实度,记录每次压实度,已选择最佳的碾压遍数。(5) 压实检测在每一填层碾压完成后即用K30 平板载荷仪、EVd检测仪、EV2检测仪、地基系数K30、孔隙率n。采用灌砂法进行平行对比试验,检测频率为每层每遍(自碾压三遍后开始)18 个点,直至达到设计要求的压实度。根据实验数据选用最优的碾压遍数。(1)试验过程中安排技术人员、检测人员记录压路机的碾压速度、碾压顺序、碾压遍数及压实度检测等情况,以便整理出指导大面积路基填筑施工的总结报告。第一层达90%的压实度,经监理工程师检查同意后,在其上进行压实度为93%和95%的压实试验,从而确定填料在适宜的含水量和合适的松铺厚时,不同吨位的压实机械达到90%、93%、95%的压实度时相应的碾压遍数,最佳施工组织。 4、安全及环保要求4.1安全要求 施工区域应设警示标志,严禁非工作人员出入。 钻机平台上应设固定的栏杆和上下扶手,以保安全。 护筒埋设后,上口要加盖两半元形木盖,以免落物造成后患。 泥浆池周围要按要求设置防护栏杆,并有明显的警示标志,泥浆池内泥浆泵要设有工作平台,防止工作人员滑落泥浆池内。 装拆导管、漏斗、钻杆要有信号员,信号明确,以免发生压伤手指、碰撞人 灌注平台要搁置牢固稳定,防止吊斗碰撞平台。 钻机平台上休息室内严禁明火取暖,生有火炉时要设安全围栏,以防火灾。 施工过程中要有专人统一指挥,并有专职安全员负责现场的安全工作,坚持班前安全教育工作。 施工过程中要定期对机械设备进行检查、养护、维修。 其他未尽事宜,按有关安全操作规定执行。4.2环保要求在施工过程中,始终保持现场整齐干净,清除所有多余的材料、设备和垃圾,拆除不再需要的临时设施,做好文明施工。所有施工机具保持整洁机容,每天进行例行保养。在运输和储存施工材料时,采取可靠措施防止漏失。严格控制重要环境因素,施工污水排放、有害烟尘排放、固体废弃物、施工噪声符合标准要求,水土流失控制达到国家环保标准,严格遵守国家及行业标准。特别是钻孔过程中多余的泥浆、钻渣应集中运走,不得随意排放污染附近水域或者农田。(英文版 ) Two regulations promulgated for implementation is in the party in power for a long time and the rule of law conditions, the implementation of comprehensive strictly strategic plan, implementation in accordance with the rules and discipline to manage the party, strengthen inner-party supervision of major initiatives. The two regulations supporting each other, the adhere to a positive advocate, focusing on morality is of Party members and Party leading cadres can see, enough to get a high standard; around the party discipline, disciplinary ruler requirements, listed as negative list, focusing on vertical gauge, draw the party organizations and Party members do not touch the bottom line . Here, the main from four square face two party rules of interpretation: the first part introduces two party Revised regulations the necessity and the revision process; the second part is the interpretation of the two fundamental principles of the revision of laws and regulations in the party; the third part introduces two party regulations modified the main changes and needs to grasp several key problems; the fourth part on how to grasp the implementation of the two regulations of the party. and revised the necessity and revised history of the CPC Central Committee the amendment to the Chinese Communist Party members and leading cadres honest politics several guidelines and column 1 by 2015 to strengthen party laws and regulations focus. Two party regulations revision work lasted a Years, pooling the wisdom of the whole party, ideological consensus, draw historical experience, respect for the wisdom of our predecessors, which reflects the unity of inheritance and innovation; follow the correct direction, grasp the limited goals, adhere to the partys leadership, to solve the masses of the people reflect a focus on the problem. The new revision of the and , reflects the partys 18 and the eighth session of the third, the spirit of the fourth plenary session, reflecting the experience of studying and implementing the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech, reflects the partys eighteen years comprehensive strictly practice. (a) revised two regulations of the party need of in based on revised, the promulgation and implementation of January 2010, to strengthen the construction of the contingent of leading cadres play an important role. But with the party to man
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