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CET 4/ 6 听力场 景词 汇学习选课场景Opt ional courseRequired courseDay cour seEvening course科目或专业:mat hemat ics, history, biology, physics, chemist ry, literature, astronom y, etc.Final exam ,m iddle exam , make up, test,pop t est, quiz, oral t est , drawing near,考试延期 或取消 delay / be off / hold up / postpone / put off public school , private school , r eligious school学校中的 人: president, dean, professor, lecturer coordinator , doct or , master ,bachelor,freshm an , sophomore , j unior , senior have a lectur e , cut a class , miss a class , scholarship,assistant shipteaching assistant ,r esearch assistant图书馆场景lend / borrow / check out , reference book,renew ,over du e, r eturn, fine,st ack, librarian, periodical r oom, reference room ,cur rent issue, back i ssue, Index, subject,author, on loan/ in circulat ion 交通运输场景fare , license, rush hour, traff ic jam overt ake ,one way street , over speedticket express w ay police officer 交通工具(出现 频率从高到低) plane / train / bus / bike / w alk / taxitu nnel / channel , ring road ,subway (美)/ underground (英)metro 地道, overhead 轻轨, maglev, 磁悬 浮, flyover 人行 天桥,Used car , afford, Give sb a rideTaxi/cab , break down抛锚, flat tirecar accident, dead 报废,fix/repair, garage , damage survive 活下来, minor injurytelephone box/booth yellow page,extension ,operator ,put through ,dial/ presswrong numbermobile phone ,电话场景pay phone ,hold on , take / leave a message, hang up / get off 挂 断answering machine, collect call long-distance call,overseas callgive sb a call / ringthe line is busy / engagedplan e , book , safe lan ding , safet y / seat belt securi ty check , one way t icket,机场场景tim etable , board , , lan d , see of f ,t ake offarrivalkeep indestinat ion departure p ick up touchround trip t icket ,/ 商务 / 经 济 舱resumeacadem ic backgroundworkw age, salary , bon us, annual incom e ,fire , post / posit ionvacation,non-st op / direct flight , boarding card t ransfer / lay over / st op over , f irst / business / economy cabin 头等 confirm t he f light , check in 打工场景 job vacancy , lett er of applicat ion , resume包括:basic / personal info., work experience, certificates,interview,offer , overtimeask for a raise , allowance , promotion ,resign work / job / career / course, sick leave , rest , off break coffee break away租房场景live on campus, live off campus, apartment,dormfor sale , for rent / lease, accommodation rent , utilities 水电费, location , suburb / downtown 市 郊 / 市中心condition , furnished 配家具, unfurnished 无装 修, leaking 漏水blackout 断电, environment , transportation, landlor d 房东tenant 房客 , roommate 室友,好的室 友 要求: neat 整洁 的 considerate 体贴 的,不好的室友:messy脏乱的,noisy吵闹的 同学相处高频词汇:active and sociable积极的,乐于交际的,talkative能说会道的,just the opposite恰恰相反,多共同点has a very bad temper脾气坏,不好,get along well with相处很好, hit it off 一开始就相处很好, 里have a lot on her mind有彳艮in a bad mood心情 compatible 能相容的keep it to oneself 闷在心医院场景see a doctor, health center / clinic 卫生所 / 门诊部 physician 内科医生, surgeon 外科医生, dentist 牙 医, medical result 诊断结果make an appointment 预约, emergency 急诊, check up / exam ,cold, flu, headache, sore throat嗓子痛, fever toothache, stomachache, prescribe 开药方 , 抓药fill the prescriptionpill / tablet 药片, injection / shot 注射, operation , take two of these pills three times a day一 日三次, 一次两片宾馆场景make a reservation, confirm a reservation , cancel a reservation , fully booked / full up / full 客满, porter 行旅员, reception, check in 登记入住 check out 退房, single room 单人房, double roomtwin room ,suite ,bathroomtoilet / restroom ,room service,tipslounge 男士用休息区,lobby 大堂,business centersalon 美容, ball 舞厅,bar 酒吧E 局 场景post /send , letter/mail, registered mail挂号信, regularmail 平 信,stamp envelope, airmail 航空信,parcel / package 包裹, telegram / cable 电报,rate 费率,postage 由E资, overweight 超重, email, reply, forward 转发, cc(carbon copy), 抄送 bcc(blind carbon copy),subject 主题, attachment 附件购物场景Store /department store,superm arket,Shopping center/ shopping mallshop assistant, cashier discount/off , out of stockBargain, style/size/color large/medium/smallExchange 调换a clearance saleFactory outlet天气场景Climate, weather forecast,sunny,clear up 变晴Mild / agreeable 温和的,cloudy ,shower/downpour阵雨/大雨Thunder/lightening 打雷/闪电, windy/strong wind多风的 /强风, snowstorm 暴风雪 foggy/dense/heavy fog雾天/浓雾, warm up , wet, humid get worse天气恶化, unusual 不同寻常的天气,heavy snow饮食场景Fast food, fried food , apple pie, Pizza appetizer, vegetable/chef salad, Soup, dessert ice cream, Pudding, seasoning调料, dish delicious/tasty/terrific,horrible/awful/disgusting 难吃,Waiter/waitress menu, chef, Order, book/make a reservation tip, Fork/spoon/knife, restaurant, cafeteria School dining hall,eat out下馆子,full/done , bite, burstSnack bar快餐小吃店,Let go Dutch/go 50-50/split thebill AA制be on diet,todays special ,specialtyFrench fries,bacon,fried eggbutter,be
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