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精选文档 初二英语专题训练:动词填空1. (not frighten) the boy. He s much younger than you. You should(be) friendly to him.2. If you want (be) healthy, you need (do) some exercise every day.3. There is nothing (do) right now. I suggest (go) (boat).4. Look! It s all white outside. Everything (cover) with snow.5. Babies are not easy (look) after.6. I want to get a pet. Do you have any suggestions? What about (get) adog?7. I like (watch) my dog (play) around. I often teach him (play)different tricks.8. Yesterday I (forget) (bring) my homework to school. So I (have) to get back (get) it.9. Thank you for (help) (put) out the fire.10. My best friend Lucy is good at (dance). She (practise) (dance) every day.11. There (be) a fire yesterday. And the fireman (help) a lot ofpeople out of the fire.12. When I (hear) someone (shout) outside, I (rush) out ofthe room.13. They were surprised (hear) the noise.14. They are all fond of (listen) to music.15. It (rain) tomorrow.16. The earth (move) around the sun17. T omorrow (be) Sunday. Let s (go) tok thoegeptahrer.18. we (take) a rest?19. I d like my daughter (be) a doctor.20. Where (be) Tom last night?21. How many students (be) there in your class last term?22. He wanted my help. So I (stop) (help) him.23. I want (buy) a new car next year.24. When and where we(meet)?25. Let s (meet) at the park gate.26. When the teacher (come) to the classroom yesterday, the students可编辑精选文档stopped (talk).27. I hope it (be) sunny tomorrow., because I (visit) the great Wall.28. The Purple Mountain is a good place go) picnicking.29. It (take) me about an hour (get) to school this morning,because it(rain) hard.30. He enjoys (read) on the balcony in the winter sun.31. I like (go) (walk) along that street after supper.32. I (not know) what (do) this weekend.33. He 9watch) TV every evening.34. You can (enjoy) the delicious food there.35. You (not have) to (hand) in your homework tomorrowmorning.36. Let him (eat) it by himself.37. Would you like (have) something (drink) now?38. My brother John is very busy. Every day he (have) a lot of homework(do)39. Do you want (go) to the theatre with us?40. Why not (watch) football games?41. Peter (like) (play) basketball, but he can t (pl42. What you (do) now? Oh, I (chat) with my friends on theInternet.43. your friend (have) a new house? Yes, he (have) a new onenow.44. Look! Your English teacher Miss Wang (sit) over there.45. My mum always (ask) me (not watch) too much TV.46. I like dogs very much. Yesterday I (see) a dog(lie) at the schoolgate.47. Tom often (come)(visit) me and (stay) with me.48. I can t wait (hear) from you.49. He enjoys (play) football instead of (swim).50. Sorry, I forgot (do) my homework.51. Yesterday I (lose) my watch.52. A kilo of beef (cost) 10 yuan.53. Paul tried (open) the door but failed.54. Listen, someone (knock) at the door.55. You ought to (use) English more often.56. The Internet (connect) the computer networks all over the world.57. I spend half an hour (clean) the fish tank every day.58. We will go fishing if it (not rain) tomorrow.59. It took him much time (mend) the broken bike yesterday.60. It is very important (not give) your goldfish too much food.参考答案 】1. Don t frighten2. to beto do3.to dogoingboating4. is covered5. to look6. getting7. watchingplay8. forgotto bringhadto get9. helpingput10. dancingpracticesdancing11. washelped12. heardshoutingrushed13. to hear14. listening15. is going to16. moves17. will bego18. Shalltake19. to be20. was21. are22. stoppedto help23. to buy24. shallmeet25. meet26. cametalking27. will beam going to visit28. to go29. tookto getrained30. reading31. goingwalking32. don t know to do33. watches34. enjoy35. don t have hand36. eat37. to haveto drink38. hasto do39. to go40. watch41. likesplayingplay42. aredoingam chatting43. Doeshavehas44. is sitting45. asksnot to watch46. sawlying .47. comesto visitstays48. to hear49. playingswimming50. to do51. lost52. costs53. to open54. is knocking55. use56. connects57. cleaning58. doesn t rain 59. to mend60. not to giveplay to可编辑
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