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A型题:请从备选答案中选取一个最佳答案1.Each man performed his _ task.1分A.appointedB.disappointedC.appointingD.disappointing2.Your clothes _ tobacco smoke1分A.smell outB.give outC.give inD.smell of3.This morning the traffic was _ by an accident.1分A.held offB.held upC.held outD.held down4.I resent _ to wash face when visitors are present.1分A.to tellB.tellingC.being toldD.having been told5.The couple claimed that they had been _ their chance to have a child1分A.allowedB.deprivedC.deniedD.declined6.His knowledge of French literature is _ mine1分A.far superior thanB.far superior toC.more superior toD.more superior than7.You _ altogether too much significance to be the Prime Ministers words.1分A.applyB.judgeC.considerD.attach8.This morning some port wine came, for _ I know I have to thank you1分A.thisB.itC.whichD.that9.Not until late afternoon _ to tackle the major problem1分A.when they beginB.did they beginC.that they beginD.they began10.The swimmer failed _ the shore.1分A.reachingB.having reachedC.to reachD.to be reached11.The completely new method was _ by Jack1分A.discoveredB.inventedC.createdD.produced12.The article has _ most useful1分A.providedB.provedC.protectedD.prevented13.She soon _ to do this regularly1分A.found it possibleB.found possibilityC.found it being possibleD.found possible14.The new report will be _ long1分A.six pagesB.six pageC.six-pagesD.six-paged15.We must consider the problem in all its _1分A.prospectsB.respectsC.aspectsD.expects16.He is _ to visit us if he knows where we live1分A.likelyB.possibleC.probableD.necessary17.He could not guess how they managed _.1分A.doing thisB.to doing thisC.to do thisD.to doing this18.I was _ discouraged by this failure _ try again1分A.very muchtoB.enoughtoC.much as toD.too muchto19.Anne _ the news to everyone.1分A.toldB.saidC.talkedD.spoke20.I thought that, _ the response of the audience, I had made an effective speech1分A.judging byB.judging atC.judged byD.judged from21.He _ to amuse the children.1分A.was on his wayB.lost his wayC.was out of his wayD.went out of his way22.She drew up a chair close _ the bed.1分A.besideB.besidesC.exceptD.except for23.Some rulers have _ no lasting memorial.1分A.left behindB.left forC.left outD.left alone24._ not for gravity, there would be lots of things we could not do1分A.If it isB.Were itC.If it beingD.It were25.The purple butterflies fluttered about visiting each flower _ turn.1分A.onB.inC.ofD.for26.On _ Shanghai they went to see the director at once.1分A.comingB.gettingC.reachingD.arriving27.The country is _ known deposits of coal and iron1分A.short ofB.missingC.lack inD.charging28.If they would come, he _ Martin buy this equipment1分A.shall helpB.would helpC.must helpD.may help29.Children need many things, but _ they need love1分A.above allB.after allC.at allD.all in all30.Many married women manage to go out to work and _ a home as well1分A.moveB.startC.runD.keep31.The newspapers are full of _ news nowadays.1分A.depressingB.expressingC.depressedD.expressed32.What he needs is nothing _ a few days rest.1分A.thanB.butC.exceptD.besides33.He _ his Marxist knowledge _ the events around him1分A.repliedwithB.appliedwithC.appliedtoD.repliedto34.After _ for the job, you will be required to take a language test1分A.being interviewedB.interviewingC.interviewedD.having interviewed35.Despite the hard winter, the rose-bush is still _1分A.livelyB.livedC.aliveD.live36.I am very much _ your coming next week1分A.seeingB.looking forward toC.waiting forD.hoping for37.He never went again, _ to apologize1分A.nor did he writeB.nor he wroteC.so did he writeD.or he wrote38._ in London Lenin closely studied the English labor movement1分A.As long asB.AlthoughC.WhileD.As if39.I grew _ and red-eared, and a little _1分A.exciting, frightenedB.excited, frighteningC.exciting, frighteningD.excited, frightened40.The car was smashed up, but the driver got away without serious _1分A.damageB.woundC.painD.injury41.The atmosphere _ certain gases mixed together in definite proportions.1分A.is consisted ofB.composes ofC.consists ofD.makes up42.The room is five
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