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初中数学、数学试卷、初中数学试题、数学学案、数学初中教案、初中数学练习题、数学课件、期末考试数学、数学知识难点分析Book 2Module11 be connected with=be related to2 take exercise=exercise3 be crazy about4 have a temperature/fever5 lie down6 begin with7 putinto8 become/fall ill9 head towards/to/for10 catch/get a cold11 keep away12 have a sweet tooth13 get/be injured14 return to normal15 be out of work16.pick sb up17 breathe deeply=take a deep breath18 out of breath19 keep fit/healthy20 keep us fit/healthy21 be fit for22 be worried/anxious about23 at least24 make sure25 go/be on a diet26 pay for27 the problem with28 a free health care system29 have problems with30 Take more exercise and you will become really fit.31 When Zhoukais mother saw him heading towards the front door without a jacket on, she eyed him anxiously.32 Zhou Kai went and did as he was told.33 My mother has always made sure that we eat very healthily.34 That is because I was stupid enough to play football in the rain35I dontthinkI get these things because I take a lot of exercise and am very fit.1 和 有联系2 锻炼3 迷恋4 发烧5 躺下6 以 开始7 将 投入 8 生病9 朝 前进10 感冒11 远离 ,不靠近12 好吃甜食13 受伤14 恢复正常15 失业1617 深呼吸18 上气不接下气19 保持健康20 保持我们的身体健康21 适合22 为 而担忧23 至少24 确保25 节食忌口26 支付27 的问题28 免费医疗体系29 有 的问题30 多锻炼,你就会身体健康。31 周凯的妈妈看到他没有穿夹克衫就往前门走去时,她担心的盯着他。32 周凯按照妈妈告诉的那样去做了。33 我妈妈总是想方设法让我们吃得健康。34 那是因为我真是够蠢的, 居然在雨中踢球35 我认为我不会得这些病, 因为我经常锻炼且很健康。初中数学、数学试卷、初中数学试题、数学学案、数学初中教案、初中数学练习题、数学课件、期末考试数学、数学知识难点分析初中数学、数学试卷、初中数学试题、数学学案、数学初中教案、初中数学练习题、数学课件、期末考试数学、数学知识难点分析Book 2 Module 21 be/become/get addicted to n/doing2 be in danger /out of danger3 offer sb sth=offer sth to sb4 ban sb from n/doing5 have an effect on6 be related to7 .break into a house8 break into tears9 belong to11 take/follow onesadvice12 give up n/doing13 sharewith sb14 compare to15 compare with16 do/make a survery17 make a list of18 stop sb from stop doing19 die of hungerdie from an accident20 a heart attack21 be in pain22 take to23 set/fix a date24 increase fromtoincrease by25 Thats a good point.26leave school27 You cantbe serious.28 .I couldntagree more.29 It is against the law to do sth.30. Dont break the law, or you will be punished.31. .I work in a center for drug addicts, helping others to stop taking drugs.32-Do you mind my smoking ?=Would you mind if I smoked?-Not at all./Of course not./Certainly not. -I m sorry but I do./ Yes, I do.1 对上瘾2 锻炼3 向 sb 提供 sth4 禁止某人做 -5 对 -有影响6 和有关系的7 破门进入一个房子8 大哭起来属于听从某人建议放弃和 sb 分享把比做 把和做比较做一个调查列一个名单阻止 sb 做 停止做死于饥饿死于一起事故一次心脏病发作处于痛苦之中把带到 定个日子从- 增加到增加了这将是一个好主意毕业开玩笑我再同意不过了。做 -是违法的。初中数学、数学试卷、初中数学试题、数学学案、数学初中教案、初中数学练习题、数学课件、期末考试数学、数学知识难点分析初中数学、数学试卷、初中数学试题、数学学案、数学初中教案、初中数学练习题、数学课件、期末考试数学、数学知识难点分析Book 2 Module 31. be (deeply) impressed with/by2. split up3. make a note of4. become/be known/famous as for5. change into6. music instruments7. of all time8. encourage sb to do9. the rest of his life10. go deaf11. No way!12. at an early age13. a leading/top composer14. receive many prizes15. as well as=besides或 in addition to16. have talent for17. show talent for18. lose interest inbe lost in thoughtlose heartlose weight19. mix with20. have a deep influence/effect on21. As time goes by/on,22.Having worked there for 30 years, Hayden moved to London, where he was very successful.23. However, it was Hayden that/who encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna.24. As he grew older, he began to go deaf.25.I hurried to the concert, (only) to find the star had left.26. It was the first time that I had seen him.27. I had hoped/thought/planned to see a film, but I had an unexpected visitor.28. Hardly had I arrived home when the phone rang(no sooner-than)1. 对 印象深刻2. 分裂,分割3. 记录,做笔记4. 作为 /以 而著名因为 而著名5. 把 变成 6. 乐器7. 有史以来8. 鼓励某人做 -9. 他的余生10. 变聋11. 没门,不可能!12. 在很小的时候13. 一个优秀的 /首席作曲家14. 获得了许多奖15. 也,还有,16. 具有 的天赋17. 表现出对 的天赋18. 失去对 的兴趣限于沉思之中丧失信心减肥19. 把 和 混合20. 对 有深远的影响21.随着时间的推移22. 在那儿工作了 30 年后,海顿移居伦敦。在伦敦,他取得了成功。23.然而,是海顿鼓励贝多芬移居维也纳的。24. 随着年龄的增长,他的耳朵变聋.25.我匆匆忙忙赶到音乐会,结果被告知那个明星已经离开了。26. 那时我第一次看到他。27. 我原希望 /想 /计划去看电影,但是来了一个、不速之客。
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