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/ 核心竞争力的培养和发展 内 容 提 要中国的企业,已经置身于全球经济一体化的大背景之中。全球化必将对国内企业尤其是国企带来冲击,在全球经济一体化的时代,国企想要谋求生存与发展,必须善于吸取世界经济变革的新因素,实现经营战略的重心转移,大力培育企业的核心竞争力。中国企业在传统经济条件下存在着很多弊端,中国加入WTO后,在竞争激烈的市场经济条件下,中国企业想要谋求自身的持续发展和强大以与培养其与外国强手较量的能力,必须要培养和发展其核心竞争力。本文较详细地解读了核心竞争力,分析其特征,识别标准与组成部分。并在此基础上详细地阐述了企业如何认识并评价企业的现有核心竞争力。在清楚地认识了企业的现状后,并在受到传统经济影响的市场背景下,中国企业如何进行重组,从而为再造核心竞争力创造条件。本文从几个方面论述了企业如何培育核心竞争力,但是一旦这种竞争力通过长期的发展和强化建立起来后,如果丧失了,又将给企业带来无法估量的损失,所以维护和巩固它,确保企业核心竞争力的健康成长显得格外重要。核心竞争力是一个发展的概念,在不同的时期和不同的发展阶段核心竞争力是不同的。由于企业面对的市场环境是不断发生变化的,恒久有效的核心竞争力就不可能存在。这一重要约束条件决定了我们的企业不仅要努力建立某一时期的核心竞争力,而且还要适应竞争环境的变化,不断建立新的核心竞争力。本文最后论述了怎样结合中国企业所处的国情和现状,通过几个方面的途径来培育和发展其核心竞争力。关键字:中国企业 传统经济 核心竞争力 AbstractThe Chinese business enterprises have placed themselves in the big background of the world economic integration. The globalization will be necessarily give pound to the national enterprises, especially to the state-owners enterprises. In the time of integration of global economy, if the stated-owners enterprises want to exist and develop, they must be good at absorbing the new factors in the world economic reformation, realizing the transfer of the marketing strategys center of gravity.The Chinese business enterprises exists a lot of irregularities. After they enter WTO and being under the condition of marketing economy which is filled with vigorous petition, if they want to seek themselves lasting development and strengths and educate their abilities to pete with foreign stronger, they must educate and develop their core petencies. This article explains the core petencies in detail, analyzing their characteristics, identification standards and their constitutions. This text expatiates how the enterprises know and evaluate their current core petencies. After knowing the enterprises current situation and under the market background, which is affected by the traditional economy, the Chinese enterprises should know how to reorganize themselves so as to create conditions to reproduce core petencies. This article discusses how to grow core petency from several aspects. But after this ability has been established and enhanced, once it lost, it will bring the enterprises un-estimated lost. So maintaining and strengthening it and insuring the healthy development of core petencies seem to be particularly important.The core petencies is a developing concept, in different period and different developing stage, core petencies are different. Because the market environment the enterprises confront change continuously, the endurable and valid core petencies impossibly exist. This important controlling condition decides that the enterprises must not only establish some-period core petencies, but also establish new core petencies continuously. This text finally discusses how the Chinese enterprises bine the state of the nation and present conditions to grow and develop their core petencies through several paths. Key word: Chinese enterprise traditional economy core petencies目 录序言-5 一、 传统经济下企业战略的设计模式,其本身存在的缺陷与应采取的对策-6(一) 传统经济下企业过于追求数量规模-6 (二) 传统经济下企业偏好“大而全”或“小而全”-6(三) 缺点诊断与对策-6(四) 竞争激烈时代的战略选择,中国企业面临挑战中国企业急需核心竞争力-71、 计划经济体制与其向市场经济接轨-72、 缺乏明确的竞争优势战略导致竞争不得要领-73、 制度基础薄弱造成了“造血”功能低下-74、 企业处在技术引进阶段,没有形成具体竞争力的核心产品-75、 市场意识淡漠造成市场竞争力不占优势-7二、解读核心竞争力-8(一) 核心竞争力概念界定-81、 核心竞争力的定义-82、 核心竞争力和竞争力的区别-8(二) 核心竞争力理论内涵-91、 核心竞争力的特征-92、 支撑核心竞争力的要素-10(三) 核心竞争力的识别和判定标准-101、 竞争力是价值高的竞争能力-102、 核心竞争力是稀有的竞争能力-103、 核心竞争力是难以模仿和学习的竞争能力-104、 核心竞争力是难以被替代的竞争能力-
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