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外文翻译-创新区域集群和Milieux 本科毕业论文外文翻译外文题目 Innovative RegionsClusters and Milieux 出 处Innovation System Frontiers Advances in Spatial Science 2009 33-58 作 者 Brian Wixted 原 文33 The Geography of AgglomerationComparing how sub-national regional strengths evolve across time has beenvery difficult until quite recentlyin comparison to analysing national development trends due to data limitations There is a growing opportunity for improved analysis of regional activitiesadvantages and trends as national statistical agencies focus more of their effort on collecting data at various spatial scalesAcross the European Unionthere is multi-country structural pattern of uneven regional developmentCombes and Overman 2003 identify a strong pattern of core and periphery5 regionsWhen analysed for their proximity to markets GDPper capita regions in Western GermanyNorthern France and South East England are revealed as the concentrated zone of value added GDP for EuropeThe authors reveal that beyond this core there is a graduated drop in GDP per capita as distance increasesIn these EU economiesregional income converged between countries in the period 1980 to 1999but regional income disparities within countries widened see Le Gallo and Dallerba 2003 Interestinglythe degree of industry concentration in the USA at state level and Europes regions6 is not significantly differentbut in Europethe trend has been towards greater regional concentration more rapidly than in the USA see Andaluz et al2002 The underlying drivers of such trends are still hotly debatedThere are many arguments for the economic significance of regional concentrations but one of the more important ones is that knowledge generation is spatially agglomerated and knowledge diffuses poorly across distance see the next section on theories of proximity The cumulative nature of knowledge explored in Chap2 and the link between the generation of knowledge and the ability to benefit economically is likely to be one set of characteristics that contribute to uneven developmentcom Knowledge and Innovation GeographyGDPnot the only characteristic of economies that is highly agglomeratedpatenting activity is as wellEurostat 2002 has analysed the geographic dispersion of patent applications for the EU 15 group of countries across statistical regionsTable 33 lists the top 15 regions for high technology7 patent applications per mill of labour force In 2000there were nearly 57500 applications to the European Patent Office EPO for patents from all regions within the EUs then 15 member statesThis included 10500 applications for patents in high-tech industriesThe geographic distribution of the patents is highly concentrated21 regions out of 211 accounted for more than half of all the patent applications filed with the EPOand only 13 regions produced more than half of the high-tech applications Eurostat 2002 In asimilar veinPaci and Usai 2000 analysed innovation patents per million inhabitants labour productivity and industrial specialisation in 109 regions in Europereporting that there is a tendency towards the formation in Europe of highly specialized technological enclavesespecially in some sectorsmachinerytransport equipment and energyMoreoverwe have documented how the spatial and sectoral specialization of innovative and productive activities is positively and significantly correlated p108 Thereforethere is a link between the degree of specialisation in knowledge generationseen in patent applicationsand the pattern of industry specialisation Howeverpatenting may not provide a good indicator of innovative behaviour because a few urban centres may be the base for the major corporate research and developme-nt facilities and thus be the sites for patent initiationThis would not indicate whetherinnovation is geographically agglomeratedBy analysing data from the European Co-mmunity Innovation Survey on businesses that identify them-selves as innovating and identifying them by regionEvangelista et al 2002 reveal that there were only a limit-ed number of areas of Italy which could be described as regional innovation system-sBeaudry and Breschi add an important dimension to this findingThey report that firms are more likely to be innovative if they areco-located with other innovative firms and in thepresence of spillovers associated with a large accumulated stock of knowledge 2003p339 The converse is also truedisadvantages arise from the stro-ng presenceof non-innovative firms in a clusterBeaudry and Breschi found for Italybut not for the UKthat the presence of firms in related industries enhanced innovativ-enessThusthere are economies to innovativenessin thatregions that are innovatives-timulate more innovative activityFinallyconcentrations of entrepreneurial innovativ-eness revealed through new firm births had better employment growth prospects than places t
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