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集体备课记录活动时间科 目 参加人员英语活动地点九年组办公室课 题Un it 10 Sectio n A主讲人Un it 10 You re supposed to shake han ds.教学内容分析:本单元围绕different country.differe nt customs为话题来进行听、说、读、写活动。描述自己或他人在不同场合应该做什么be supposed to dosth,不应该做什么 be (not) supposed to do sth 。如初 次见面的礼仪,餐桌礼仪等,进一步提高文明意识,养成 良好的行为习惯,培养学习兴趣。Period 1 (Section A: 1a, 1b, 1c)New fun cti on prese nti ngPeriod 2 (Section A: 2a, 2b, 2c)PracticePeriod 3 (Section A: 3a, 3b, 4; Self check)In tegrati ng skillsPeriod 4 (Section B: 1,2a, 2b, 2c, 3a, 3b, 3c ,4)WritingPeriod 5 (Section 1-Sectio n 4)Read ing二、教学背景分析:讨论不同国家的风俗习惯,如初次见面的礼仪,餐桌礼仪等,进一步提高文明意识,养成良好 的行为习惯,培养学习兴趣。根据新课标对学生交际能力的培养尤其对学生口语及阅读能力的要求不断提高三、教学设计说明:Section A该部分有4个模块:第一模块围绕 What do people do whe n they meet for the first time? 这一话题展开思维(1a)、听力(1b)、口语(1c)训练;第二模块围绕进行听力Maria s mistakes at an American friend(2a-2b )、口语(2c)训练;第三模块围绕不同国家的风俗习惯这一话题展开训练,训练形式为阅读填表(3a) 和角色表演(3b);第四模块就 What are people supposedto do?这一话题以小组活动形式展开讨论(4 )。Unit 12You re supposed to shake hands.教学目 标 Language goals语言目标1. Words & expressio ns生词和短语be supposed to, shake, shake han ds, bow, kiss2. Key sentences重点句子(P94)What are you supposed to do .?You re supposed to do .You re not supposed to do .Ability goals 能力目标En able the stude nts to un dersta nd the differe nt customs in differe nt coun tries.Emotion & attitude goals情感和 态度目标Lear n to act correctly in differe nt customs.Strategy goals策略目标Listening for specific information; comparing.Culture awareness goals文化意 识目标What are people supposed to do when they meet for the first time in differe nt coun tries?Teach ing importa nt points教学重点Talk about what people in differe nt coun tries are supposed to dowhen they meet for the first time.Teach ing procedures and ways教学过程与方式Step I Lead-i n (1a: P94)T: Hello, every one. We have lear ned about some carto ons. Do you still remember them? What are they?S1: Foreign cartoons: Garfield, Snoopy and Winnie the Pooh.T: Do you love them? Why?S2: Yes. We love the imagi nati on and creativity in the stories and the pictures.T: Today we ll go on to learn something different.Show the stude nts a map of the world.T: Look at the map of the world. Please list the coun tries as many as possible and tell the others what people do whe n they meet for the first time in differe nt coun tries. Work in pairs and discuss the questi on.Sample an swers:S1: In China, people shake hands when they meet for the first time.S2: In Japan, people bow when they meet for the first time.Ask the stude nts to do 1a.T: Now, look at the countries and customs in 1a. Who can locate the countries in the map? What do people in these countries do whe n they meet for the first time?S1: (Pointing to where Brazil locates in the map) People kiss each other whe n they meet for the first time.S2: (Po in ti ng to where the Un ited States locates in the map) People shake hands whe n they meet for the first time.S3: (Po in ti ng to where Japa n locates in the map) People bow to each other whe n they meet for the first time.S4: (Po in ti ng to where Mexico locates in the map) People kiss each other whe n they meet for the first time.S5: (Po in ti ng to where Korea n locates in the map) People bow to each other whe n they meet for the first time.Ask the stude nts to act out the scene whe n people in coun triesmen ti oned above meet for the first time.T: Now we have known where the coun tries are in the map andwhat people in these countries do when they meet for the firsttime. Now you II have to act out the situation: What people in thesecountries are supposed to do when they meet for the first time. Act out the situati on with the help of the follow ing model.Show the following to the students.In your coun try, what are you supposed to do whe n you meet some one for the first time? We ll shake hands / bow to each other / kiss each other / hug each other .Sample dialogues:Dialogue 1S1: In Brazil, what are you supposed to do whe n you meet some one for the first time?S2: We kiss each other when we meet for the first time. Dialogue 2S1: In the Un ited States, what are you supposed to do whe n you meet some one for the first time?S2: We shake hands with each other when we meet for the first time.Dialogue 3S1: In Japa n, what are you supposed to do whe n you meet some one for the first time?S2: We bow to each other whe n we meet for the first time.Dialogue 4S1: In Mexico, what are you supposed to do whe n you meet some one for the first time?S2: We kiss each other when we meet for the first time. Dialogue 5S1: In Korea, what are you supposed to do whe n you meet some one for the first time?S2: We bow to each other whe n we meet for the first time.Step IIListe ning (1b: P94)T: Next, you II hear a conversation between a boy and a girl. Theirconversation contains the answers to the questions i
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