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精品文档#欢迎下载1、Goods con sig ned from (ExportersBusin essn ame, address, coun try)2、Goods con sig ned to(Co nsig nee sName, address, coun try)3、Mea ns of tran sport and route (asfar as known)Refere nee No.GENERALIZED SYSTEN OFPREFERENCES CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN(Combined declaration and certificate)FORM AIssued inP. R. CHINA(co un try)See Notes overleaf4、For official use普惠制原产地证6、Marks10、Numbe5、Itemandnu mbernu mber7、Numberand kind8 Origincriteri onof packages; (see Notes9、Grossweight orotherand date ofinv oicesofpackagesdescripti onoverleaf)of goodsqua ntity)11、Certificati onIt isherebycertified, onthe basis ofcon trolcarried out,that theare correct; that all the goods were produced inCHINA and thatdeclarati oncomply(co12、Declaration by the exporterThe un dersig ned hereby declares that the above details and statby theexporter iswith the origin requirements specified for those goods in the GenerSystem of Prefere nces for goods exported tocorrect.mport ing countryPlace and date, sig nature of authorized sig natoryPlace and date, signature and stamp of certifying authorized证号:1、发货地方普惠制原产地证书(出口商名址国别)格式A2、收货地点中华人民共和国签发(收货人名址国别)(见背面备注)3、运输工具、路线(尽量详细)4、(不填)5、项6、标志、号7、件数、货8产地成份9、毛重、数10、发票号码、号码名 J比例量日期11、签证兹证明:经检验出口商申报内容无误。12、出口商声明兹特声明上述详细内容正确无误,货物全部为中 国出产,并符合普惠制规定出口至(进口国)货物的原产地要求。签证日期、地受权签字人占签名点、签名日期、地点签证当局签署欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议, 策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求
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