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高考词汇表重点词汇讲解及一模写作讲解 撰稿:刘京闽 审稿:牛新革 责编:陈玉莲高考词汇表重点词汇讲解1. pointA. 1.5=one point 5;分数to win/lose a point; 尖the point of the needle;The accident happened at the point where the A15 joins the M1地点; I had reached a point in my career where I needed to decide which way to go.时刻,关头,阶段; (高考难点)B. 论点,观点,见解Thats a good point. Id like to make one final point; prove his point; See/take your point (= understand it); You have a point there (=I agree with your idea or opinion);point taken (=I understand your idea or opinion).C. 意图,目的,理由my point is/Whats the point of ?/Theres no point( in) doing sth.(常考句型)/I didnt see the point in moving to London.我不明白为什么 要搬到伦敦?D. the point要点,重点,核心问题Nobody knows exactly how it works. Thats the whole point.没人知道这东西到底是怎么工作的。这才是问题的关键。E. 常用短语be on the point of正要.的时候, come to the point说要点,言归正传, (get) to the point切题,切中要害; beside the point离题, 不中肯F. v. point at/to/out指着/指向/指出G. a pointed instrument尖的; a pointed comment/remark尖锐的,尖刻的,有明显针对性地; pointless没必要,没用处;pointedly明确地,尖锐地,直言不讳地 I thought you were leaving, she said pointedly.2. possibleA. it is possible to do/thatB. find it possibleC. possible, likely, probable区别 sb./sth. is likely to do; It is possible(不用likely, probable) for me to do it; Its probable /possible/likely that it will happen/cant/couldnt possibly I cant possibly allow you to go home in this weather. possible和probable都不能用于人作主语的句子。possible可以与不定式连用,但probable不可 以。D. asas possible, if possible 易错点,注意:Finish the work as soon as possible或Finish the work as soon as you can均为正确的表达。但切忌误写为Finish the work as possible as you can.3. practiceA. 练习,实践 e.g. Cooking is sth. that improves with practice./ Learning to write isnt easy, it takes practice.B. U/C通常的做法;惯例,常规;习惯,常做的事Its (a) common practice in many countries for pupils to repeat a year if their grades are low./ the practice of doing sth.C. U/C医生或律师的业务,生意My lawyer has a very good practice. D. 常用短语:put sth. into practice, in practice(vs. in theory)实际上;(医生)开业; practice makes perfect; in/out of practice勤于/疏于练习E. vt. practice doing sth./for sth./sth. on sb./hard= a lot; a technique not widely practised in Europe; 实行,采用She is now practising as a dentist/practice law/medicine.从业,开业They are free to practice their religion openly.奉行F. practiced老练的,有经验的;practicing积极履行信仰上、专业上等义务的,虔诚的 a practicing Catholic/Muslin/Jew; a practicing doctor/lawyer/architect 4. prefer preferredA. prefer A to BB. prefer to do/doing, prefer sb. to doC. prefer doing to doingD. prefer to dorather than do5. prepareA. prepare, prepare forB. prepare to do, be prepared(常指为某事做好了心理上的准备。完形中易考到), prepare sb. forC. make preparations for6. presentA. 在场的,到场的be present, the only teacher presentB. be present in water(存在的) Oxygen is present in the bloodstream.C. 现在的at the present time; at presentD. vt. 颁发present sb. with sth./ present sth. to sb./sth. She was presented with an award.E. 提交,交给 present a paper at the conference;F. 展现,显示,表现present the information using a chart;G. n. a present礼物; presentation展示; H. presently目前;不久 注意:*presently作立即解时通常位於句末: Shell be here presently. 她马上就来.作很 短时间之後解时有时位於句首: Presently I heard her leave the house. 不一会儿我就听到了 她离开屋子的声音.presently不仅在美式英语中, 而且在英式英语中也逐渐广泛用以指现在或 当前, 位置紧靠动词: Shes presently working on her PhD. 她目前在攻读哲学博士学位.7. problemA. c.f. problem和question中文意思都是“问题”,但含义不同,容易弄混。 question=a sentence or phrase that is used to ask for information or to test someones knowledge; question是指用去向别人询问信息或检测某人知识的语句。 problem=a situation that causes difficulties problem则指引发困难的情形。 如:the problem of race relation种族关系问题B. 做某事有困难have problems doing something (不能用to do) Im having a problem finishing this.C. 可与problem搭配的动词solve, work out, cause, deal with, overcome 不能说 “problems happen”. 表达问题产生时用动词 arise 或者 occur Problems start to arise (不用“happen”) when people dont keep up their paymentsD. no problem a) 行,没问题 Can I bring a friend? Sure, no problem. (回答道谢、道歉)没关系,不客气 Thanks for all your help. No problem!8. promiseA. vt. 承诺promise to do, promise sb. toB. vt. 预示,使很有可能promise rain/to be/becomeC. n. 诺言 break/carry out/fulfill/give/keep/make a promise D. n. the promise of good weather, 吉兆,迹象E. promising(a)有出息的; 有前途的: a promising young pianist 有前途的青年钢琴家。 (b)大有可为的; 有希望的: The results of the first experiments are very promising. 第一 次实验的结果充满了希望。 Its a promising sign. 这是个很好的迹象。 promise well可望产生良好结果; 大有希望: The new sales policy promises well.9. promoteA. 促进,增进,推动to promote friendship between nations; economic growthB. 提升,晋升promote sb. to sth. Helen was promoted to senior manager.C. 促销,推销,推广S
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