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Module 1British and American English(满分:120分;时间:100分钟).单项填空 (共15小题;每题1分,满分15分)1I was about_ the classroom_the head teacher stopped me.Aleaving; whenBleave; whileCto leave; when Dto leaving; while2The news _Premier Wen Jiabao would once again inspect the disaster site_quickly.Athat; got around Bthat; got throughCwhich;got around Dthat; got along3We have really got something_common_some of the developing countries.Ain;for Bfor;withCin;with Din;to4If you do_him,he will_ of you in the class election.Aa favour;be in favourBa favour;in favourCa favour for;be in favourDin favour of;be a favour5Kathy_a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys and girls.Apicked up Btook upCmade up Dturned up6Their_to swim across Changjiang River has to be stopped because they havent got permission.Areference BsimilarityCattempt Dannouncement7Which do you feel like,staying at home or going shopping?It_ to me.Ais not a difference Bmakes no differenceCis not different Dmakes not a difference8I am sorry but I have to tell you that your answer is so_ that I am greatly_at it.Aconfusing;confused Bconfused;confusingCconfusing;confusing Dconfused;confused9Mum_to us,“Be quiet! Your little sisters sleeping.”Awhispered BshoutedCexplained Dreplied10_my teacher,Im becoming more and more interested in English.AThanks for BThanks toCThank to DThanking for11ShenZhou returned to the earth safely,_ the success of the manned spaceship project.Ahaving marked BmarkingCto mark Dmarked12Leaves are found on all kinds of trees,but they differ greatly_size and shape.Aon BfromCby Din13Which would you like to have for breakfast,two eggs or a bottle of milk?Rather than_eggs,I prefer_a bottle of milk.Ato eat;to drink Beat;to drinkCto eat;drinking Deat;drinking14With the little boy leading the way,we had no difficulty_finding the old mans house.Awith BforCin Dto15So far this year we_a fall in house prices by between 5 and 10 percent.Asaw BseeChad seen Dhave seen.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)My threeyearold granddaughter,Tegan,went with her parents to a family gathering at the home of her other grandparents.Everyone was having a_16_time catching up on(聊) all the latest family news.Like most children,Tegan was having a good time_17_all the toys that were different from her own,which were kept for_18_to play with at her grandparents house._19_,Tegan had found a little tea set and had begun_20_that she was having a tea party.She_21_all the place settings and arranged her table with the great_22_and elegance that only a threeyearold can create.Meanwhile,her Daddy was_23_conversation,and as he continued to chat with his_24_,Tegan would hand him a cup of“tea”Her Daddy,who always tries to_25_in her games,would pause for a few seconds from his_26_,and say all the proper words and gestures for her tea party_27_would excite Tegan.He even threw in an English accent and would_28_two pieces of sugar.He would tell her how wonderful her_29_tasted,and then he would_30_on with his adult conversation with his family.After going through(完成)this routine several times,her Daddy suddenly was wakened into_31_as he had a flash of concern cross his mind.“She is only three years old,_32_is she getting this tea that Ive been devotedly drinking?”He_33_followed her,without her knowing,and his fears were growing stronger_34_he saw her turn and go through the bathroom door.Sure enough,there she was stretching up on her tippy toes_35_up to get her“tea”water,out of the container of water that grandpa used to soak(浸) his false teeth!16A.wonderful BboringCexciting Dfrightening17A.playing with Bstarting withCstaying with Ddressing up 18A.guests BrelativesCpets Dchildren19A.In fact BIn generalCIn particular DIn surprise20A.promising BsuggestingCexpecting Dpretending21A.made up Bset upCpicked up Dset about22A.hurry BjoyCcare Dsurprise23A.referring to Bthinking aboutCconcentrating on Dcarrying out 24A.parents BfriendsCclassmates Dfamily25A.take part Bshow interestedCpay attention Ddo research26A.work BperformanceCconversation Dthought27A.where BwhichCwhat Dit28A.request BputCbuy Dadd29A.food BsugarCcake Dtea30A.quarrel BcontinueCpush Dtake31A.dream BdayCpuzzlement Dreality32A.when BwhereCwhy Dwhat33A.excitedly BbravelyCquietly Dhurriedly34A.as BwhileCunless Dalthough35A.getting BreachingCtaking Dbringing.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AMost students try to learn English grammar using gramm
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