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九年级Unit 8 短语 1 belong to 属于 2 at the picnic 在野炊 3 have a picnic 实行野炊 4 listen to sb. 听某人说5 pick up 拾起 6 each other 彼此 7 these days 如今 8 at firstfirst of all 首先 9 run away 逃跑 10 tooto太而不能11 much too 太 12 too much 太多13 take a shower 洗澡 14 look like 看起来像 15 run after 追赶 16 a kind of 一种17 make a movie 拍电影 18 be late for 做某事迟到 19 not onlybut also不但而且 20 more thanover 超过 21 all kinds of 各种各样的 22 try to do 尽力做23 stopprevent sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事24 eitheror不是就是 25 wait for 等待 26 come up withthink up 想出 27 move to 搬到28 be used for 被用来做某事 29 look up 查阅 九年级Unit 9 短语 1 dance to 随之唱歌 2 sing along with 随之跳舞 3 preferto比起更喜欢 4 in that case 既然那样 5 think about 思考 6 cheer up 使振奋起来 7 in ones sparefree time 在某人的业余时间 8 would rather do sth than do sth 宁愿做而不愿做 9 would like to dofeel like doingwant to do 想做 10 stick to doingkeep doing 坚持做 11 different kinds of 不同种类的 12 in time 及时 13 try ones best 尽力 14 shut off 关闭 15 once in a while 偶尔地 16 for a while 一会儿 17 after a while 过了一会儿 18 be afraid of 害怕 19 notany moreno more 不再 20 in total 合计 21plenty of 大量的 22 taketo带某人去某地 23 in order toso that 为了 24 be known for 众所周知 25 mind doing sth 介意做某事 26 a piece of music 一首乐曲 27 by the end of 到为止 28 make sb. feel 使某人感到 29 It is a pity that 遗憾的是 30 get married 结婚31 get marred to sb 和某人结婚 32 one of 中之一33 I love music thatwhich I can dance to.34 She likes music thatwhich she can sing along. 35 I prefer music that has great lyrics .36 What kind of music do you like? 37 What kind of musicians does he like? 38 What kind of movies do you like? 九年级英语Unit 10 短语1 be supposedexpected to do sthshould do 应该做某事2 shake hands 握手 3 for the first time 第一次4 arrive atin 到达 5 next time 下次6 invite sb to do 邀请某人做 7 make mistakes 犯错误8 make friends 交友 9 as soon as 一就10 hold out 伸出 11 to ones surprise 令人惊奇的12 find out 查出 13 rush around 奔波忙碌14 drop by顺便访问 15 be on time 准时16 after all 毕竟 17 at noon 在中午18 get mad 大动肝火 19 make an effort 做出努力20 keep sb waiting 让某人久等 21 plan to do sth 计划做某事22 be worth doing 值得一做 23 table manners 餐桌礼仪24 stickinto插进 25 start doing sth 开始做某事26 point at 指向 27 thanks for 因而感谢28 have a great time 玩得开心 29 cleanoff 把擦掉30 take off 脱掉 31 beget used to 习惯于 32 makefeel at home 使某人感到宾至如归33 go out of ones way 特地 34 because ofthanks to 由于35 be different from 与不同 36 at first 起先37 cut up 切碎 38 notany more 不再39 look forward to doing 盼望做某事 40 be important to 对重要
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