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妙文翻译公司翻译样稿(三)种植方法1、选地整地选择阳光照射时间较短的两山间或阴坡的缓坡、平地处,土层深厚、中等肥力、湿润、排水良好的砂质壤土和壤土作种植地。熟地前作物宜是玉米、花生。早春深翻地40-50厘米,再进行1-2次耕耙,除净杂草,耙细整平。如春植,在头年冬天翻耕,使土块在冬天风化。早春再进行耕耙二次,起畦宽100厘米,或起垅宽50-60厘米,高20厘米。四周开好排水沟。2、种植一般在每年春分至清明(3月下旬至4月上旬)最迟不可超过谷雨(4月下旬)种植。(1)条播:平地、梯田和坡地可采用。在备好的畦上按行距50cm纵向(两侧靠沟边各留空25cm)开挖10-15cm的沟,按株距20-25cm植入选好的种茎(整姜或切节),盖肥覆土,亩植6000-6500株左右。 (2)穴播:一般用于坡地;在备好的畦上按行株距50x20-25cm挖穴,穴探lO-15cm,植入种茎,盖肥覆土,亩植6000株左右。 无论条播或穴播,放人种茎时均应保持芽头向上,覆土厚810cm,以姜节作种的,断口处要沾新鲜草木灰消毒处理。在整好的畦(垅)面上,按行株距30厘米20厘米挖穴或666.7平方米施下腐熟人粪尿2500-3000千克,每(开沟按行距20厘米)一块,成水平方向种下,然后平方米用2500-3000千克腐熟堆肥、草皮灰混合肥酸钙30-40千克、氯化钾15千克,混合均匀后施于住姜种。() Planting method1. Plot selection and preparation Choose the sandy soil and soil which have thick soil, medium fertility, mildness and moisture and good drainage from the mild slope, flat land in between two hills or shady slope with short sunny time. Corn or peanut shall be selected as the crops for field maturation. The field shall be deeply tilled to a depth of 40-50cm in early spring, following by 1-2 rounds of plowing to remove the weeds; plow the soils fine and flat. If planting in spring, tilling and plowing shall be performed in the previous winter to make soil blocks weathered in winter. Two rounds of plowing shall be performed again in early spring, with furrows 100cm wide or ridges 50-60cm wide, 20cm high. Drainage ditches shall be provided in surroundings.2. Planting Planting is typically conducted from the Spring Equinox to the Pure Brightness (from late March to early April) and no later than the Grain Rain (at late April).(1) Strip planting: can be used for flat fields, terraces or slopes. Dig longitudinally on prepared furrows ditches of 10-15cm (reserve a space of 25cm at two ends to the ditch side) with a row distance of 50cm; plant the selected seed stalks (whole gingers or cuts) at a clearance of 20-25cm; then cover the stalks with fertilizers and soils. Around 6000-6500 plants can be planted each Mu. (2) Bunch planting: it is typically used for slopes; dig holes with a clearance of 50x20-25cm on prepared furrows; the holes shall be 10-15cm deep; plant the seed stalks inside; and then cover them with fertilizers and soils. Around 6000 plants can be planted each Mu. In either strip planting or bunch planting, the bud heads shall be maintained upward-facing when planting the seed stalks; the cover soil is 8-10cm thick; when ginger pieces are used as seeds, the cuts shall be treated with fresh pearl ashes for disinfection. On the surface of the tilled furrows (ridges), dig holes as per 30cm20cm seedling distance, or apply rapid-rotten excrement of 2500-3000 Kg in an area of 666.7sq meters, one piece of excrement in every 20cm (according to the row space of the ditch) applied in horizontal direction, and then apply evenly the mixture of rapid-rotten farmyard manure of 2500-3000Kg, turf ash mixed with adipic acid calcium of 30-40Kg, potassium chloride of 15 Kg in the ginger seeds.版权所有,妙文上海翻译公司(),如有转载,请注明出处。
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