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IDL中的变量类型变量名有两个重要属性:数据类型和组织结构。数据类型指出属于数据类型中的哪一种。在IDL中有14种基本数据类型。在图表1 中将看到每一种数据类型,每个类型创建的变量的字节大小, 变量创 建方式,数据类型之间强制转换的IDL函数名称。除了数据类型外, 一个变量有一个组织结构。有效的组织结构有标量(例如单个数值)、 矢量(真正的一维数组)、数组(最高可达8维)和IDL结构(能包 含各种数据类型的变量和组织结构,结构中独立的组成部分称为字 段)。数据类型字节数创建变量数据类型函数字节型1Var=OBthisVar二Byte(variable)16位有符号整型2Var=0thisVar二Fix(variable)32位有符号长整型4Var=0LthisVar=L on g(variable)64位有符号整型8Var=0LLthisVar=L on g64(variable)16位无符号整型2Var=0UthisVar=U In t(variable)32位无符号长4Var=0ULthisVar=UL on g(varia整型ble)64位无符号整型8Var=0ULLthisVar二Ulo ng64(variable)浮点型4Var=0.0thisVar二Float(variable)双精度浮点型8Var=0.0DthisVar=Double(variable)复数8Var二Complex(0.0,0.0)thisVar二Complex(variable)双精度复数16Var=Dcomplex(0.0D,0.0D)thisVar二DComplex(variable)字符串0-32767Var=或 Var二”thisVar二Stri ng(variable)指针4Var二Ptr_New()None对象4Var=Obj_New()None表1: IDL中的14种基本数据类型。表中显示了每种数据类型的字节数,创建变量的方法,用语数据类型之间强制转换的IDL函数数据类型初始化函数产生索引值的函数字节型BytArrBln dGe n16位有符号整型IntArrIn dGe n32位有符号长整型LonArrLI ndGe n64位有符号整型Lon 64ArrL64I ndGe n16位无符号整型UlntArrUln dGe n32位无符号长整型ULo nArrULI ndGe n64位无符号整型ULon 64ArrUL64I ndGen浮点型FltArrFin dGe n双精度浮点型DblArrDin dGe n复数ComplexArrCln dGe n双精度复数DComplexArrDCI ndGe n字符串StrArrSin dGe n指针PtrArrNone对象ObjArrNone表2: IDL函数可以创建矢量和多维数组,并将其每个元素初始为0 或为它们本身的索引号码。IDL中的关系运算符:EQ相等NE不相等LE小于等于GE大于等于LT小于GT大于IDL中常用函数:FSTAT(lun)查看文件信息 STRCTUREFILE_LINES()统计文档中数据的行数linesFUNCTION file_li nes, file nameOPENR, un it, file name, /GET_LUN str = ”cou nt = 0llWHILE EOF(u nit) DO BEGINREADF, unit, strcount = count + 1ENDWHILEFREE_LUN, un itRETURN, cou ntENDFILE_INFO() 文件信息DIALOG_PICKFILE()选择文件或文件夹FIEL_SEARCH()查找文件PRINT打印READF打开文件读READW-打开文件写STRTRIM( STR,0/1/2)STRMID()REFORM()GET_LUNFREE_LUNPOINT_LUN,lun,0STRSPLIT()去除字符串两头的空格读取字符串中指定的一段字符设定数组格式获取逻辑设备号释放逻辑设备号重新设定LUN位置到指定字符CELL( N ) 反回大于等于N的最小整数FLOOR( N ) 反回小于等于N的最大整数ROUND( N ) 返回最接近N的整数SQRT( N ) 计算N的平方根EXP ( N) 计算以e为底,以N为指数的函数值ALOG( N) 计算N的自然对数值ALOG10(N) 计算N的常用对数SYSTIME() 以24个字符的串形式返回当前系统时间STRCMP( a,b,N,/FOLD_CASE)-比较字符串a和b的前N个字符是否相等(/FOLD_CASE忽略大小写)STRCOMPRESS( ARR )去除字符串中单词间多于一个的空格。关键字,REMOVE_ALL 指去除全部空格IDL中的调试命令:Debugg ing.CONTINUE - Con ti nues executi on of a stopped program.SKIP - Skips over the next n stateme nts and the n sin gle steps.STEP - Executes one or n stateme nts from the curre nt positi on.STEPOVER - Executes a si ngle stateme nt if the stateme nt does nt call a rout ine.TRACE - Similar to .CONTINUE, but displays each line of code before executi on.BREAKPOINT - Sets and clears breakpoi nts for debugg in g.SHMDEBUG - Print debugging information when a variable loses reference to an un derl ying shared memory segme nt.STOP - Stops the executi on of a running program or batch file.IDL中的字符串处理函数:Stri ng Process ingFILE_BASENAME - Returns the base name of a file path.FILE_DIRNAME - Retur ns the dir name of a file path.STRCMP - Compares two stri ngs.STRCOMPRESS - Removes whitespace from a stri ng.STREGEX - Performs regular expressi on match ing.STRING - Conv erts argume nts to stri ng type.STRJOIN - Collapses a stri ng scalar or array into merged stri ngs.(连接字符串)STRLEN - Returns the len gth of a stri ng.STRLOWCASE - Converts a string to lower case.(转换为小写字母)STRMATCH - Compares search stri ng aga inst in put str ing expressi on.STRMID - Extracts a substring (子字符串)from a string.STRPOS - Finds first occurre nee of a substri ng with in a stri ng.STRPUT - I nserts the contents of one stri ng into ano ther.STRSPLIT - Splits its in put stri ng argume nt into separate substri ngs, accord ing to the specified patter n.STRTRIM - Removes leadi ng an d/or traili ng bla nks from stri ng.STRUPCASE - Con verts a stri ng to upper case.(将字符转换为大写)
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