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Module 5Cloning克隆核心词汇1Jurassic Park is an i_ land where there live dinosaurs.2This dress makes me look fat.N_,you look great!3My opinion is i_ with his.I completely agree with him.4. The black mountain c_ sharply with the white snow.5At present,a c_ of the birth rate is still an emergency in some Asian countries.6His _(皱巴巴的)skins suggest that he is quite old. 7_(陪伴)by Hammonds two grandchildren,they are sent on a tour through Jurassic Park.8All young men are required to do two years of _(强制性的)military service.9It is known to all that sunshine is _ to plants but not all know how it _ them.(benefit)10People are _ by _ attacks so they live in _ as the situation is _.(terrify)1.imaginary2.Nonsense3.identical4.contrasts,5.control6.wrinkled7.Accompanied8.compulsory9.beneficial;benefits10.terrified;terrorist;terror;terrifying高频短语 1_(火)燃尽,烧完自灭2_ 与形成对照 3_ 扑倒在上4_ 错误地5_ 把当成对待6_ 依靠,依赖7_ 如下8_ 摧毁9_ 摆脱控制10_ 据我们所知11_ 分解1.burn out2.contrast with3.throw oneself on.,4.by mistake5.treat.as6.rely on7.as follows,8.knock out9.get out of control10.as far as we know,11.break down重点句式 1_,he discovers the secret of how to create life.还在上大学时,他就发现了怎样创造生命的秘密。2_ on a cold November night _ I saw my creation for the first time.那是一个寒冷的十一月份的晚上,我第一次看到了我的“杰作”。3I wish I _ this creature,I wish I _ on the other side of the world,I wish I _!但愿我没有制造出这个家伙,但愿我身处世界的另一边,但愿我可以消失得无影无踪!4If you _ clone a man, _ you do it?如果你会克隆人,你会做吗? 5But _ would restrict the biodiversity of the breed.但仅仅依靠少数克隆的动植物会限制生物的多样性。 1.While studying at university2.It was;that3.had not created;was;could disappear4.could;would5.to rely on a few cloned animals or crops知识详解1.refusev拒绝(回归课本P58)When Frankenstein refuses to create a wife for him,the monster murders Frankensteins brother.当弗兰肯斯坦拒绝为怪物制造一个妻子时,怪物谋杀了他的兄弟【归纳总结】【例句探源】(牛津P1670)He flatly refused to discuss the matter.他断然拒绝商讨这件事。Wall Street would not refuse the offers from the government.华尔街不会拒绝来自政府的帮助。(朗文P1653)The US. authorities refused him a visa.美国当局拒绝给他签证。On cold mornings,the car always refuses to start.早晨天冷时,车总是发动不起来。【即境活用】1As a student,you should try to _ being late for your class.ApreventBrefuseCavoid Dpunish解析:选C。句意:作为学生,你应该尽量避免上课迟到。avoid后跟v.-ing形式作宾语。prevent表示“阻止”;refuse后跟不定式作宾语。2.I cant stand _ with Jane in the same office.She just refuses _ talking while she works.Aworking;stopping Bto work;stoppingCworking;to stop Dto work;to stop解析:选C。句意:我无法忍受和珍妮在同一个办公室工作,她在工作的时候总是不停地说话。cant stand(doing)sth.意为“不能忍受(做)某事”;refuse to do sth.意为“拒绝做某事”。2.resistv抗拒;对抗;反抗;抵抗;忍住(一般用否定式)(回归课本P65).for example,a prize cow which can resist bacteria or disease,or to sow a cloned crop which can resist rot or pests.比如:克隆能够抵御细菌或疾病的优选奶牛,种植能够抵抗枯病或害虫的克隆作物。【归纳总结】【例句探源】 At the G20 summit in London,many states agreed to resist trade protectionism.在伦敦G20国集团金融峰会上,许多国家表示抵抗贸易保护政策。(牛津P1697)They are determined to resist pressure to change the law.他们下决心顶住要求改革法律的压力。(牛津P1697)He couldnt resist showing off his new car.他忍不住炫耀起了他的新车。 She resisted the temptation to tell him what she really thought.她克制住自己,没有把真实想法告诉他。【即境活用】3I didnt mean _ anything,but those apples looked so good that I couldnt resist _ one.Ato eat;trying Bto eat;to tryCeating;trying Deating;to try解析:选A。mean to do sth.打算做某事;cant resist(doing)sth.忍不住(做)某事。4.The boy couldnt _ reaching out for the sweets.Arefuse BresistCreject Ddecline解析:选B。cant resist doing sth.“禁不住做”。3.suspectn嫌疑犯,有嫌疑的人vt.怀疑,疑心,猜想adj.可疑的;靠不住的(回归课本P65)Finally,the latest research into DNA has helped solve crimes by analysing the suspects saliva which they spit at a crime scene or the dirt under their fingernails.最后,在DNA的最新研究中,通过分析嫌疑犯在犯罪现场吐的唾液或手指甲下的污垢已帮助解决了许多犯罪行为。【归纳总结】【例句探源】We suspected that it was a trick to get our money.我们怀疑这是一个骗取我们钱财的诡计。I suspected the same,but I kept telling myself it was my imagination.我也曾这样怀疑过,但我不断地对自己说,这只是我的想象罢了。They suspect him of a theft.他们觉得他有偷窃嫌疑。(牛津P2037)The drug is suspected of causing over 200 deaths.人们怀疑这种药物造成200多人死亡。The suspect has been taken to the police station.嫌疑犯已被送往警察局。【易混辨析】suspect,doubt(1)suspect“怀疑是”,表示相信。(2)doubt“怀疑不是”,表示不相信。He seems poor,but I suspect that he has quite a lot of money.I doubt if well arrive on time.【即境活用】5Nobody wants to make friends with the boy _ money.
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