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编号:时间:2021年x月x日书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟页码:第1页 共1页 海洋经济Oceanic Economy定义:人类在开发利用海洋资源过程中的生产、经营、管理等活动的总称。Definition: Oceanic economy involves the production, operation and management based on the use of oceanic resources. 现代海洋经济包括为开发海洋资源和依赖海洋空间而进行的生产活动,以及直接或间接为开发海洋资源及空间的相关服务性产业活动,这样一些产业活动而形成的经济集合均被视为现代海洋经济范畴。主要包括海洋渔业、海洋交通运输业、海洋船舶工业、海盐业、海洋油气业、滨海旅游业。Contemporary oceanic economy mainly involves the production based and business operation based on direct or indirect development of oceanic resources, which ranges from oceanic fishing industry, Shipbuilding Industry, sea salt industry to Offshore oil and gas industry and coastal tourism industry.海洋经济中的游艇经济Yachting industry游艇经济属于海洋船舶工业、滨海旅游业等相关产业的一部分,下面让我们一起分析游艇经济的具体发展形势。Yachting industry originates from shipbuilding industry and coastal tourism industry, the growth and development of yachting industry will be elaborated in the following. 游艇经济的分析The analysis of yachting industry世界游艇经济发展阶段The development of yachting industry worldwide游艇、高尔夫、私人飞机,被世界公认休闲业含金量最高的三大领域。 世界游艇经济发展经历了三个阶段:Yacht, golf, and private airplane are considered the top three causal activities and facilities worldwide. The development of worlds yachting industry has gone through three phases.第一阶段:游艇私人消费阶段。游艇素有海上行宫之称,世界上最早的游艇诞生于三百多年以前的英国。自那时起,游艇就成为西方上流社会地位和身份的标志。Phase 1: yachts are purchased as personal properties to show royal and upper class status. 第二阶段:游艇会(或游艇俱乐部)消费阶段。Phase 2: Yachts appear in yacht clubs or organizations. 第三阶段:游艇的大众消费阶段。这一阶段是游艇经济发展的深度延展阶段,游艇经济由于显著的综合经济效应,成为一个地区经济发展程度的一种标志。Phase 3: Yachts can be affordable by more people, which is considered a symbol that suggests a degree of economic development.游艇经济产业链Yachting industrial chain游艇经济完整的产业链为,从游艇制造到游艇俱乐部的服务、再到与游艇相关的度假、休闲、旅游及各种商务活动,并包括游艇驾照培训和考核、专用码头建设和管理、游艇维修、俱乐部建设和运营管理、零配件制造、内部环境装修、专业保险等。Yachting industry chain primarily involves services offered by yachting clubs, business and casual activities related to yachting industry, training and certificating, repairment and construction, club founding and operation, etc.游艇除了是一种有品位的休闲旅游方式外,更重要的是它作为一个地区经济发展程度的标志和吸引投资的形象,被誉为“城市的名片”,会对当地的餐饮、交通、公共服务、维修保养及配备等具有带动作用,并有助于优化水上旅游业的结构,具有显著的综合经济效应。Yacht is not only a high quality mean of tourism, but also a local image that is able to draw business investment, which is helping accelerate local economic growth.市场规模market世界游艇年消费额高达400亿美元,与万吨邮轮市场相当,并以每年10% 的速度增长。如果加上相关的维修、管理、娱乐等费用,全球每年的游艇经济收入超过500亿美元。全球发达国家平均每171人就拥有一艘游艇,挪威、新西兰等地更高达每8人拥有一艘,就连内陆国家瑞士也达到每69人拥有一艘。中国虽然海岸线总长3.2万公里,其中大陆海岸线18万公里,岛屿海岸线14万公里,但人均拥有游艇数量上非常落后(这也预示着增长的潜力)。The annual cost in the purchase of yachts is 40 billion dollars, in contrast with liners, the number is consistently increased by 10 percent each year. In developed countries, every 171 people owns a yacht averagely, furthermore, in Norway and New Zealand the number is up to 8, however, the average number is much less in China even though we have 32 thousand -kilometer-long coast line, which is also a good sign for potential growth. 据中国交通运输协会邮轮游艇分会()调查:从全球看,游艇消费市场是多元化的,游艇的价格从一二十万元到几亿几十亿元人民币不等。既有贵族富豪专属的超级游艇,但更多的是白领阶层、中产阶级买得起的帆船、钓鱼艇、快艇、休闲艇。According to the research by CCYIA, the purchase of yachts is varied worldwide, the price ranges from 200 thousand to billions of RMB, including luxury yachts for wealthy and casual yachts for middle class and white collars.北美占世界游艇市场份额的559,大多数游艇销售单价在15万5万美元之间,豪华游艇的销量只占25;欧洲市场占世界游艇市场份额384,出售的游艇较为大型和豪华,但平均单价也只有11万美元,合80万人民币。美国共有1700万游艇用户,其中70是帆船,80是5万美元以下的中小游艇,前几年美国市场出售的游艇平均单价为27639美元,不到20万人民币;欧洲84的游艇也是几万欧元的中小游艇(帆船)。North America is comprised 55 percent of the worlds yachting market, and most of the yachts that were sold cost from 15 thousand to 50 thousand dollars, luxury yachts only accounts for 2.5 percent. Europe is the second place and accounts for 38.4 percent of the market, many yachts that were sold in Europe are eighter luxurious or full-size, of which price is only 110 thousand dollars or 800 thousand RMB. In America, the yachts that have been sold in the past few years are averagely worth 27639 dollars, less than 200 thousand RMB.游艇制造业的分析The analysis of Yacht Building 从全球游艇市场总体看,美国、意大利、法国和英国等欧美国家主导着市场。从生产量看,美国每年建造休闲游艇2万艘左右,居世界第一位。2007年法国和英国的产量分居二、三位,年产量分别为7900艘和3300艘。而休闲游艇的全球出口三大国分别是法国、英国和德国,三个国家的年均出口量分别为4300艘、2100艘和1900艘。In general, yachting industry is led by the US, Italy, France and England. In terms of production, America builds 20 thousand casual yachts a year and tops the market, which is followed by France and England. France, England and Germany export the biggest number of yachts, the number is 4300, 2100 and 1900 respectively.游艇制造业最突出的特点是它的高附加值,供应链长,配套环节多,生产方式复杂,技术程度高,劳动力密集,运用的工艺精巧,产业链关联性大,涵盖金属加工、化工、木器制造、复合材料、涂料、电子仪器、电器设备、通信、航海器材,雷达和卫星导航,通信等各种技术。21世纪是海洋的世纪,发展游艇制造业是海洋经济的朝阳产业,更是许多国家和地区发展经济的新增长点,能够带动一大批相关和配套产业,为社会经济带来巨大的发展机遇。The most attractive feature of yachting industry is the produce of high added value and the access to various advanced technology. The business co
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