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Un itl Stay Healthy单元练习、单项选择1.-I have a;I could nt eat anything.-Maybe you should see a den tist.A. coldB. feverC. headacheD. toothache2.They are from.They areA. Germa n; Germa nyB. Germa ns; Germa nC. Germa ny; Germa nD. Germa ny; Germa ns3.Stop making so much no ise. It isto the sleep ing childre nA. comfortableB. relaxedC. harmfulD. useful4.Help othersyou can and youll make the world a nicerplace to live in.A. whateverB. howeverC. wheneverD. un til5.-Did James in vite you to his party?-Yes. But I had toit because it was hard for me to sparetime for it.A. acceptB. refuseC. returnD. receive6.-Look,is dancing un der the tree.-Oh, thats my cous in, Anna.A. somebodyB. an ybodyC. nobodyD. someth ing7.It cant be Cin dys dict ion ary. Look!is on the desk.A. SheB. HerC. HersD. Shes8.-Mary, its athat you did nt travel withus. How areyou feeli ng now?-Im much better. Thank you.A. pleasureB. pityC. joyD. won der9.Look up and you can seestars in the sky at ni ght.A. millio nB. three millio nsC. million ofD. millio ns of10.Six people were deadthe accide nt.A. resulted inB. resulted fromC. as a resultD. as a result of11. My sister at home by herself. So I have to stay with hertoday.A. dare not stayC. dare not to stayB. does nt dare stayD. does nt dare stay ing12. - Could you please whe n you go out? It smells terriblein the room.-Sure. But where should I put it?A. take out the trashB. sweep the floorC. turn off the lightD. fold the clothes13. You have to leave now you can catch the early bus.A. so thatB. as soon asC. becauseD. if14. - How to be a good En glish lear ner?-You read En glish for about half an hour in the morning.A. should ntB. shouldC. dontD. do15. You retur n the book now. You can keep it un til n ext weekif you like.A. have toB. cantC. must ntD. need nt二、完形填空At the beginningof the new term, fourth-grade teacher, Qu Tingting,16that more stude nts wore glasses whe n she en tered the classroom at TairiSchool in Shan ghai.Qu said eight of the 40 children in her class wore glasses. There were only four 1 the Spring Festival holiday in February.Thenine-year-oldstudentshave 18 homework, Qu said, soalmost all of them play computer games every day after school.Digitalgadgets (数码 小装置) such as mobile phones and iPads are notallowedduri ng 19, but almost all of the childre nspare ntstell20their kids use iPads after school, Qu said.Eye tests showed that at Tairi School, fourth-grade stude nts eyesight(视力)has gotte n worse on average ( 平均)since last term.As more childre n 21iPads, eye doctors remin ded pare nts that thegadgets might damage( 损害)childre ns eyesight. They told pare nts to stop childre nfrom _22with digital gadgets.A father said his nine-year-old son was always playing games on his iPad.The boy was un willi ng to23 even whe n the family had dinner together in arestaura nt.Every one in the family says the boy is very 24whe n they see hislittle fin gers mov ing here and there across the scree n,25they dontknow that he spe nds hours play ing the games at home every day, the father said.16. A. noticedB. believedC. heardD. expla ined17. A. forB. toC. si neeD. before18. A. fewB. littleC. lots ofD. ple nty of19. A. vacati onsB. campsC. exerciseD. school20. A. herB. himC. meD. them21. A. were worried aboutB. were in terested inC. were afraid ofD. were proud of22. A. studyi ngB. shopp ingC. worki ngD. playi ng23. A. stopB. con ti nueC. stayD. thi nk24. A. carefulB. braveC. smartD. kind25. A. butB. soC. andD. or三、阅读理解AHi, dear boys and girls! Do you know how to be a healthy kid? Here are some rules you should follow.First, eat differe nt foods, especially fruit and vegetables. You may havea favorite food, but youd better eat something different, if you eat different foods, you will probably get more nutrients(营养物质)your body needs.Second,drink water and milk as oftenas possible. When youre reallythirsty, cold water is the No. l choice. Milk is a great drink that can give you more calcium( 钙)your body needs to grow strong bones(骨头).Third, listen to your body. How do you feel when you are full? When youare eating,noticehow your body feels and when your stomach feels comfortablyfull. Eating too much will not make you feel comfortable and make you fat.Fourth, limit(限制)screen time. Screen time is the time you watch TV,DVDs and videos, or using computers. It is good to take more exercise,such asbasketball, bike ridi ng and swim ming. You cant watch TV for more tha n two hours a day.Fifth,
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