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2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit 2课时跟踪检测(四)Learning about Language & Using Language.单句语法填空1He had a quarrel with his girlfriend yesterday.2They arranged to_leave (leave) the following spring.3He took out a folded (fold) map from the drawer and unfolded it.4These youngsters delight in doing good deeds and helping others.5I have been consistently (consistent) opposed to feeding a baby regularly.6Based on the description (describe) above, we can safely draw the conclusion that hard work leads to success.7There is no possibility that he can finish the task in such a short time.8Mary and Catherine are very much alike, so Catherine will take the place of Mary to attend the party.9Plastic bags are difficult to_break (break) down.10The monument is in memory of the soldiers who died in defence of their country.11Amazed (amaze) at how skillful they were, I was determined to be just as good.12Although faced (face) with many problems, they didnt lose heart.完成句子1昨天晚上我们看到他们在一起有说有笑,因此那时他们吵架是不可能的。I saw them talk and laugh together last night, so there was no possibility that they quarreled_with_each_other then.2他们安排我们举行了一场义演音乐会。They arranged_for_us_to_hold a benefit concert.3他们对这个结果感到高兴。They were_delighted_with/at/by the result.4约翰病了,我想知道谁将代替他。John is ill and I want to know who is going to take_the_place_of_him.5多吃健康食品,不然你的身体迟早会垮掉。Eat more healthy food, or youll_break_down_sooner_or_later.6为了纪念那些勇敢的消防战士,即将开拍一部电影。A film will be made in_memory_of_those_brave_firefighters.7由于专心于读书,他不知道外面下雨了。Buried_in_his_book,_he didnt know it was raining outside.8吃饭时他们在埋头玩智能手机。They were buried in playing with their smart phones when_having_dinner.9你妈妈竟然知道了所有的事情,真是太奇怪了。It_is_strange_that your mother should have known everything. 10这个说法与你昨天会上的发言不相符。This statement is_not_consistent_with what you said at yesterdays meeting.完形填空Lady, are you rich?They huddled (挤在一起) inside the storm door two children in dirty old coats.“Any old _1_, lady?”I was _2_ with my household budget (预算). I wanted to say no until I looked down at their _3_. Thin little sandals (凉鞋),_4_ through. “Come into the front room and Ill make you a cup of hot _5_. ” There was no conversation. Their wet sandals left _6_ upon the hearthstone (壁炉的石头)I _7_ them cocoa and bread with jam (果酱) to _8_ against the cold outside. Then I went back to the kitchen and started _9_ on my household budget.I _10_ the silence in the front room and looked in. The girl held the empty _11_ in her hands, looking at it. The boy asked in a flat voice, “Lady . are you rich?”“Am I rich? No!”The girl put her cup back in its saucer (碟子) _12_. “Your cups _13_ your saucers.” Her voice was old, with a _14_ that was not of the stomach.They left then, holding their newspapers _15_ the wind. They hadnt said _16_. They didnt need to. They had done more than that. Plain blue pottery cups and saucers. _17_ they matched. I tasted the potatoes and stirred (搅拌) the gravy (肉汁). Potatoes and brown gravy, a roof over our heads, my man with a good steady job these things matched, too.I moved the chairs back from the fire and cleaned the living room. The muddy prints of small sandals were _18_ wet upon my heart. I let them be, I want them there _19_ I ever forget again how very _20_ I am.1A.cupsBnewspapersCfood Dclothes解析:选B后文有提示,即. holding their newspapers .。2A.worried BexcitedCsad Dbusy解析:选Dbe busy with“忙着”。3A.dress BfacesCfeet Dsocks解析:选C看他们“脚上”就穿着单薄的凉鞋。4A.wet BcoldCworn Dbroken解析:选A后文有提示Their wet sandals .。5A.cocoa BsoupCgravy Dtea解析:选A“热可可”,下段有提示. cocoa and bread with jam .。6A.snow BwaterCraindrops Dmarks解析:选D这里指湿的鞋子留下的“痕迹”。7A.made BservedCoffered Dsent解析:选Bserve指“提供”餐点。8A.protect BwarmCfight Dbeat解析:选Cfight against“对抗”外面的寒冷天气。9A.then BoffCagain Dover解析:选Cagain“再一次”,和开头的忙于算家庭开支呼应。10A.hated BwonderedCfound Dnoticed解析:选Dnotice“注意到”前厅很安静。11A.spoon BcupCbowl Dplate解析:选B装热可可的“杯子”。12A.carelessly BcarefullyChurriedly Dheavily解析:选Bcarefully“小心翼翼地”。13A.suit BfitCmatch Dcomplete解析:选C搭配得当用match,可以从后文的提示“. they matched”判断。14A.hunger BhopeCsound Danger解析:选Ahunger“饥饿”,从stomach判断的。一种饥渴,不是来自于胃的。15A.with BagainstCin Dalong解析:选B“顶”着风。16A.thank you BgoodbyeCthey are poor Dsorry解析:选A没有说“谢谢”,也不用说。17A.Though BAsCSo DBut解析:选D简单的蓝瓷杯子和杯碟,“但是”很搭配。18A.still BevenConce Dever解析:选A地上的痕迹清理了,但“仍然”留在我的心里。19A.because Beven thoughCif Das if解析:选C“如果”自己又忘了自己有多富足。20A.kind BhappyCserious Drich解析:选D根据前文的“are you rich?”可判断,rich除了有钱外,还可指精神的“富足”。.任务型阅读It is the duty of every child or student to respect and obey his/her teacher._1_That is why they are always expected to lead exc
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