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国家开放大学电大专科人文英语22021期末试题及答案(试卷号:3937)-,交际用增(共计1。分小2分)话内容琏择恰当的选琐L Hey Pctrr. Can you?Suref whnt is ii?A. tlo nir n fnvorB. do wmethmg goodC. do Anythin- for mr2. Whftt S your phin (or ihr summer vucotlon7A- I hnvc a 只nod plantK lfm uhopplng now.C. Im plunninK to ro to hly3. - You seem o link blue todnye WluitfB the nmlirr?A. I Arn very hnppy.K h % been n dilBcuh day.(: h doen ft niwttrrL Tom.yuu io my birlhdny pnrty invite11 I hnvr to inviteC. I should invite&. Would you be intcrcated in coming to the cinema with me tonight?A. No J have no idem.Ik No# 1 danf r like being with you.( Yese thntii very kind of you, thnnks*二词汇与结构(共计3C2分)6-20越:08A、H、:三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。6. You blame me far tha!f ?B. orc youA. do youC. donf t youh Why noiyournelf n bn whilr you wurk?A. to tinjoyB enjoy(enjoying心 Hnvr you ta Beijing?Yen# I hftvcA Runebeenl nrnvrd9 There w milk. ome ckra mui few it叩Im on the kiblr.At iFt nrcC. will beIQ. You enn meet people enn poRHibly help you find paid job later on.A. whoIk whomC. whichH. W I the nioycir of the nty I would intrixliHr severe puninhmcni I rrimEA. nmB. were(:. wnn12. I hr rovrr Irtlcr will be nrrn hmh it mu!it be very well written.A(: Therefore13. Mir rnothrrhrr dnughtcr for 2 hourn.A looked furIk hn been looking for( m looking forI t They found all the gucstM when they wake ujuA. goRoing(. goneI 上 Many studeuts at school on a project which rehten to the unrmplaymenl problem (or n monthsA. workedB hnvv workedC were workingK or16. In ilotn mu. they Iiav* upparluniiirs Ki Irnm ham professors. Thry would not be Able to Access-A. therefore17. A double room with u balcony overlooking the sw had been him.A. resrrvedB. deservedC. conrrvcdIK. A nuvixssFul cover letter will mnkr h grciit,A. progrciisiB. tmprewonCccAUse there are so mnny options- I tnn11 nuikc n dreisiontA. puuled& ”吊cd(L depressed20. ThcreS utranRe nboui you- Thntf!i allA. somethingH anythinnC. nothing三、阅读理解(共计40分,徊小 4分)21-25 ffi:0Q读下列短文,从、C三个选项中逸出一个正确答案。The Internet 矗 been perhnp the grrntest innuvntion in informwiton tcchnolagy. h hmi become an important tool with many ndvani职m卜irsH. the Internet ia 0 (wure hou of informittion and knowledge on any topic. It in common practice now to Mcarch the web (or rmoiircrii nd information for homework ufficc prccntA(ionNi work projects mJ Fudim. etcSreuruL ihrrr lire more and more mnstMivc open online coursciiTheseMO(make it paniblr for people to curry out their learning nny phcc nroiihd ihr worlds tiny Urnr Arnund the clack. Aa long e the learners hnvr nccri to n (IikhaI device which i. linked up to 1 hr Internet they can enjoy browsing por or watching vidcn lecturer In doing so. thry have opportunitirh 10 Icurn from profeRwr they otherwise would not be nblc to neerta.I hird. entrrtinnmrnt 11* unr ol the leading rranonA projdr like the Wch. LintcninK to niUMic. pinyin grtmrnt wn!t Iiirr movicBi following the Litrf nrw?i about Iaiuolir nportn jH/irn. movie ntnr and ningcrM nnd looking into lifestyle wcbMitcn hnw hecornc dny-10 day nchvitirH of miiny Internet liners.One cannot imagine a social life without QQ or WcChnt These rocIaI appt have become o*n mrnnn for HtnyinR cannccTrd with (rirn 2 means .A. a storehouse for treasures11 a housr full of valuable thingsC a virtual stonn place23. M()OCj make it possible for people.A. to learn unyplnce anytimeB. to link to the InternetC to have access a digital device24. in luted as one of ihc cntcriAinTnent nctivnirji of the Internet linage.A WatchinR video lecture;*K Searching infornintion for homeworkC Following nrws nbout celrhritirn25.in nirntioiird in the text an n hoc in I upp.A. MCOCsB. WcChutC Web263O楚:河读下面的句文童内容ift行判断正确号T错误写“广.My lovely homrtown 侮 locatrd on the nouth shore o( an Wsd. Il n smnll town with only nbout 9t000 people ond an arrA of nbout 3. 8 MquArc nulcMtFirst. 1 want to talk fibout thr people in the neighborhood- (ienrrnlly speflkint people are very nice hrre especially in thr summer. I (rd that in the Mummer everyone is tn a mcxd# And very generous For cxnmple one summer afternoon I wns al the ga* ntntion filling up my car and wa nhort ol money. Genrrounly n old gentleman gave rnr thr money to pay he n iittcndanu Thw the type of people y
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