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称赞和批评的常用句子据360教育集团介绍:赞扬和表扬常用的句子:Cool! 酷!Good! 不错!Fine! 很好!Great! 太好了!Perfect! 很完美!/太棒了!Excellent! 好极了!Fantastic! 好极了!Gorgeous! 棒极了!/美极了!Neat! 真是不简单!/真的很好!Well Done. 做得好。Good job. 干得好。Good work. 干得好。Good for you. 真替你高兴。Super job. 出色完成任务。Super Star. 超级明星。Remarkable job. 出色的工作。Nice work. 干得好。Beautiful Work. 完美的工作。You did good. 你做得很棒。Looking Good. 看上去不错。Bravo! 太棒了!Fantastic. 太奇妙了。You have really done a good job. 你干的非常出色。We all know you have done an excellent job. 我们都知道你工作的很出色。Way To Go. 就该这么做。Youre Special. 你不一般。I Know You Could Do It. 我知道你能做的。Im so proud of you. 我真为你骄傲。Youre on top of it. 你是数一数二的。Youre on your way. 你在前进中。Now Youre Flying.现在你起飞了(进步了)。Youre improving. 你在进步。I can see progress. 我已经看到了进步。Youre catching on. 你是有吸引力的。Now youve got it. 现在你做到了。How Did You Do That? 你怎样完成的?Youre Fantastic. 你真太妙了。Youre Wonderful. 你真妙极了。Hurray For You. 为你喊万岁。Youre On Target. 你达到目标了。How Nice. 多好啊。Its your lucky day. 你真走运。Thats Incredible. 简直难以置信。Thats something! 太棒了!Youre really something. 你真有一手/你真有两下子。Youre Beautiful. 你太美了。Youre Unique. 你太不寻常了。Youre A Winner. 你是赢家。I Respect You. 我尊敬你。Youll Make It. 你一定会成功的。You did it! 你做到了!Im so proud of you. 我真为你骄傲。I Like The Way You Handled That. 我欣赏你的做法。I Like Your Work. 我欣赏你的工作。I admire your talent in writing. 我钦佩你在写作上的才能。Youre Precious. 你是宝贵的。Youre A Treasure. 你是个宝。Great Discovery. 伟大的发现。Youve Discovered The Secret. 你已经发现了秘密。You Figured It Out. 你搞懂了。I Believe Youll Handle It. 我确信你能行。You Really Tried. 你确实尽力了。Youre A Real Trooper. 你真实一个好骑手。You Are Responsible. 你是负责任的。You Are Exciting. 你真令人激动。You Learned It Right. 你做对了。What An Imagination. 多么丰富的想象力!You Are Fun. 你真有趣。Youre Growing Up. 你长大了。You Care. 你很认真。Youre A Good Friend. 你是一个好朋友。I Trust You. 我相信你。Youre Important. 你非常重要。You Make Me Laugh. 你让我开怀大笑。You Brighten My Day. 你让我今天增辉不少。I Respect You. 我崇敬你。Thats Correct. 正确。Youre A Joy. 你真让人高兴。You Made My Day. 你今天真让我高兴。Thats The Best. 真出色。A Big Hug. 热情拥抱你。A Big Kiss. 亲吻你。Say I Love You! 我要说,我爱你!回应赞扬和表扬常用的句子:You flatter me. 你过奖了。Id like to say I cant take all the credit. I had lots of help. 我得说这不能全算我的功劳,我得到了许多人的帮助。Im glad to hear it. 我很荣幸。Its nice of you to say so.谢谢你这么说。Ah, no big deal. 哦,没什么大不了的。It was nothing. 没什么。I did what I did because of you. 我是为了你做了之前的那些事。I could not have done it without your help. 没有你们的帮助我做不了这个的。Without your support I could never have done this incredibly difficult task. 没有你们的支持我绝不能完成这样极其困难的任务。批评别人常用的句子:Tell me what you did wrong. 告诉我你做错了什么。You were wrong to take the car without permission. 你未经许可就把车开走是不应该的。When your mother scolds you, you shouldnt answer ( her ) back. 你妈妈责备你时, 你不应该顶嘴。Ah, heck! Another mistake. 真见鬼! 又错了。What is wrong with you, acting like that. 你是怎么回事,竟然做出那种事。Why not and apologize? 你干嘛不认错道歉?You know you have been doing wrong. 你知道你做错了。Why not climb down and apologize? 你干吗不认错道歉?You have done wrong but I shall look over it this time. 你做错了,但这次我可以原谅你。You made mistakes yourself and now you put the blame on me. 你做错了,倒转来怪我。回应批评常用的句子:I did it in error. 我做错了这件事。I did it by mistake. 我一时搞错了才这样做。What have I done wrong? 我做错了什么?In what have I offended? 我哪里做错了?Where have we gone wrong? 我们哪里做错了?Its dinner time, not lecture time. 这是晚饭时间,不是听批评的时间。Dont turn dinner time into lecture time. 不要把晚饭时间变成批评时间。
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