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. -七年级上册重点句Unit 1 Topic l Wele to China!重点句1.Good morning!早上好Good afternoon!下午好Good evening!晚上好 2.Hello!/Hi!你好3.-Wele to China!欢送来到中国-Thank youThanks4.Im Kangkang我是康康5. -Are you Michael 你是迈克尔吗.-Yes,I amNo,Im not是的,我是。/不,我不是。6.-Nice to meetsee you见到你很快乐 -Nice to meetsee you,too见到你我也很快乐 7.Mom,this is my teacher, Mr. Brown妈妈,这是我的教师,布朗先生。8.-How do you do 你好 -How do you do 你好9. -How are you 你好吗. -Fine,thanksIm fine,thank youAnd you我很好,你呢.10. -Goodbye 再见 -ByeUnit 1 Topic 2 Where are you from 重点句1.-E*cuse meare you Jane 请问,你是简吗. -Yes,I amNo,Im not是的,我是。/不,我不是2. -Whats your name 你叫什么名字. -My name is Sally.我的名字叫莎莉3. -Where are you from 你来自哪里. -Im from Canada我来自加拿大4. Are you from Canada, too.你也来自加拿大吗.5. - Is she Jane. 她是简吗. -Yes,she is 是的,她是。-Is he Li Ming 他是明吗. -No,he isnt不,他不是。6. -Who is he/she 他/她是谁 -He/ She is 他/她是7. -Who are they 她们是谁. -Theyre Maria and Jane她们是玛利亚和简8. -Whats your telephone number 你的是多少.-My telephone number is/ It is 是9. -Thank you very much. 非常感- Thats OK. = Youre wele. 不用。Unit 1 Topic 3 How old are you 重点句(1) How old are you 你几岁.Im twelve, too. 我也十二岁。(2) What class are you in 你在几班.Im in Class Four, Grade Seven. 我在七年四班。(3) How old is she 她几岁.She is fourteen. 她十四岁。(4) What grade is she in 她在哪个年级Shes in Grade Eight. 她在八年级。(5) How do you spell it 你怎么拼它.E-R-A-S-E-R, eraser. E-R-A-S-E-R, eraser. (6) Can you spell it, please 请问你能拼写它吗.Yes. M-A-P, map. 是的,我能,M-A-P, map. (7) Thank you./Thanks. 。Thats OK./Youre wele. 不用。(8) Whats this/that in English 这/那个用英语怎么说.Its an eraser/a map. 它是一个橡皮擦/一地图。What are these/those 这些/那些是什么.Theyre books/apples. 他们是书/苹果。(9) Is this/that a telephone 这个/那个是一个吗.Yes, it is./No, it isnt. 是的,它是。/不,它不是。Are these/those oranges 这些/那些是橘子吗.Yes, they are./No, they arent. 是的,他们是。/ 不,他们不是10. Let me help you. 让我帮你。 Thank you very much./Thanks. 你。Unit 2 Topic 1 I have a small nose. 重点句1. I have a small nose, but he has a big one. 我有一个小鼻子,而他有个大鼻子。2. Who is your favorite actor 谁是你最喜欢的演员.3.Hes Chinese and he has a big nose. 他是个中国人,而且他有个大鼻子。4. - Does he have a wide mouth - Yes, he does.- 他有大嘴巴吗. - 是的,他有。5. His hair is short. = He has short hair.他的头发短。= 他有短头发。6. I am a boy.我是个男孩。7. She has a small face, big eyes and a small nose.她有一小脸,一双大眼睛和一个小鼻子8. I e from England.我来自英国。= I am from England.9. We are in the same school, but in different grades.我们在同一个学校,但在不同的年级。Unit2 Topic2 What does she look like 重点句1. -Who is that boy 那个男孩是谁. -Oh, hes my friend, Yukio. 哦,他是我的朋友,由纪夫。2. But you look the same. 但是你们看起来很像。3. We haveblack hair and black eyes. 我们都长着黑色的头发和黑色的眼睛。4. We dont look the same, but were good friends.虽然我们看起来不一样,但我们是好朋友!5. Please give this letter to Maria. 请把这封信给玛利亚。6. Sorry. I dont know her. 对不起,我不认识她。7. What does she look like 她长得什么样.8. She is tall and she has short brown hair. 她个子高,她长着短棕色的头发。9. Ill give it to her. 我会把信给她的。10. He is old, but he doesnt have gray hair. 他老但他没有白发。11. I want to buy a T-shirt, a cap, a pair of shoes. 我想买一件T恤衫,一顶帽子,一双鞋。12. -What color is that T-shirt 那件T恤衫是什么颜色的。 -Its red. 是红色的。13. What color are these shoes 这些鞋是什么颜色的. -They are green. 是绿色的。14. Look at this photo. 看这照片。15. The girl in a yellow dress is Maria. 穿黄色连裙子的女孩是玛利亚。16. Jane is in a purple T-shirt and a pink skirt. 简穿着一件紫色的T恤衫和一条粉色的裙子。17. His pants are blue. 他的裤子是蓝色的。18. They are good friends and they look happy. 他们是好朋友,他们看起来很开心。19. The boy ne*t to me is my good friend, Michael. 在我近旁的男孩是我的好朋友,迈克尔。Unit2 Topic3 Whose jacket is this重点句1.- Is this your cap 这是你的帽子吗. -No, its not mine. 不,它不是我的。2. -Whose cap is it ,then 则, 它是谁的帽子-Its Sallys 它是萨莉的。3Is this cap yours 这个帽子是你的吗.4.- Whose bike is this 这是谁的自行车. - It s his bike.= Its his. 这是他的自行车。5. -Whose cat is that 那是谁的猫. - It s her cat.= Its hers. 那是她的猫。6.-Whose shoes are those 那些是谁的鞋子. - Theyre our shoes. Theyre ours. 那些是我们的鞋子。7. I think its Kangkangs. 我认为它是康康的。8. My jacket is blue and white. 我的夹克是蓝白相间。9. I have a new classmate. 我有一个新同学。10. We look the same, but we are in different clothes. 我们长得一样,但是我们穿着不同的衣服。11. Please help us find him. 请帮我们找到他。Unit 3 Topic1 Does he speak Chinese 重点句1.Could you pleasetell me your name 你能告诉我你的名字吗.Sure. My name is Jane. 当然,我的名字是简。2. He can speak some Chinese. 他会讲一些中文。3. Do you like Chinese 你喜欢中文吗.Yes, I do. 是,我喜欢。4. But my Chinese is not very go
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