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1现在完成时态的构成:A 肯定式 主语+助动词have/has +过去分词+其它。这里的have/ has是助动词,没有什么具体的意义,当主语是第三人称单数时助动词用has .其余的人称时 用have .have/has的缩略形式是ve,或s .规则的动词的过去分词的构成 和 过去式的构成方式是一样的,不规则的动词的过去分词可参看不规则动词表。例如:We have /We ve just copied all the new words.She has /Shes lost her books.B 否定式 主语+助动词have/has +not +过去分词+其它。have not= havent has not=hasnt .肯定句中有 some already时,改为否定时要分别改为any ,yet.有时 not可用never代替,表示:从来没有。例如:I have nV fin ished my homework yet.(我还没有完成我的作业)She hasnV=She hasspoken to a foreigner .(她还没有和外国人说过话) n ever spoke n to a foreig ner .C 一般疑问式already 改为 any助动词have/has +主语+过去分词+其它?同时要把句中的 some 和yet .肯疋的回答是Yes,主语+have /has .否疋的回答是 No ,主语+have nV/ has nV .有时 也可用 No, not yet /No ,n ever /No .not even once . 例如: Have you ever made dumpings?(你曾经做过饺子吗)Yes , I have . No ,I have nV.NO, n ever.现在完成时的用法:1 .表示过去发生的或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响和结果。常和时间副词already(已经)。yet(还, far (到目前为止) 几年或月)例如:已经),just(刚刚).ever (曾经).before (以前).never (从不).somany times (很多次数).in the last /past few years/ mon ths (在过去的1 o I ve already read the book .我已经读过这本书了2. She has washed her clothes ma ny times.我洗了衣服很多次了2表示从过去某个时间开始的动作或状态一直持续到现在,常和for .since引导的时间状语从句 连用。注意for+时间段。Since+时间点(从句中常用一般过去式)例女口 ;I have lea ned En glishfor 5 years.=I have lea ned En glish si nee 5years ago .She has lived here since she was born.用所给的词的适当的形式填空:1already(see) the film . I- (see) it last week.2 .he (fin ish) his work ? Not yet .3 .My father -just -(come) back from work .He is tired now.4 .So far I (make) quite a few friends here .5 .Our country(cha nge) a lot in thelast few years .6 .His brother(be) in the hospital for three years.7 .Li Tao-(know) me ) here。 since I-(come8 。 They -(not cut) the wood yet .9 .Have you (do) yourhomework yet ?Yes , I (do) it an hour ago .10 . Where is Miss Wu ?She (go) to En gla nd on bus in ess.单项选择1 .He willbe back- twoweeks .A. i nB.for C. sinceD. After2.Have youreadthesebooks ? Yes , I -(read)it three daysago .A . Haveread B.readC have doneD did3.Ihave ntwateredthe |plants. I have todo it in ami nute.A .alreadyB .yetC .justD. Ever4 .Have youwatered theflowers today ?Not-.I m sorry.A . AlreadyB . yetC .stillD . either5 .Have your - me t Mr .Li? A .before B just C ago D a mome nt ago6. Harry Potter is a very nice film -it twice . A will B have see n c saw D see7. you - your it homework ?Yes , I -it a mome nt ago .8. A D id , do ,fini shed B Have , done ,fini shed C Have , done ,have fini shed D will , do finish9.Inthe lasttwo years ,they -threemajorcon certs.A.have madeB madeC had hadD .have10.H e -to drawhorsesalready.When -hestart tolear n? Lastyear.Aearned,has B.learned ,did C.has learned , has D .has learned ,did11 .I have never been to a water park .1 .Ae B .Neither have C So have D So am .So hav句型转换: 1.He has never swam ,(改成反意疑问句)2.Her mother has been a Party member for three years(同义句) Her mother -the Party member three years -3.I bought a new bike just now (用 just 改写)Ijusta new bike.4. Shes already gone to America (改为否定句)She to America .5 .They have ever been to an English -speaking country .(改为一般疑 问句) they ever to an En glish-speak ing country ?6.She has been a flight attendant for two years .(戈U线部分提问) she a flightatte ndant?备注:have / has been to 禾口 have /has gone to 的区另UHave /has bee n to 表示某人去过某地。说话时已经回来了。例如:Have you been to Nanjing?你曾今去过南京吗?Yes , I have .是的,我去过。Have /has gone to 表示某人去了某地,HasYes例如:单选说话时还没有回来。例如:Tom go ne to Nanji ng ?汤姆去了南京吗? ,he has .是的。他去了。我从没有去过上海I你去过长城吗? you ever他去哪里了?我找不到他。Where我去年去了那个公园的I1; Where your father ? Heto Shan ghai .to the Great Wall? I cant find him.hethe park last Hethereyear .twice before .A hasgone ,has gone B hasbee n,has goneC hasgone ,has bee nD hasbee n,has been2.1 likeyouto tell someth ingaboutShe nNon gjia .-1,msorry,but n either Jacknor I-there .A.havebee nB.had bee nC.havegoneD.has gone3.Althoughi he has nt to America,heknows alot about it.A.bee nB.g oneC.we ntD go4.you-tothe capital ?No ,I-I there earlyn extmon th.A Have,been . have ntam,goi ngB.Had,been . hadn C.Havegone ,have ntwasgoi ngD .Did go. didn5.Is Jameathome ? No , he-Ya antobea volunteer.A.hasgoneto B. Has bee nto C.Is goi ngto D.was going toto Korea .,amwasJim 6.The bookbebecause hison the it.goi nggoi ngn ame isA.mustB.ca nC. may D.n eed7.I think-aloudis a goodway to improveyourspeak ingA. Liste n to B. Liste ning toC. To liste nD. tolistento8.who does thisbook b
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