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沈阳理工大学机械制造系摘 要本次设计主要任务是对解放牌汽车半轴端部三个孔进行的钻、扩、铰加工,以及四个工位的卧式组合机床的设计,主要完成是组合机床三图一卡和多轴箱的设计,另加一套随行夹具的设计,组合机床电气液压系统部分的控制。组合机床是根据工件加工需要,由大量通用的部件为基础,配以少量的专用部件组成的一种高效专用机床。它的加工工序集中,它能够实现对一种零件进行多刀、多轴、多面、多工位的自动加工。在机床上可以进行钻孔、扩孔、铰孔以及倒角、切槽、攻螺纹、滚压孔等,也可以进行平面加工,包括铣平面、刮平面、端面等工序。其生产率高,加工精度稳定,研制周期短,便于设计,制造和使用维护,成本低等特点广泛应用在生产中。本次设计除要对组合机床的机械本体部分进行设计,同时还对组合机床的液压系统和电气系统进行设计,根据指导老师的要求,在这里我采用PLC对机床进行控制。其中在说明书中具体写了卡具设计步骤以及夹紧力的计算,选用标准参数选取零件,在通过强度计算保证整个卡具在工作中的稳定性。液压系统的设计主要是满足机床的动作要求来设计出的系统,我认真计算了液压系统的活塞总压力,计算了液压缸结构尺寸以及工作压力,油泵的工作的实际压力。对液压泵电机进行选择。电气系统的设计就是运用机电传动的知识,即PLC系统进行控制,PLC控制系统我采用西门子系统实现的机床动作。关键词:液压缸,液压滑台,液压站,弯曲成形,机电液 AbstractThis design primary mission is carries on to the liberation trademark automobile rear axle nose three holes drills, expands, the articulation processing, as well as four locations horizontal type aggregate machine-tools design, mainly completes is an aggregate machine-tool three charts card and the multi- axle-boxes design, adds separately a set to accompany the jig the design, the aggregate machine-tool electricity hydraulic system partial controls.The aggregate machine-tool is according to the work piece processing need, by the massive general parts is the foundation, matches one kind of highly effective special purpose machine which composes by the few special-purpose parts. Its processing working procedure is centralized, it can realize to one kind of components carries on the multi- knives, multiple spindle, the multi- surface, the multi-locations automatic processing. May carry on the drill hole on the engine bed, drill out, reams as well as the bevel edge, the grooving, the tapping, rollings the hole and so on, also may carry on the plane processing, including working procedure and so on mill plane, plane of surface scraping, end surface. Its productivity high, processing precision stable, the development cycle is short, is advantageous for the design, the manufacture and the use maintenance, the cost low status characteristic widespread application in the production.This design except must partially carry on the design to the aggregate machine-tool mechanical main body, meanwhile carries on the design to the aggregate machine-tool hydraulic system and the electrical system, according to instructs teachers request, uses PLC in here me to carryon the control to the engine bed. Has written the clamping apparatus design procedure specifically in the instruction booklet as well as clamps the strength the computation, selects the standard parameters election components, in through strength calculation guarantee entire clamping apparatus in work stability.The hydraulic system design mainly satisfies the system which the engine bed the movement requests to design, I have earnestly calculated the hydraulic system piston general pressure, has calculated the hydraulic cylinder structure size as wellas the working pressure, the oil pump work actual pressure. Carries on the choice to the hydraulic pump electrical machinery.The electrical system design is the utilization mechanical and electrical transmission knowledge, namely the PLC system carries on the control, the PLC control system I uses the Simens system realization the engine bed movement.Key word: Hydraulic cylinder, hydraulic pressure sliding table, hydraulic pressure station, curving forming, machine battery solution前 言毕业设计是学生的最后一个教学环节。在实际工程设计中,我们可以用到所学过的理论基础,技术基础,专业课等方面的知识进行全面的训练,为将来做好机械设计工程师的工作,提供全面的锻炼机会。我们这次毕业设计题目,是结合老师的具体研制项目设立的,结合所学机械各方面知识,在老师指导下,查阅许多手册,经过不断的改进,最终设计出了加工半轴的组合机床以及随行卡具设计,从而避免了加工质量差,生产效率低,设备昂贵的问题。我此次毕业设计的任务是组合机床设计,在张老师的辅导下,对原有的零件进行分析,结合参考书完成了设计任务。经过正确的计算,5张半零号图纸,符合工作量的要求。通过这次毕业设计,我在计算,制图,公差与技术测量,机械原理,机械设计,金属材料与热处理,机械制造工艺方面的知识都受到全面的综合训练,在机电液的结合方面使我都有所涉及。特别是张老师在工作中对我的耐心辅导,他对学生强烈的责任感和严谨的治学态度,给我留下深刻的影响。由于类似的大型课题第一次接触,经验能力方面的欠缺,错误之处一定存在,恳请各位老师给予批评指正。沈阳理工大学机械制造系目 录第1章 汽车半轴的机械加工11.1确定生产纲领、生产类型、工艺特征11.2确定毛坯及材料的选择11.2.1查阅资料可知零件的技术要求及结构工艺性:11.2.2、确定毛坯及材料的选择11.2.3确定工艺路线1第2章 组合机床方案的制订32.1影响组合机床方案制定的主要因素32.1.1被加工零件的加工精度32.1.2被加工零件的特点32.1.3零件的生产批量42.1.4机床使用条件42.2组合机床制定工艺方案应考虑的问题42.2.1工艺方案的原则42.2.2工序集中与分散的处理5第3章 组合机床三图一卡具体设计63.1被加工零件工序的作用及内容63.2被加工零件工序图63.3加工示意图73.3.1加工示意图的作用和内容73.3.2加工示意图的画法及注意事项73.3.3初定主轴类型、尺寸、外伸长度和选择接杆83.3.4确定各工序的切削用量93.4机床联系尺寸总图123.4.1、联系尺寸总图的作用与内容123.4.2绘制机床联系尺寸总图之前应确定的主要内容123.5机床生产率计算卡13第4章 组合机床主轴箱的设计144.1绘制多轴箱设计的原始依据144.2主轴、齿轮的确定144.3多轴箱传动设计154.3.1本次设计对多轴箱传动系统的一般要求154.3.2参照所画主轴箱图,其传动树154.3.3润滑泵轴和手柄轴的安置164.4主轴的坐标位置16第5章 随行卡具的设计175.1机床夹具设计175.1.1机床夹具概论175.1.3确定工件的夹紧方式和设计夹紧装置以及卡紧力计算18第6章 液压系统的设计186.1液压系统图的设计及说明186.2液压系统计算206.2.1 液压缸设计计算步骤206.2.2液压缸性能参数的计算21第7章 组合机床的电气系统217.1 PLC梯形图的设计步骤217.1.1PLC梯形图的设计一般分为以下几个步骤:217.1.2电气接线图和PLC程序的说明22结 论25谢 辞26参考文献2717 第1章 汽车半轴的机械加工1.1确定生产纲领、生产类型、工艺特征首先分析、研究被加工零件,通过认真阅读被加工零件图样,研究被加工
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