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雅思写作的题目范围不会超过八大类别:“EIGHTS”.其中, E代表教育文化(Education&Culture)、经济(Economy)、和环境(Environment), I代表国际交流(International Exchange),G代表政府政治(Government), H代表健康问题(Health),T代表科技(Technology), S 代表社会(Society).在头脑风暴(brainstorming)的部分,我们以专题模块的形式展开,这样有利于对提醒类别的把握。Module 1 EducationTopic 1 Overseas StudyAdvantages:1. New challenges, new opportunities, new experiences and new friends.2.Receive a different education. Have easy access to the first-rate facilities and get oneself acquainted with the latest development in science and technology.3.If you want to try something new or experience a new culture, this is the best time for you to take advantage of constructive years out and really have fun.4. Overseas students are often described as more confident, independent, and worldly wise than their home land counterparts. These qualities will help you to stand out from the crowd.5.Overseas study is now an immerse asset in the competitive job market. Some of the qualities gained from going abroad include greater global awareness, language learning, cross-cultural communication, enhanced independence, improved self-confidence and adaptability.6.Studying abroad is the ideal chance to travel, make new friends, expand your horizons and learn more about both the world and yourself. It may help you to realize what you want to do in your career, plus youll have time to think about what you want to achieve. It also gives you responsibility, useful work experience and helps you to integrate with other people.Disadvantages:1. A outflow of talents, because many of them wont return after graduation.2.Suffer from psychological problems: loneliness, homesickness, disorientation, depression, and inferiority complex. 3.A great financial strain: costly tuition fee and higher living expenses. Managing on a limited budget is a challenge for most. Students may have to pay for education and living expenses, find a reasonable place to live and, in some cases, a part time job to supplement any scholarship or money from home.4.Language barrier. Find it hard to follow the native speakers and can not quite understand what the teachers say in class. Even some of the students who have been educated in an English language school have problems communicating freely at university level. 5.Experience cultural shock for lack of adequate knowledge of the customs and the lifestyle of the local people. Differences in the style and traditions of learning between Western and Asian countries frequently cause difficulty.6.Many overseas students find it difficult to adapt to western notions of independent thinking and learning. Students from some countries may also have difficulty because they lack experience in using well-equipped libraries and laboratories.Topic 2 Tele-educationFor:1.Improve the flexibility of learning in terms of space, time, choice of content or teaching resources.2.Open up vocational options for people who, for a variety of reasons, are unable to attend conventional training centers. 3.Very economical and save social resources because the administration is almost computerized.4.For teachers, distance education is like tele-work which can provide a flexible work environment and offer reductions in commuting time, as well as with food and transportation cost. This can help overworked teachers to balance their work and personal lives, and help them become more productive.5.Many on-line students find that distance education lets them control what they wish to learn, when they want and wherever they want. This further enhances its appeal to fit in with busy lifestyles.6.Distance education can actually improve student learning motivation and interactivity. Studying in more flexible and friendly environments can improve the balance between students schoolwork and their lives, and reduce stress and absenteeism.7.Distance education can also accommodate disabled students who often find it difficult to access educational opportunities.8.The child has the advantage of working at his own speed without constant competition from other children.Against:1.Face-to-face contact can not be replaced. In traditional classroom, students and teachers can communicate directly and freely.2.It may lead to some side-effects such as psychological problem like isolation, selfishness, self-centeredness, stubbornness.3.Students receiving tele-education tend to be socially unadaptable, lacking the necessary interpersonal skills.4.Students fail to cultivate teamwork spirit, cooperation and competition.5.In traditional classroom, by discussing with the classmates and exchanging ideas with the teacher, students learn how to share the ideas or methods with each other and how to cooperate with each other to seek a better solution.6.Some of the biggest downsides seem to be the potential for isolation, distraction and hindered social development. So some say they would be bored without this interaction, and
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