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2022年一年级英语上册Unit8PlaytimeLesson5教案沪教牛津版教学目标:知识与技能目标:学习绕口令,掌握短语showto过程与方法目标: 1用TPR教学法,使学生听听作作。2运用小组讨论法,使学生通过小组讨论学习,掌握本课对话。情感态度与价值观目标: 1任务性教学法:通过本课的学习,对西方文化习惯有初步了解。 2使学生有正确的英语学习的动机,明确英语学习的目的,更好的沟通表达。教学重点:能够替换绕令中的词教学准备:挂图,录音机教学过程:一、组织教学: Sing an English song.二、复习导入: Flash picture cards and word cards of this unit. Let students say or read the words. Gradually increase the tempo so that students have to say or read faster. Make it into a race.三、讲授新知: 1.Say the tongue-twister yourself putting special emphasis on the words “boy”, “ball” and “doll”. Let students copy you. 2听口令做动作Show me your pencil. Show me your ruler. Show me you ball to me. 边说边做动作,示意学生showto的含义。3. Invite all the girls to say the first line and all the boys to say the second line.4听磁带跟读, 通过跟读,模仿等形式,使每个学生都有机会传东西或回答,练习对话的机会。四、巩固操练:1. 用girl , balloon 替换boy, ball进行改编绕口令2. Say the tongue-twister together while doing the actions. 通过儿歌练习,让学生做出相应的动作,真正做到寓教于乐。 3. Ss practice the modified tongue-twister. 五小结,作业: 听磁带复习绕口令,能够背诵。六、板书设计:Lets enjoy:Tongue twisterThe boy shows the ball to the doll.The little boy shoes the little ball to the little doll.Unit 9 Revision附送:2022年一年级英语上册Unit8PlaytimePeriod2教案沪教牛津版Teaching contents: Lets talk.(Page 38)Teaching aims:知识目标:Using formulaic expressions to indicate possession.能力目标:Using pronouns to identify people.情感目标:Difficult and key points: Understand general ideas of utterance.Teaching aids: Tape, slides, pictures, recorder.Teaching procedure:教学步骤方法与手段补充与修改Warming-up1. Sing a song.2. Daily talk.RevisionRead the words:book pen six rubber pencil rubber taro bean leaf moon mooncake one two brother father sister mother mePresentationStep one1. Hold up the cards for “slide” “swing” and “doll”. Ask: What is this? It is a slide.2. Hold up a picture of a playground.Step two1. Put up the wallchart on the board. Discuss with pupils what things can be found in the playground.2. Have a boy and a girl stand in the front. Give the boy a toy bicycle. Point to him and say: He has got a bicycle. Give the girl a balloon. Point to her and say: She has got a balloon. Listen to the tape and repeat.ConsolidationUse other objects and get pupil to e up in turns so that can say: He/she has got a课后随笔成功与经验。板书设计思考与对策。
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