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新编英语语法教程主要章节语法术语Introduction: Grammatical Hierarchy (导论一语法层次)1 / 16L MorphemeFree morpheme自由词2. Parts ofspeech (word class)Simple words 简单词Derivatives派生词Compounds复合词*(1) Classification in terms of ivord foiniationOpen-class words (content words) , some, any, exch, every, enough, either? neither3. ArticlesArticle is a major group of determiners used to delimit the scope of reference of nouns (主要用来限定名词的指称范围).TypesFunctions口口rDefinite: the V7! Generic referencex/磔指) / /x Specific referenceArticles Zero: O(春指)./ _二& UncertainIndefinite: a/an*p. 74, 7. 1. 3,冠词的确定特指(definite specific reference)分为前照应特指 (cataphoric specific reference) 后照应特指 (anaphoric specific reference) 和语境特指(situational reference),这及后面的代词照应(pronoun reference p. 104,9.3)在术语上略有不同。Lecture 5 Pronoun (L8-9)1. Classification/Personal Pron (人称代词):I/me, vve/us, you, he/him, she/her, it, they/themPossessives Pron (物主代词):mine5 ours, yours5 his, hers, theirsReflexive Pron (反身代词):myself, ourselves yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselvesPron Reciprocal Pron (相互代词):each other, one anotherDemonstrative Pron (指示代词);this, that5 these5 those5 suchRelative Pron (关系代词):that, who, what, which, -everInterrogative Pron (疑问代词);who, what, which, whose no-, others, another, many, much, few, little, all, half, a lot, either5 neither, the former/latter; one/Uvo/tliree/etc.; the first/second/last/etc.Antecedent 先行词2. The use of reflexive pronoun (-self)C Ob
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