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人教版初中英语试卷人教版初中英语试卷 一、单词拼写1.The air is _(新鲜的) in the countryside.2.Anna has two _(票) to the basketball game.3.There are two cups here. Which one do you want to _(选择)?4.Alices aunt and uncle are both _(记者).5.Tim sings English _(歌曲) better than Tom.6.I do my homework _(细致地) every day.二、翻译1.那家餐馆有最舒服的座位。The restaurant has _.2.邮局离火车站很近。The post office _the train station.3.到目前为止,你觉得你的新工作怎么样?How do you like your new job _?4.我们可以在这家服装店最便宜地买到衣服吗?Can we buy clothes _in this clothes store?5.在那家电影院,我们可以享受最大的.屏幕。We can enjoy _in that movie theater.三、七选五A:Morning, Allen.B:Morning.A: 1.B:Antonios.A: 2. Ginos has more delicious food than Antonios, and its cheaper than Antonios.B:But there are always many people in Ginos.A:Of course. 3.B:Well, I dont think so.A: 4.B:Oh, thats where you live.A:Sure. 5.A.Infact,thebestfoodintownisonGardenStreet.B.Whichdoyouthinkisthebestrestaurantintown?C.ButIthinkGinosisbetterthanit.D.Itsthemostpopularrestaurantintown.E.Noonescookingisasgoodasmymoms.四、句型转换1.Nobody is more creative than Jim. (改为同义句)Jim is _of all.2.按要求完成句子,每空一词Mary is thinner than the other two. (改为同义句)Mary is _the three.3.根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词我没有足够的钱了,因此我想买最便宜的衣服。I dont have enough money, so I want to buy _clothes.4.根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词三人中,Kitty喝了最少的牛奶。因此她想要另外一杯。Kitty has _milk of the three. So she wants another cup.
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