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九年级英语Unit 4 Topic 1 Fantastic trip湘教版【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:Unit 4 Magical Science 神奇的科学Topic 1 Fantastic trip 美妙的旅行section A 1. It took our countrys first astronaut, Yang Liwei, about 21 hours to go around the earth 14 times.我国第一名宇航员杨利伟用了大约21小时的时间绕地球飞行14圈。time如:几点啦?What time is it ?(时间,不可数名词)我去过北京几次。I have been to Beijing several times. (次数)这张桌子比那张桌子大两倍。This desk is two times bigger than that one. (倍数) 2. He landed successful at 6:23 on the morning of Oct 16, 2003.他于2003年10月16日凌晨6点23分成功着陆。on 与时间连用时,只用于指“某一天”或“某一天的上午、下午或晚上”的时间前。如:在星期天,on Sunday; 在星期天的上午,on Sunday morning; 在春节的晚上,on the evening of the Spring Festival; 在一个寒冷的冬天的早上,on a cold winter morning, 但是在早上要用in the morning 3. China has become the third nation to send people into space. 中国已成为第三个把人送入太空的国家。send into把送入类似的结构有send up into 如:中国再次把人造卫星成功地送入太空。China sent up man-made satellites into space successfully again. 4. Congratulations 祝贺你/你们,恭喜。Congratulations 做得好,祝贺你们,孩子们!Well done! Congratulations to you, Children!祝贺你考出好成绩Congratulations on your exam results! 5. Now big plans are being made to send up more satellites and even build a space station.现在中国正在精心策划发射更多的卫星甚至建造航天站。big 在此处为important and serious 意为“重大的,重要的,需认真对待的”are being made 构成现在进行时的被动语态“表示(某事)正在被做”,现在进行时的被动语态,其结构为“be + being +动词的过去分词”如:现在大量的树木正在被砍伐。A lot of trees are being cut down now.在我们学校另外一栋建筑物正在被修建。Another building is being built in our school. 6. Perhaps we can have an AmericanChinese flight!也许我们会有一次中美联合航行。perhaps 是副词,“也许,大概,可能”用来表示推测,含义与maybe 相同。或许它在你的口袋里。Perhaps it is in your pocket.= Maybe it is in your pocket. 7. Im moved by what Yang Liwei did. 杨利伟的所做所为让我非常感动。 be moved by 为而感动 同学们被这个可怜的小女孩的故事而感动。 The students are moved by this little poor girls story.Section B 1. Pleased to meet you. 很高兴认识你们。 相当于 Nice / Glad to meet you. be pleased 如:我们一向乐意能够帮助他人。 We are always pleased to be able to help others. 听到你的消息我很高兴。Im pleased to hear about your news. 她对考试成绩非常满意。She was very pleased with her exam results. 2. The temperature was kept between and . 温度保持在之间。 was kept 构成一般过去时的被动语态,它的结构为 was / were +动词的过去分词。 如:我们的教室是昨天打扫的。Our classroom was cleaned yesterday. 这幢大楼是去年建造的。This building was built last year. 3. We couldnt help looking at the earth again and again. 我们禁不住一次又一次观看地球。 cant / couldnt help doing sth 情不自禁,禁不住做某事,忍不住做某事。 当你看他的节目时,你会情不自禁大笑起来。 When you watch his program, you cant help laughing. 当他知道他通过了考试,他忍不住唱起歌来。 When he knew he had passed the exam, he couldnt help singing. again and again.一次又一次,屡次。 我已经一次又一次和他谈过了,但他不同意。 I have told him again and again , but he didnt agree. 他一次又一次地弹奏这首曲子,直到弹好为止。 He played the song again and again until he played it well. 4. I was able to fall asleep as soon as I got into the sleeping bag. We took turns to have a rest. 我一躺在睡袋中就睡着了,我们轮流休息。 as soon as 一就用于引导时间状语从句,如果主句是将来时,as soon as 引导的从句用一般现在时代替将来时。 如:我一到家就会打电话给你的。 Ill ring you up as soon as I get home. 你一见到那位姑娘你就会爱上她。 You will fall in love with the girl as soon as you see her. sleeping bag 睡袋sleeping 是动名词作定语 如:客厅:sitting room候车室:waiting room 购物单:shopping list take turns to do sth / doing sth. 轮流做某事 格林一家人轮流照看那个婴儿。 The Greens take turns to look after the baby. 你们要轮流当班长。Youll have to take turns being monitor of the class.Section C 1. There is no doubt that computers are widely used by workers in business and technology. 毫无疑问,电脑被商业科技工作者广泛应用。 no doubt 无疑地,没有疑问/ 勿庸置疑。 毫无疑问我们做得对。There is no doubt at all that we are right. 毫无疑问电脑是非常有用的。 There is no doubt that computers are very important. 2. As well as astronauts , pilots depend on computers to help them fly. 和宇航员一样,飞行员也依靠计算机帮助他们飞行。 depend on / upon 依靠,依赖 如:我们应该靠自己而不靠父母亲。 We should depend on ourselves, not our parents. 这个国家主要依靠旅游业。 This country depends on its tourist trade. 3. Computers are used in business to place and cancel orders. 计算机被用于商业下订单和取消订单。 place and cancel orders下订单和取消订单。 place on order for sth 订货,订单。 我想要订购十本这样的书。 I would like to place an order for ten copies of this book.Section D 1. Do you want to learn how to send and receive an e-mail? 你想学习怎样发送和接收电子邮件吗? send and receive 发送和接收。 你上个星期收到吉姆的来信吗? Did you receive the letter from Jim last week? 2. turn on your computer and connect to the Internet. 打开电脑连上因特网。 turn on 打开(各种开关)turn up 调高,开大 turn off 关闭(各种开关)turn down 调低,调小 3. Click on that, and a box will appear on your screen. 点击它,屏幕上会出现一个方框 click on 用鼠标点击 如:点击那个图标,屏幕上会出现一只可爱的小动物。 Click on that sign, a small lovely animal will appear on the screen.【模拟试题】(答题时间:30分钟)一. 单项选择。 ( )1. _ him 2 hours to finish the letter. A. It tookB
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