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阅读理解之猜词题专项训练一、根据前缀或后缀猜测词义Read the following sentences ,and guess the meaning of the Italicized words:1. An education enriches the mind .丰富 2. He did not write his composition well and the teacher told him to rewrite it.重写3. Mr.Smith unlocked the safe and took out five thousand dollars.开锁4. He had been overworking and fell sick at last.过于劳累5. We disapprove of middle-school students smoking cigarettes.不赞成6. At midnight ,several hours after the ship had left the port ,she ran intobad weather.午夜7. That country is underdeveloped and the living standard of the people is rather low.经济不发 达的8. It is impolite to turn your back on someone who is speaking to you.不礼貌的9. Those old people are very active in anti-pollution activities.反污染10. Dont let his friendly words mislead you into believing him.错误引导;误导二根据上下文中的同位关系推测词义ExerciseRead the following sentences ,and guess the meaning of the italicized words .1.Such experiences are not unusual for the amateur conchologists, people who collect shells.A.考古学家 B.批发商 C.贝类学者 D.集邮爱好者2.Advertisers often sponsor TV programs, that is, they pay the costs of producing the programs.A.购买 B.制作 C.赞助 D.出售3.Everyone showed apathy -a lack of interest -toward the problem.A.着迷 B.极感兴趣 C.缺乏兴趣 D.兴奋4There are basically two kinds of anesthetics: drugs that simply numb(使麻木) an area of the body and drugs that make you completely unconscious(失去知觉).A.麻醉剂 B.兴奋剂 C.止咳剂 D.抗生素5.When the people of La Gomera need to speak over a distance ,and ordinary speech is impossible ,they use the sible , the name of a whistled form of speech.A.测量仪 B.登山工具 C.口哨语言 D.玩具三根据上下文的同义关系推测词义利用上下文中的同义词或短语推测词义ExerciseRead the following sentences ,and guess the meaning of the Italicized words:1. Your gross or total weight must be within certain limits .A.少量的 B.四分之一的 C.部分的 D.全部的2. Carbon monoxide is a noxious gas. It can be extremely harmful to living things.A.有益的 B.清新的 C.有异味的 D.有害的3. It was futile trying to explain it to him. It was useless to keep talking to him about it.A清楚的 B.有益的 C.珍贵的 D.无用的4. There was little continuity in the program .There should have been a progression and flow of activities.A.反复 B.中断 C.连续性 D.反对5. It was a bad situation .He was a real hindrance on the trip. He caused one difficulty after another.A.合作者 B. 妨碍者 C.促进者 D.反对者四根据上下文的反义关系推测词义ExerciseRead the following sentences ,and guess the meaning of the Italicized words:1. To others the manager was caustic , yet he always sounded very pleasant to her .A.胆怯的 B.可爱的 C.刻薄的 D.温顺的2.Because it may be either socially beneficial or socially harmful to millions of people,it is necessary to examine that program carefully.A.勇敢的 B.整洁的 C.有害的 D.有益的3.Mark Twain was not the authors real name ;it was a pseudonym.A.选集 B.真名 C.编辑 D.笔名4.In the northern regions the winters are generally cold and humid ,and the summers hot and dry.A.寒冷的 B.潮湿的 C.炎热的 D.干燥的5.The big farms are getting bigger while the small ones are slowly dwindling.A.扩大 B.升值 C.缩小 D.贬值
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