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本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑小学英语小笑话中英对照_小学英语阅读中英对照 冷笑话是近几年新兴的一种语言现象,它轻松诙谐、别具一格,给我们紧急的生活增加了几分轻松的情趣,它一消失便受到了大多数人的宠爱。我细心收集了中英对比的学校英语小笑话,供大家观赏学习! 中英对比的学校英语小笑话篇1 A priest was hearing a womans confession When a drunk stumbled into the booth on the opposite side. As the priest was finishing with her he heard the drunk groaning as if in quite some pain. He slid open the other panel and asked Are you ok? All he heard was another groan. He asked again and the drunk finally replied, Yeah, I feel lots better. Do you have any toilet paper on your side? 一位牧师正在听一个妇女的忏悔,这时一个醉汉跌跌撞撞的走进了牧师另一边的暗箱。当牧师结束倾听那个妇女的忏悔以后他听到那个醉汉在.,那声音似乎是很苦痛的样子。牧师把另一边暗箱的门拉开问:你没事吧?这时他又听到了一声.。他又问了一遍后那个醉汉回答:没事,我感觉好多了。你那边有手纸没有? 中英对比的学校英语小笑话篇2 A man gets a telephone call from a doctor. The doctor says: About this medical test I did on you,I have some good news and some bad news. 一个男人接到一了一位医生打来的电话。医生说:是关于我给你做过的体检的事,有个好消息还有个坏消息。 The man asks for the good news first: 那个男人先要听好消息: The good news is that you have 24 hours to live, says the doctor. 好消息就是你还能活24小时。医生说。 The man, incredulously: If that is the good news, then what is the bad news? 那个男人觉得有些不行思议说:假如那叫做好消息的话,那坏消息是什么呢? I couldnt reach you on the phone yesterday. 我昨天打电话找不到你。 中英对比的学校英语小笑话篇3 Lifeguard: Ive been watching you sir, and you11 have to stop urinating in the pool. 救生员:我已经观看你很久了,先生,你不能往游泳池里小便。 Man: But everybody urinates in the pool. 男人:但每个人都在游泳池里小便呀。 Lifeguard: From the diving board? 救生员:从跳板_上吗? 看了中英对比的学校英语小笑话的人还看了: 1.最搞笑的英语小笑话十则 2.经典英文学校生幽默笑话 3.学校生英文爆笑小笑话大全 4.关于学校英语小笑话大全 5.关于学校英语笑话故事大全 第 1 页 共 1 页
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