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An Analysis of Tesss tragedy in Tess of the dUrbervillesAbstractTess of the DUrbervilles is one of the great works by Thomas Hardy. It is a great tragedy,which was published in 1891.This tragedy centers on Tess, a peasant girl born in a poor family. Everything happening has its causes. Tesss tragedy is also not accidental. There are several aspects about the causes. In this paper,I try to explore the causes for Tesss tragedy in three aspects: (1) the influence of fatalism; (2) the social factors concerned; and (3) Tesss dual personality.Key words: Tess of theDUrbervil;lTehsomas Hardy;tragedy; the causes摘要德伯家的苔丝是哈代的巨著之一,1891 年出版的一部悲剧。这部悲剧围绕 着出生在贫苦农民家庭的少女苔丝展开。一切万物皆有因果,苔丝的悲剧也不例 外。苔丝的悲剧结局并不是意外,有各个方面的原因所在。在这里,我将从以下 三个方面,即:哈代的宿命论,社会因素,和苔丝的性格来分析苔丝悲剧命运的 原因。关键字:德伯家的苔丝,哈代,悲剧,原因Table of ContentsAcknowledgementsiAbstractii摘要iiiTable of Contents 错误!未定义书签。Introduction 1Chapter OneHardys Fatalism in the Tragedy of Tess 31.1 The Development of Hardys Fatalism 31.2 Hardys Pessimitic Fatalism in Tess Tragedy 3Chapter Two The Social Factors in Tess Tragedy 52.1 The Social Environment and the Development of Capiatalism 52.2 Tess Poor Family and Her Parents Stupid Requirements of Tess 52.3 The Social Morality and its Influences on Tess 72.3.1 The Hypocritical Social Morality 72.3.2 The Influence of Moralism on Tess 82.4 Males Domination of Female 9Chapter Three Tess Personality in Her Tragedy 113.1 Tess Rebellion 113.2 Tess Weak Point in Character 13Conclusion 14Works Cited 15Introduction1 A brief introduction to Hardy1.1 Hardy and his life environmentThomas Hardy was a famous British novelist and poet in the nineteenth century. He carried forward and developed the literary traditions of the Victorian Age. He described the tragic plots vividly and truthfully in his works. He was considered as “Shakespeare of British novels”. Hardy was born in an a masons family in Drossier, southwest of England, the area that later became the famous “Wessex” in many of his novels .He was expected to become an architect by his parents, and then he was trained as an architect and worked in London and Dorset for ten years. Hardy began his writing career as a novelist in 1871 publishing Desperate Remedie计 出 无奈). He was soon successful and left architecture for writing. He became a great critical realist in the nineteenth century the Victorian Age, during which great changes had happened in the history of western civilization. As is well known, a great social reformation took place in Britain. The various social factors including religion, politics, science, influenced people and tried to transform their mentality. Capitalism was highly developed and stretched to the vast countryside, and the British people were struggling for a bright future bravely and difficultly. It was during this special period that Thomas Hardy inherited and developed the Victorian literature, producing a lot of great novels ,especially Tess of the DUrbervilles.In these novels,he exposed the hypocritical morals, laws and peoples miserable life, especially the womens life in social economic, politics, morals, custom, etc. after the invasion of industrial capitalism to the British villages.1.2 Hardys philosophical ideafatalism and his novelsIn Hardy life, he has written many novels. His major works are The Return of the Native (1878), The Mayor of Caster Bridge (1886), Tess of the DUrbervilles (1891), and Jude the Obscure (1896), the latter two considered masterpieces. Hardys novels are all set against the tough and frightful Dorset landscape (known as Wessex in the novels). The tragedy in his novels was certainly arranged by Gods will. No matter how hard people worked and resisted, they couldnt get rid of the domination. The characters of his novels, for the major part of the poorer rural classes, are sympathetically and often humorously portrayed. Their lives were ruled not only by nature but also by rigid Victorian social conventions. Hardys style is always pessimistic and tragic. His idea had been vividly expressed in his novels. Everything in his story leads to one inevitable tragic ending. Ones personality determines ones fate, as is thought, thus the heroes and heroines in Hardys novels are mostly rural men and women whose characters were provincial, tinted with the traits of rural peoplepassionate like fire, naive,innocent and narrow-minded which on one hand make them so lovely and worth sympathy, but contribute to their tragedy on the other hand.2 An tntroduction to the novel-Tess of the DUrbervillesAs is well known, Tess of the DUrbervilles is the most famous novel of Thomas Hardy. Focusing on the tragic experience of its heroine Tess, a peasant girl, who was born in a poor farmers family. She had lived a poor but peaceful life. However, God, began to play a cruel joke on this innocent girl when her father, John DUrbervilles learne
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