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牛津小学英语 6BUnit 1 Who is younger?单元教学内容简析:本单元主要话题是二种事物的比较。通过对话引出语言项目:形容词比较级。本单元A部分通过创设情景,三人之间聊天引出两种事物比较的话题。B部分主要学习常见形容词及其比较级。C部分和D部分是本单元的句型结构部分,重点学习句型及其答语Whostallerthan David?Whosebagisheavier, yoursormine? 要求学生能够四会掌握这些句型。E部分为Look, readandjudge.要求学生能根据所给的内容判断对错。F部分为游戏活动部分,要求学生在听听、看看、做做、玩玩中进行。G部分为语音部分,让学生了解字母组合or在单词中的读音。H部分是一首歌谣,要求学生能够会唱、并能配以动作进行表演。一、单元教学目标:1. 能正确地听、说、读、写词汇:tall, light, young, old, heavy.2. 能正确地听、说、读词汇:twin, minute, centimeter, child, cute, also, chat.3. 能听、说、读、写句型:Whos taller than David? Gao Shan is taller than David.4. 能正确地听、说、读日常交际用语:Im as tall as you. Su Yangs (twenty minutes) younger than Su Hai. Whose school bag is heavier, yours or mine?5. 了解字母组合or在单词中的读音。6. 会说英语童谣I wish I was taller。二、教学重点1会运用形容词的比较级。2能听、说、读、写四会单词、词组。3能正确理解、掌握对话内容并能朗读、表演对话。三、 教学难点1 能正确运用形容词的比较级2 会利用所学句型进行实际操练。四、 课时安排Part B. Look, read and learn; C. Work in pairs 第一课时Part A .Listen read and say (Page 6) 第二课时Part A. Listen read and say (Page 7) 第三课时Part D. Listen and write; E. Look, read and judge. 第四课时Part F. Play a game; G. Listen and repeat; H. Sing a song 第五课时精选推荐牛津小学英语 6BUnit 1 Who is younger?ThefirstPeriod(第一课时)一、教学内容义务教育课程标准实验教科书-牛津小学英语6B第一单元第一教时(B. Look, read and learn; C. Work in pairs.)二、 教学目标1 能正确听、说、读、写词汇tall, light, young, old, heavy.2 能正确地理解、掌握句型Whos taller than xxx? Whose school bag is heavier, yours or mine?3 初步掌握形容词的比较级。三、教学重点1 能正确听、说、读、写词汇tall, light, young, old, heavy.2 初步掌握形容词的比较级。四、教学难点1初步掌握形容词的比较级。2能正确地理解、掌握句型Whos taller than xxx? Whose school bag is heavier, yours or mine?五、课前准备1 教具准备:照片(或图片);依照课本制作多媒体课件。2 学生准备:学生的生活照片(合影)。3 板书准备:预先写好课题Unit 1 Who is younger?六、教学过程A. Free talk1 以Spring Festival为话题,引出师生或学生之间的交谈。2 在交流过程中,教师引出学生在节日期间的生活照片。3 通过照片,引出师生或学生之间的交谈,自然复习已学过的单词,如tall, short, strong, small等。B. Presentation and practice1 师生对话,复习巩固已学单词。T: Look at the photo. Whos he (she)?S: He (She) is xxx.T: Is xxx tall?S: No, xxx is short, and xx is tall.(板书:tall, short)教师那学生的铅笔(一支长,一支短)T: Which pencil is long? (教师把铅笔放在一起作比较)S: The red pencil is long. The green pencil is short.(板书:long)教师那学生的书包(一只大,一只小)T: This is xxs school bag. Thats xxxs school bag. They are very nice.S: xxs bag is big. xxxs bag is small.T: Good. You are very clever.精选推荐(板书:big, small)教师让学生到讲台前,分别拎一下两只书包。(其中一只书包很重)S: Oh, xxs school bag is very heavy.(教师打开书包)T: Oh. There are many books in it. So its very heavy.(板书:heavy)Unit 1 Who is younger?oldyoungtalllongshortstrongsmallbigfatthinheavy教师利用图片或实物复习,不断变换教学方法,新授Part B的单词old, young, tall, long, short, strong, big, small, fat, thin, heavy, 并将这些单词板书在黑板上。在教师辅导下,学生朗读以上单词并学会拼读。2 师生对话,学习句型Whos taller than xxx? Whose school bag is heavier, yours or mine? 和形容词的比较级。教师先请一位学生到讲台前(班里长得较高的一位同学)。T: Whos he (she)?S: He (she) is xxx.T: Is he (she) tall?S: Yes, he (she) is tall.教师再请一位同学到讲台前(比刚才一位稍高)。T: Whos he (she)?S: He (she) is xx.T: Is he (she) tall?S: Yes, he (she) is very tall.T: Whos taller than xx?S: xxx is.教室可利用照(图)片及实物,通过师生对话学习older, younger, longer, shorter, stronger, bigger, smaller, fatter, thinner, heavier. 并将这些单词逐步板书在黑板上。精选推荐Unit 1 Who is younger?oldyoungtalllong shortstrongsmallolderyoungertallerlongershorterstrongersmallerbigfatthinbiggerfatterthinnerheavyheavier3 教师创设情境或利用图片、食物,操练句型Whos taller than xx? Whose is heavier/ bigger/ smaller/ fatter/ thinner?C. Listen, read and practice1 看图片听录音。(让学生把书翻到P89,教师可将此页图制成多媒体出示。)2 同桌利用图片或实物,进行操练。D. Consolidation1 教师利用图片,请同学利用学过的句型及形容词比较级进行操练。2 课堂练习,教师给出形容词,让学生写出比较级。E. Homework1 听录音,用正确的语音语调朗读本课单词、句型。2 抄写要求掌握的单词和句型。3 能用新学句型及形容词比较级,根据实际情况进行会话。七、板书设计Unit 1 Who is younger?Whos taller than xxx? Whose school bag is heavier, yours or mine?oldyoungtalllong shortstrongsmallolderyoungertallerlongershorterstrongersmallerbigfatthinbiggerfatterthinnerheavyheavier本教案由苏州平江实验学校 刘佳 提供TheSecondPeriod(第二课时)一、 教学内容义务教育课程标准实验教科书牛津小学英语6B第一单元第二教时(A. Listen, read and say. P6)二、 教学目标1.巩固形容词比较级句型,并能在交际中口头运用比较级句型。2.掌握四会单词和词组go for a walk, cousin, have a chat, asas, twin sister., look the same, want to meet sb.3.能听懂会说句型Are you as tall as your? Su Yangs twenty minutes younger than me.精选推荐三、 教学重点1.巩固形容词比较级句型,并能在交际中口头运用比较级句型。2.掌握四会单词和词组go for a walk, cousin, have a chat, asas, twin sister., look the same, want to meet sb.3.能听懂会说句型Are you as tall as your? Su Yangs twenty minutes younger than me.四、教学难点能正确理解,掌握四会单词并能听懂会说句型Are you as tall as your? Su Yangs twenty minutes younger than me.五、课前准备4 教具准备:照片(或图片);依照课本制作多媒体课件。5 学生准备:照片。6 板书准备:预先写好课题Unit 1 Who is younger?六、教学过程F. Free talk通过图片和实物,引出师生或学生之间的
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