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Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands.Section AI. 交际运用从方框中选择正确选项、完成对话(方框中有一个选项与对话内容无关)A. They often shake hands instead of kissing each other.B. They often kiss each other.C. They are supposed to bow to each other.D. I am not sure.E. They arent supposed to shake hands.F. You are not supposed to put your bread on your plate.A: Do you know that people in different countries are suppose to do different things when they meet for the first time?B: 1. _ What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time?A: 2. _B: What are people supposed to do in Brazil?A: 3. _B: How about Americans?A: 4. _B: By the way, do you know any table manners in France?A: Yes. 5. _ You are supposed to put it on the table.B: Thanks for telling me these customs.A: Youre welcome.II.短文填空 从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文(方框中有两个选项是多余的)A. clock B. delicious C. Besides D. Japanese E. card F. calendar G. with H. business I. trouble J. long K. know about L. expectedSometimes business can take you out of your home country. That means you have to communicate with people from other cultures. So its important to 6. _ some international customs. Here are some special 7. _ customs.In France, if you dont speak French, thats OK, but you are 8. _ to say sorry for you cant communicate easily first. If you dont have time to learn French before doing business there, learning a few phrases or greetings can serve as a show of good faith ( 诚意). Also, be prepared for 9. _ meals in France. Lunch can last up to two hours long.Ser your 10. _ a little earlier when doing business in Australia. Being on time is very important when meeting to discuss business. If youre not going to be right on time, then you should arrive a bit early. Its quite impolite to be late.While the business 11. _ hasnt been so important in the US, THAT IS FAR FROM THE CASE IN Japan. When doing business with the Japanese, you should carry lots of business cards, which should be printed in both English and 12. _. The business card is held in very high regard in Japan. When giving your cards to others, you must pass them out 13. _ both hands, with the Japanese side facing up. When receiving a business card, you should accept it with both hands and thank them while doing so. 14. _, the business card should neverbe written on or played with during the meeting, as both are signs of disrespect.Left-handers( 左撇子 )may have some 15. _ doing business in the United Arab Emirates. In Middle Eastern countries, the left hand is considered unclean. It is important to eat, shake hands and pass things with the right hand only. Using the left hand to do any of those activities is a serious insult( 侮辱).III. 还原短文My name is Zhao Kai. Im from No. I Middle School, Jilin Province. In September, 2019 I got a chance to go to America as an exchange student. 16. _. I went to school on a crowded bus and there were lots of people. 17. _. After a few stops, an elderly foreigner got on the bus and stood just a few steps away from me.18. _. So I stood up and said to the man, “Sir, would you like my seat?” To my surprise, the gentleman smiled, shook his head and said, “Thank you.” 19. _. I felt very embarrassed and wondered why he had not accepted the seat, as most Chinese elderly people would.When I got home, I was told that if the gentleman had taken the sear, it would have meant he was old. Most Westerners of a certain age dont want others to think they are old. 20. _. Thus I got to know about a cultural difference between China and Western countries.根据短文内容,将正面方框内的句子还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整,通顺(每 个选项只能用一次)。A. Luckily, I got a seatB. He didnt accept my offerC. So I made a mistake that day, even though I meant to be politeD. It was a busy weekdayE. I know its good manners to offer the seat to the elderly when I am in ChinaSection BI. 综合阅读1. Making small talk is an important skill for many social situations. At business dinners, weddings and parties you need to carry on conversations with people you may not know well. Making small talk is an art that can be mastered. Heres some advice.2. If you go to a cocktail( 鸡尾酒) party, you dont have to read or take notes about it for months. You can try to come up with two or three topics. You would feel comfortable when talking about them. Try current events, a favorite trip youve taken or a common topic like cooking that most people are interested in. Ask questions that need a story instead of a one-word answer like “yes” or “no”.3. Begin small talk by making eye contact and offering the person a warm and inviting smile. This tells the other person you are open to a conversation. Eye contact with another person for 5 to 10 seconds shows curiosity and is considered friendly. However, never stare directly into another persons eyes too intensely, as this can ma
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