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摘 要矿井采区供电是否安全可靠和经济合理,将直接关系到每一位井下工人的人身安全和矿井的可持续发展,特别是在现代化的矿井生产中,随着生产规模的不断扩大和新煤层的不断勘探,为了满足生产发展的需要,本次设计根据新采区的实际情况,对其所需设备及供电线路等进行了设计,本设计是以东源公司羊场煤矿井下采区供电为对象,在遵照煤矿安全规程、矿山供电、矿井供电等矿井相关书籍的前提下进行设计的,根据新采区的实际情况,在相关技术员的指导下,深入生产现场,并查阅了有关设计资料、规程、规定,听取和收录了现场相关技术员的意见及经验,对采区所需设备的型号及供电线路等进行了设计计算。设计时充分考虑到技术经济的合理,安全的可靠。采用新技术、新产品,积极采取相应措施减少电能损耗,提高生产效率,并阐述了采区供电系统中各用电设备的选型及其计算过程,如变压器、电缆、开关的选择等,并对其进行了整定和校验,设计中比较详细地叙述了矿用电缆及电气设备的选定原则以及井下各种保护装置的选择和整定。关键词: 矿山供电; 矿井电缆选择; 井下保护ABSTRACTwhether the power supply of a pit collect area is safe and thrifty or not is affect workers person safety and the pits continued develop directly ,especially in the contemporary pits produce .Along with the scale of production is wider and wider and the exploration of the new coal bed is more and more profoundly. In order to content the need of the productions develop .This design is on the basis of the reality situation of the new mining area. We have made a design on all the equipment and the power supply line .The designs target is the power supply of Eastern Coal Cause Company Yang Chang. And this design is carried out by the premise of , , and so on .And this design is coincide with the reality situation of the new mining area. Before making it we looked around the site situation road some concerned books, rules, and formulate. When we made it we listen to the guide of concerned technician and listen to and take down the ideas and experience of the present technician .Besides we have made a plan of the equipment as well as its type. We fully think of the rationality of its technique and economy as well as its reliability of safety. We use new technology new produce and take some advanced measures to reduce the wastage of electric energy increase produce efficiency. Besides we have expounded the process of choosing power supply equipments type and their planning process such as transformer, electric cable switch and so on. We proofread and corrected them , related the principle of the electric cable and electric equipments decide as well as the principle of safe guard equipments choosing proofreading and correcting .Key words: pit power supply; the choose of electric cable ; the protection under the pit 目 录1 采区设计原始资料11.1 全矿概貌11.2 采区资料1 2采区变电所的变压器选择22.1 采区负荷计算22.2变压器容量计算32.3变压器的型号、容量、台数的确定33 采区变电所及工作面配电所位置的确定53.1 采区变电所位置53.2 工作面配电点的位置54采区供电系统的拟定64.1拟定供电系统的原则64.2按照采区供电系统的拟定原则确定供电系65采区低压电缆的选择85.1电缆选择原则85.2电缆型号的确定85.3电缆长度的确定85.4低压电缆截面的选择85.5. 采区电缆热稳定校验156 采区高压电缆的选择186.1选择原则186.2选择步骤187 采区低压控制电器的选择227.1电器选择按照下列一般原则227.2据已选定的电缆截面、长度来选择开关、起动器容量及整定计228低压保护装置的选择和整定248.1低压电网短路保护装置整定细则规定248.2保护装置的整定与校验249 高压配电箱的选择和整定309.1高压配电箱的选择原则309.2高压配电箱的选择309.3高压配电箱的整定和灵敏度的校验3110 井下漏电保护装置的选择3210.1井下漏电保护装置的作用3210.2漏电保护装置的选择3210.3井下漏电保护装置的要求3210.4井下检漏保护装置的整定32 11井下保护接地系统34设计总结36致 谢37参考文献38中国矿业大学成人教育学院2011届毕业设计1 采区设计原始资料1.1 全矿概貌1.1.1地质储量1527.56万吨;1.1.2矿井生产能力:设计能力45万t/年,实际数45万t/年;1.1.3年工作日:300天,日工作小时:14小时;1.1.4矿井电压等级及供电情况:该矿井供电电源进线采用双回路电源电压为35KV,变电所内设有630KVA,10/6.3变压器两台和400KVA,10/0.4变压器两台,承担井下和地面低压用电负荷。用两条高压电缆下井,电压等级均为6KV,经中央变电所供给采区变电所。1.2 采区资料1.2.1本矿井属低沼气矿井,采区倾角2328.1.2.2采煤方法:一般采用长壁后退式采煤方法,以炮采为主。1.2.3支护方法:掘进点向上山,石门及全岩巷道,以锚喷为主,工作面采用木支护。1.2.4煤炭运输系统: 工作面落煤经溜槽到1T(吨)矿车,由电瓶车运至中部车场翻车器翻入煤仓到下部车场装车,由电机车运到井底车场,再由绞车提到地面。1.2.5采区通风:新鲜风流由1800副斜井进风+1660运输大巷轨道下山采区工作面采区回风巷人行上山+1400回风平峒通风机房。1.2.6电压等级及主要设备:井下中央变电所的配出电压为6KV,采区主要用电设备采用660V电压,煤电钻和照明采用127V电压,主要设备见采区负荷统计表。2 采区变电所的变压器选择2.1 采区负荷计算:根据巷道、生产机械的布置情况,查煤矿井下供电设计指导书和矿井供电,查找有关技术数据,列出采区电气设备技术特征如表2-1、表2-2所示:表2-1 采区电气设备技术特征采区设备额定容量Pe(KW)额定电压Uc(V)额定电流Ie(A)额定起
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