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Real-Time Simulation with AMESimRev 9 -November 2009 xPC Target dSPACERT-LabLabcar RTPCCopyright ? LMS IMAGINE S.A. 1995-2009AMESim? is the registered trademark of LMS IMAGINE S.A.AMESet? is the registered trademark of LMS IMAGINE S.A.AMERun? is the registered trademark of LMS IMAGINE S.A.AMECustom? is the registered trademark of LMS IMAGINE S.A.LMS Imag in e.Lab is a registered trademark of LMS Intern ati onal N.V.LMS Virtual.Lab Motion is a registered trademark of LMS International N.V.ADAMS ? is a registered Un ited States trademark of MSC.Software Corporatio n.MATLAB and SIMULINK are registered trademarks of the Math Works, I nc.Modelica is a registered trademark of the Modelica Associati on.UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries exclusively lice nsed by X / Open Compa ny Ltd.Pytho n is a registered trademark ofthe Pyth on Software Foun dati on.Win dows is the registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporati on.All other product n ames are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective compa ni es.TABLE OF CONTENTS1. In troducti on12. System requireme nts13. Before starti ng with AMESim RT14. Installation and configuration of the AMESim RT option25. Getti ng started with AMESim RT45.1. M ODEL IN AMES IM45.2. AMES IM MODEL IMPORTED INTO SIMULINK55.3. G ENERATE CODE FOR REAL-TIMEPLATFORM81554 R UNNING THE SIMULATION ON THE REAL-TIMEPLATFORM15a Running the RT simulation on xPC Target .16b Running the RT simulation on a dSPACE platform16c Running the RT simulation on a RTLab platform17d Running the RT simulati on on a LabCar platform5.5. C HANGING PARAMETERS IN THE AMES IM MODEL ON THE REALTIME TARGET18a xPC18b dSPACE20c RTLab226. An example using exter nal data files227. Troubleshoot ing248. Known Limitatio ns25Real-Time with AMESim, xPC Target, dSPACE, RT-Lab andLabCar RTPCIn troducti onThe AMESim RT (Real-time option enables the export of an AMESim model to a real-time en vir onment such as dSPACE or xPC for use in hardware-i n-the-loop (HIL simulati on. HIL can be described as hav ing the physical part of a system (for in sta nee, part of a vehicle as a simulation while the electronic control unit (ECU is represented by either a product ion ECU or a prototype ECU. This will make it possible to test the ECU before putting it into a vehicle, this to eliminate bugs in the ECU in early stages of the developme nt.The AMESim RT product makes the process of creat ing a real-time simulatio n model simpler and faster. It must be no ted that the AMESim model mea nt for real-time ofte n n eeds to be reduced. There are a nu mber of tools in AMESim for assisti ng in this task, the most importa nt ones are:? Eige n value an alysis and modal shapes. If a model wilie)used with a sample freque ncy of 1 kHz there is no meaning in hav ing a model that simulates 1MHz dyn amics. There is a strict relati on ship betwee n the eige n values in a model and the time step it can be simulated with. For details about eigen-value analysis see Chapter 15.7 in the main AMESim man ual.? Activity index help-to find parts of the model that is not active and that can be removed. For details about this see Chapter 8 in the AMESim manu al.1. System requireme ntsThe AMESim real-time package depe nds on several differe nt software packages. This makes it impossible to support all pote ntial con figurati ons. The curre nt vers ion of AMESim is tested with:? RTLab 8.1.3: Matlab/Simuli nk/RTW 2006bRTLab 8.0.5: Matlab/Simuli nk/RTW R14sp3dSpace 5.0 : hAtlab/Simuli nk/RTW R14sp3? dSpace 6.0 : Matlab/Simuli nk/RTW R2007b? xPC Target: Matlab/Simuli nk/RTW/xPC R2009b? Labcar Operator 4.01 : Matlab/Simuli nk/RTW 2007bOther con figurati ons may work. The files that are versi on-depe ndent are no rmally the template makefiles (TMF files used by Real-Time Workshop.2. Before starti ng with AMESim RTIt is assumed that the reader is familiar with the use of AMESim .If this is not the case, we stro ngly suggest that you do the tutorial exercises of the AMESim manual before attempting the examples presented in this guide. Since AMESim RT is an exte nsion of the AMESim/Simuli nk in terface it is useful if reader is familiar also with this product.It is also assumed that the user is already used to the real-time en vir onment chose n. We recomme nd that the user at least goes through some of tutorial examples for the realtime en vir onment concern ed. Both AMESim and the real-time software are complex software that requires that a correct con figurati on to fun cti on. Havi ng successfully run through the basic tutorial examples for software is also a good indication that the installation and configuration of the software is correct.3. Installation and configuration of the AMESimRT opti onNote that a special license is required for using the AME
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