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新目标英语九年级(全一册)Unit 11单元教学设计设计者姓名:刘开锋联系方式:桂花中心学校QQ:778682183一、教学内容:Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?二、教材及学情分析:本单元围绕“礼貌地询问信息”来设计生活中常见的询问信息的话题。Section A1a呈现了本单元的语言素材,在此基础上设计了听力活动,PAIRWORK以及小组合作活动,师生对话活动,教师从听说角度训练了本单元的核心句型,并在Grammar Focus中进行了归纳总结。Section A1a所涉及的活动信息则先通过复习初一和初二学过的以“where”引导的特殊问句和情态动词“can”引导的一般疑问句来加强理解陈述语气与疑问语序,这为本单元学习宾语从句打下坚实的基础。Section A1b-2b及Section B2a-2b的听力练习先通过地点名词的单词教学,呈现了听力材料中所要用到的词汇;接着教给学生听的方法及听力内容大意,然后放录音让学生听本单元对话。这样可以从听觉上帮助学生掌握怎样礼貌的寻求信息。SectionA-1c、3b的内容则通过设计活动,对学生进行口语训练。Section A中的3a和Section B中3a及Page 92 的阅读则通过教师设置问题,让学生带着问题仔细阅读从而提高学生的阅读能力。由于学生在写作方面较为薄弱,因此Page91中的part2应予以重视,引导学生仔细观察右图进行写句子。Self Check是让学生通过活动对自己遣词造句能力及语言综合能力进行了自我评价。课后所选的阅读材料依然紧扣本单元的语言目标,学习掌握基本的礼貌的寻求信息句式,从而让语篇教学成为实现情感态度与价值观目标的有效载体。通过听、说、读、写,调动学生学习积极性,让学生明白:尊重别人就是尊重自己。三、单元整体目标分析1、知识与能力:1)To ask for information politely 2)To descrie location and give someone help .3)To review the structure “where +can sb+ V?” and the usage of “if ”.and “there be” 4)Students can san say sentences: “Can you tell me where I can do sth ?and Do you know if there is / are +n?.” 6) Key words: shampoo/ restroom/ drugstore/ restroom/ department /esclator magic/ fresh/ uncrowned/ organized/ dress up/ fresh/ clown /staff /market /lend /park /direct order/ wonder/ lead/ trouble etc. 2、过程与方法:Task-based approach.Learning by listening, speaking, cooperation. , writing.Encourage the students to speak in English.3、情感态度与价值观:1)Everybody needs to be respected.2)If you are friendly to others ,others will be more friendly to you .四、重点难点 1)Understand疑问语序和陈述语序。2)The language points above.3) Target language:Could you tell me where the restrooms are? Do you know if there are any public restrooms around here ?五、教学策略与教法选择依据本单元教材内容以及九年级学生的生活、学习实际,采用情景创设法、交际法和任务型语言教学法。可供借鉴的教学策略有:1直观形象的教学策略:教学要充分利用网络和多媒体。2创设情景,完全可以用生活中的案例。4.教学方法多变的教学策略。 六、课时及教学内容安排教学内容课时安排任务设计教法选择教学环境Section A1a.1b.1c.2a.2b.Grammar FocusPeriod1 45分钟1)学会用Excuse me礼貌的向别人提出请求;2)介绍”where I can 和where can I “的区别;3)Grammar Focus复习巩固相关表达和语法现象。视听法,交际法,认知法,任务型教学法多媒体SectionA 3a.3b.SectionB 1a.1b.2a.2b.2cPeriod245分钟1)复习相关词汇;2)学习礼貌的寻求信息2)听力训练进一步巩固宾语从句的用法。听说法,交际法,任务型教学法多媒体3a. and Self CheckPeriod345分钟1)通过任务型阅读培养学生获取信息的能力。2)学生遣词造句能力的培养。3)运用所学的知识向别人礼貌的提出请求任务型教学法。多媒体Reading: Could you please lend me your pen ?Period445分钟1)研读阅读策略:。2)读阅读材料以抓住大意为目标。带着文后习题阅读多媒体学习宾语从句Period445分钟通过例句讲解,引导学生理解宾语从句。讲练结合多媒体教学内容Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?课时The1st Period教学对象The students of Grade 9设计者刘开锋一、教材内容分析本节课是九年级全一册第十一单元第一课时。是在以前零星学习宾语从句基础上对宾语从句的的深入探讨。教材首先安排了八个生活实例,让学生予以判断在哪儿能做这些事儿,接着用听力训练及结对活动等形式予以巩固重点的语言结构(Could you please where I can +do sth?) 及if 的正确运用。If引导宾语从句和条件状语从句的不同。本节课内容体现温故知新,重在呈现相关句型和语言点,最后利用Grammar Focus帮助归纳。二、教学目标(知识与能力,情感态度与价值观)1. Knowledge aims: words: shampoo, magazine, dictionary, information ,stamps elevator escalator exchange money bookstore drugstore post office museum restroom . conversation: A: Excuse me, Could you please tell me where I can get a dictionary? B: Sure.theres a bookstore on River Road ?(3)The usage of” if”.2. Ability aims: Learn to ask information politely 3. Emotion aims: Learn to be friendly to others . 三、重点、难点1)怎样区分疑问语序和陈述语序2)if 引导宾语从句和条件状语从句(主句和从句的时态).四、教法选择与学法指导本课采用情景创设法、交际法、任务型教学法。帮助学生温故知新,由where引导的特殊问句引出以where引导的宾语从句。”There be”句型 和has have 的区别。五、资源准备1)A computer for multimedia use.2) A tape recorder.六、教学过程教学任务教师活动学生活动设计意图及资源准备Organization and lead in.( 4 min)1. Greetings. 2. Free Talk. 3. Present the sentences: where can I buy some magazines? If you tell me, I will go and buy one.Warm up, look and guess.Arouse the Ss interest of learning.1C PAIRWORK(9min) Organize students to practice the conversationStudents practice the conversation each other Improve oral English. Deal with 1a,.( 9 min)1.Ask some students to talk about the eigh things above acording to the conversation of 1cBe active in practicing the conversations Improve oral English further . . Listening ( 14 min)Play the tape and explain the key words.Listen and complete the conversations Listening practiceSummary( 5 min)1. Go over the key words. 2. Revise the main sentences such as: could you please where the restrooms are ?.Listen and thinkConsolidate the knowledge of this period.Homework( 4 min)1.Finish the exercises. 2.Recite the sentences in Grammar Focus.Think and write them down.1.Strengthen the knowledge. 2. Enable the students to write with the key sentences they learned.七、板书设计Unit 11 could you please tell me where the restrooms are? 1 .shampoo magazine dictionary information stamp
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