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.XX科技学院专科毕业设计论文题 目带式输送机传送装置学生姓名 李伟 专业班级 08机制三班 学 号 200824126 所 在 系 机械工程系 指导教师 杨晨 完成时间 2011年3月28日.带式输送机传送装置摘要运输机械用减速器/T9002-1999包括:二级传动硬齿面DBY和中硬齿面DBZ两个系列及三级传动硬齿面DCY和中硬齿面DCZ两个系列。第一级传动为锥齿轮,第二、第三级传动为渐开线圆柱齿轮。锥齿轮齿形为格里森弧线齿或克林根贝尔格延伸外摆线齿。齿轮及齿轮轴均采用优质合金钢锻件。硬齿面经渗碳、淬火磨齿,齿面硬度为:齿轮轴58-62HRC;齿轮54-58HRC。圆柱和圆锥齿轮精度分别不低于GB/T10095和GB/T11365中的6级。中硬齿面减速器的锥齿轮采用硬齿面,圆柱齿轮采用调质、精滚,齿面硬度为:齿轮轴306-332HB,大齿轮273-314HB,齿轮精度为7级。这种减速器主要适用于运输机械,也可用于冶金、矿山、石油、化工等通用机械.其工作条件为:a. 输入轴最高转速不大于1500r/min;b. 齿轮圆周速度不大于20m/s;c. 工作环境温度为-4045度,当环境温度低于0度时,启动前润滑油应预热。从以上资料我们可以看出齿轮减速器结构紧凑、传动效率高、运行平稳、传动比大、体积小、加工方便、寿命长等等.因此,随着我国社会主义建设的飞速发展,国内已有许多单位自行设计和制造了这种减速器,并且已日益广泛地应用在国防、矿山、冶金、化工、纺织、起重运输、建筑工程、食品工业和仪表制造等工业部门的机械设备中,今后将会得到更加广泛的应用。本文首先介绍了带式输送机传动装置的研究背景,通过对参考文献进行详细的分析,阐述了齿轮、减速器等的相关内容;在技术路线中,论述齿轮和轴的选择及其基本参数的选择和几何尺寸的计算,两个主要强度的验算等在这次设计中所需要考虑的一些技术问题做了介绍;为毕业设计写作建立了进度表,为以后的设计工作提供了一个指导。最后,给出了一些参考文献,可以用来查阅相关的资料,给自己的设计带来方便。关键词电动机,齿轮,轴,圆锥-圆柱齿轮传动减速器BEIYCONVEVORTRANSMISSIONDEVICEABSTRACTTransportation machinery with reducer include: the secondary transmission of hard-toothed surface hard-toothed surface DBY and DBZ two series and level 3 transmission of hard-toothed surface hard-toothed surface DCY and it two series. The first level transmission as bevel gear, second, third grade for involute gear transmission. Bevel gear tooth shape for gleason yi gong made arc tooth or klingenberg root bei belgravia extension of cycloid gear outside. Gear, gear shaft adopts high quality alloy steel forgings. By hard-toothed surface carburized, quenching grinding of gears, tooth surface hardness is: the gear axis 58-62HRC; Gear 54-58HRC. Cylinder and tapered gears precision not less than GB/T10095 respectively T11365 and GB/the level 6. In the bevel gear speed reducer of hard-toothed surface by hard-toothed surface, cylindrical gears adopt coating, surface hardness of pure roll, the tooth for: gear axle, big gear 332HB 306-314HB, gear precision 273 - for level 7. This reducer mainly suitable for transportation machinery, also can used for metallurgy, mine, petroleum, chemical general machinery. Its working conditions for: A. input shaft with the highest speed is not more than 1500r/min; B. gear circumference speed is not more than 20m/s; C. working environment temperature of 40-45 degrees, when environment temperature below 0 degrees, before starting the lubricating oil should be preheated. From the above material we can see the gear reducer compact structure, high transmission efficiency, stable operation, transmission big, small volume, processing convenient, long life and so on. So, with Chinas rapid development of socialist construction, domestic for many units to design and manufacture the reducer, and has been widely applied in defense, mining, metallurgical, chemical, textile, lifting transportation, construction engineering, food industry and meter manufacturing industries of machinery, equipment, the future will be more widely. This paper first introduced the belt conveyor transmission device research background, based on a detailed analysis of reference, this paper expounds the gear reducer gear, such as related content; In technical route, discusses the selection and gear and axis of basic parameters selection and geometry size calculation, two main strength in the design of the validation for needed to be considered in some of the technical problems are introduced; Writing for the graduation design for later established schedules, the design work provides a guidance. Finally, we give some reference, can be used to access relevant information, to give their design, bring convenience.KEVWORDSmotor, gear axle, cone - cylindrical gear reducer 目 录摘要.ABSTRACT1 绪论11.1 带传动11.2 圆锥-圆柱齿轮传动减速器82. 结构设计10 2.1 V带传动10 2.2 减速器内部的传动零件103. 设计计算过程及说明12 3.1 选择电动机12 3.2 传动装置的总传动比及其分配13 3.3 计算传动装置的运动和动力装置参数13 3.4 带传动设计 13 定V带型号和带轮直径13 计算带长14 3.5 齿轮传动设计15 3.6 轴的设计21 3.7 轴承的选择32 3.8 键的选择33 3.9 减速机箱体的设计33 3.10 减速器附件设计34 窥视孔和视孔盖34 通气器34 油面指示器34 放油孔和螺塞35 起吊装置35 定位销 35 起盖螺钉35 3.11密封与润滑35结束语 36致谢38参考文献39.1 绪论通过查阅一些文献我们可以了解到带式传动装置的设计情况,为我所要做的课题确定研究的方向和设计的内容。1.1 带传动带传动是机械设备中应用较多的传动装置之一,主要有主动轮、从动轮和传动带组成。工作时靠带与带轮间的摩擦或啮合实现主、从动轮间运动和动力的传递1。带传动具有结构简单、传动平稳、价
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