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-0=tF-50,一:,:SB Unit 1 Helping flwiw in ned:CL、入主CTInfinitivesJ深圳市光明中学李瑞梅制作November, 2015XHe plans to go to Hainan for a holiday. .Cindy wanted to paint a picture of the park near her home.WrlO te 4 inmiitivesfi3曲闻觑)注:to只是一个符号,起结构作用,无任何实际意义不定式的句式:h. J Jpof A -c D O -TF肯定式e加do.飞二。才c -e o0.He told me to;close the door.tell sb- trtdo sth.否定式 *not+to+doKEEL A r . t-rvWj.二 c w。金,一。0C? o K/沙-.修一 q- 上,.jBe told me not to c/oseHBe doontell sb not to do stm 一不定式的特点;.田 -She wanted to be a teacher.3 _. P.% gIfe decide to give some money to the poonOU2?IW.1)动词不定式在句子中不能做谓语2)没有人称、数、时态的变化。不定式的句法功能:B -O O G1 具有名词、H容词融副词等的功能,可在句中用做主语、宾语、表语、宾语补足登, 影 ,广中 koq 、义% aJr &4532 典产 4= J & -.A. C& 必 岸 ,Kr DpJ (i v u w / 丁定语和精o p&DU.UDN厂 objte类似词t;di- 笈,1 -一 wJ 金-M上猛13 1 一一二 J帘oc nC rg嘀等词或短语后面可以接to do与doing,但意思 大不相同。stop to do sth:停下来去做另一件事stop doing :停止正在做的事情forget to do:忘了去做某事forget doing sth.:忘记做过某事When the teacher came in. the students stopped talking whenhe came out, the students stopped t。talk . (talk)用来说明宾语的情况,作宾语补足语。Object complementLucy asked him to tarn flow the radio. .一 QJ ZVerbs+objects+to+infiiiitives .naI常带不定时好的动词骞JIJItil allo双warninvite. Wfeh, want+ sb to do sth.letwatch see五看look at 三使makehave, 8 a 。 mobserve_ DflWe decide to pfay (play) tennis.2 .My healthy lifestyle helps me to(get) good grades.3 .He encourages us 配 a (ask) questions in class.4J learnt to read and write and do many other things5e Fm really hungry. Can I stop to iat (eat) something?6.1 asked him to tond (lend) me twenty pounds.7.1 got up early to(practise)reading English.8. The patient was warned 皿诞豺 at (not eat) oily food after the operation.summary:俎睥不定式的结构:verbs+to+ infinitive句式:肯定及否定句式特点:无人称、数、时态变化;不能作谓语句法功能:宾语宾补状语Hi, relax yourself!
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