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短篇的英语优秀的美文欣赏Different Strokes of Our Duties(不同的义务)Life teaches us to live. To live, you have to exist. To exist,you should have a passport to this living world. Thanks to your parents, who brought you into this world.生活教我们如何生活。要生活,你首先必须存在。要存在,你应该有一张通往这个世界的护照。感谢你的父母,是他们把你带到了这个世界。Parents have taken care of us and satisfied all our needs. They helped whenever we were hungry, afraid or ill. They were always there by you, whenever you needed them. You almost assumed that they would always be there for you and never thought of how your life would be without them. But as you grow up, age also catches up with your parents and they need your help and support.父母照顾着我们,满足我们所有的需要。无论何时我们饿了、害怕了或病了,他们都会帮助我们。无论何时你需要他们,他们总是在你身边。你几乎认为,他们总会在那里;从没有想过,没有他们你的生活会怎样。但是,当你长大时,你的父母也在变老,他们需要你的帮助和支持。Man is a child first, after which he attains his youth. After youth he again goes through the second phase of childhood, also called as old age. This is the phase where everyone needs a comfort of a sense of belonging and being taken care of. Wouldnt we all expect the same sense of security when we grow old Even our parents are expecting us to be their caretaker, as they grow they never make that obvious to us. They do their further duty by taking care of their grandchildren, paying e-bills, giving the clothes for laundry etc.人开始时是个小孩,然后他长成一个年轻人。青年期过后,他又经历第二个儿童期,即老年期。这个时期,每个人都需要一种归属感,需要照顾。我们变老时,不也会期盼同样的安全感吗我们的父母也希望他们年老时我们会照顾他们。但他们从不向我们明确地说出来。他们会尽更多的义务,照顾利,子孙女,付电子账单的费用,把衣服拿去洗衣店,等等。Isnt it unfair on our part that we arent giving them what they need the most It is our prime duty to take the very best care of them. Its our pay back time. Lets give the same sense of emotional security,take care and love to our parents in their old age.我们没有给他们最需要的东西,这是不是不公平尽量照顾好他们是我们的首要义务。是该我们回报的时候了。让我们在父母年老时给他们同样的情感安全感、关心和爱。过高的期待让人孤独LONELINESSA man is known by the company he keeps they say. If it is so,then everyone is bound to have their baggage of loneliness with them as is not something that doesnt exist at all with any human being on human being feels lonely in his life at some point or other. Its but natural to have such feeling ,because thats what makes us all human and that is why we are as we are now.他们说人总是为他身边的人所知的。如果是这样的话,每个人都注定与孤独为伍。孤独感是每个人都会有的,都会在某个时候,感到孤独,这是非常自然的。因为孤独感令我们成人,并令我们成为现在的我们。If we shed some light on why we feel aloof or lonely at times, we would be very much astonished or even probably surprised by the results. We ourselves are responsible for our selfdefined gloominess. This is because at times we really feel that we are uncared for or feel someone doesnt understand us.如果我们再三思考为什么我们有的时候会觉得高处不胜寒或孤独时,我们会对分析的结果感到非常的吃惊。我们自己应该对我们自己所定义的忧郁付责任。因为有的时候,我们真的觉得我们被忽视或者不被理解。Sometimes we over analyze real life situations and have this growing sense of self pity inside us. This feeling always gives us thoughts which picturise us always receiving the wrong end of the stick in truth might not always be true if we touch our heart and see. Its just that our expectations in life and from people around us or circumstances that we are facing,have got the better of us. Expectation is the silent killer which murders millions of mushy and time tested relationships. If there would have been not so many expectations from anyone, the world would have been a much better place to be. If there would have been no expectations,not many people would have had an aching heart and a life long grouse against there would have been better it wouldnt have been for unreasonable expectations not many couples would have divorced each other.有的时候我们过度的分析了真实的情况,这令我们自己产生了自己怜悯自己的感觉。这种感觉经常会给我们错觉,如果我们扪心自问,真相并不总是真的,它们只是我们对身边人和环境过高的期待。期待是一个沉默的杀手,谋杀了无数经过时间考验的人也人之间的关系。如果没有了对任何人的期待,那么这个世界将会并得更好。如果没有期待,就不会有那么多人感到心疼,而对于有些人,一生的埋怨也就不会那么长了。如果没有那些不切实际的期待,也就不会有那么多夫妻离婚了。How to come out of expectations then Good question. The answer is when you give something, dont expect anything in return. When our mother gave birth to us, she never expected that we will give birth to has just fulfilled her desire to raise a family and live for them. In the same way, let our actions make us live for our self and let not expectation screw up the major portion of your lives. Let us have the freedom and will power to express our love, affection and longingness for people whenever we feel. Let us not restrict our freedom of expression just because he or she is not responding the way we want them to.那么怎样才能跳出期望呢好问题。答案是,当我们给予的时候,不要期待任何报答。我们的妈妈给予我们生命,决没有期望我们也给予她生命。她仅仅是完成了她拥有一个家庭并为之而活的理想。同样,让我们为自己而活,不要让期待成为你生命的大部分。让我们自由的表达我们的爱感动和渴望。当别人没有象我们期待的那样回应,我们也不要失去表达感情的自由。Well all in all a little bit of loneliness is good for a self-analysis to keep a check over your actions. Introspection always makes you communicate with the innerself, but too much of introspection can make you scale the altitude of self pity. So show restrain at the right time.当然,总的来说,一点点的孤独对一个人审视自己的行为是有好处的。自省总是会使你与你的心灵有所交流。但是过度的自省,会使我们总感觉遗憾,因此,还是适而可止的好。It Takes Strength/勇气的力量I
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