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2022年考博英语-中国科学技术大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 填空题A theory often involves an imaginary model that helps scientists picture the way an observed event could be produced. A good example of this is found in the kinetic molecular theory, in which gases are pictured like being made up of many A B C Dsmall particles that are in constant motion.【答案】D like 改为as【解析】【考查点】固定搭配。【解题思路】picture sth. as sth.意思为“把设想成”,此题用的是被动语态,即gases are pictured as。【句意】理论通常包含假设的模型,以帮助科学家描绘观察到的事件产生的方式。分子运动理论就是一个很好的例子。在这个理论中,气体被设想成由许多不断运动的小颗粒组成。2. 填空题What is good is thought to be _ and what is evil is thought to be harmful, but defining good and evil remains a central question of ethics. (benefit)【答案】beneficial【解析】【考查点】形容词。【解题思路】根据横线前面的be,以及表示并列结构的and,可知横线所在内容为形容词,beneficial“有益的”符合语境,指的是善被认为是有益的。【句意】善被认为是有益的,恶被认为是有害的,但定义善恶仍然是伦理学的中心问题。3. 单选题The physical devastation caused by the Civil War, the freeing of the slaves, and the chaos of the Reconstruction era had ruinous effects on Mississippis economy.问题1选项A.impactB.disorderC.offenceD.folly【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. impact 巨大影响,强大作用 B. disorder 杂乱,混乱C. offence 犯罪,罪行 D. folly 愚笨,愚蠢的想法(或事情、行为)【答案】B【考查点】名词辨析。【解题思路】chaos的意思为“混乱,杂乱”,指的是重建时期的混乱,disorder与之词义相近,因此B选项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项词义与之不符。【句意】南北战争造成的物质破坏,奴隶解放和重建时期的混乱给密西西比的经济带来了毁灭性的影响。4. 填空题“The IAEA should positively clarify relevant problems by cooperating with Iran in a fair and _ manner” and “Iran should be flexible and sincere when cooperating with the IAEA,” Xinhua reported, citing Hong. (person)【答案】impersonal【解析】【考查点】形容词。【解题思路】根据横线前的and,可知fair和横线处表示并列,所以横线处应为形容词,并且意思和fair对应,impersonal意思为“非指个人的,客观的”,符合语境。【句意】新华社援引洪磊的话说:“国际原子能机构应该以公平、客观的方式与伊朗合作,积极澄清有关问题。伊朗在与国际原子能机构合作时,应该灵活、真诚。”5. 单选题He told Arab lawmakers who took part in the protest that “the day will come when we will banish you from the national home”.问题1选项A.conquerB.transferC.departD.exile【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. conquer 占领,攻克 B. transfer 转职,转学,改变(环境)C. depart 离开,离去 D. exile 流放,放逐【答案】D【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】banish的意思为“放逐,流放,把(某人)驱逐出境”,这里指把参加抗议活动的阿拉伯议员驱逐出境,exile与之词义相近,因此D选项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项词义与之不符。【句意】他告诉参加抗议活动的阿拉伯议员:“我们把你们赶出国家的那一天终将到来。”6. 填空题Tomatoes, when they were first introduced, were considered either magical or harmful, depending on which school of thought you listened. Even within living memory, there was a time when vegetables were considered harmful unless A B C Dcooked for long. 【答案】B listened改为listened to【解析】【考查点】固定搭配。【解题思路】listened to意思为“听从”,为固定搭配,这里指的是认为西红柿是怎样的,就看听从对西红柿的哪一种描述。【句意】西红柿刚被引进时,人们认为它很神奇或者有害,这取决于你听的是哪个学派的观点。即使在现在,人们也有一段时间认为蔬菜没有经过长时间的烹饪就是有害的。7. 填空题The effect of all this on the food situation in this country has been made worse by a simultaneous rise in foods prices, due chiefly to the gradual cutting down of government support for food. A B C D【答案】C in foods prices改为in food prices【解析】【考查点】名词。【解题思路】C部分的food是统称,指的是所有食物,为不可数名词,所以用单数food。【句意】主要由于政府逐渐减少在食物方面的支持,同时食物价格上涨,该国食物情况恶化。8. 单选题The chief drawback of the adeno-associated virus is that it is small, carrying only two genes in its natural state.问题1选项A.featureB.concernC.defectD.barrier【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. feature 特色,特征 B. concern (尤指许多人共同的)担心,忧虑C. defect 缺点,缺陷,毛病(某事物或其制造方式上的错误,意味着不完美) D. barrier 屏障,障碍物【答案】C【考查点】名词辨析。【解题思路】drawback的意思为“缺点,不利条件(使某事物失去吸引力的缺点或问题)”,这里指的是腺病毒群的缺点,defect与之词义相近,因此C选项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项词义与之不符。【句意】腺病毒群的主要缺点是体积小,在自然状态下只携带两个基因。9. 填空题The situation comedy (or sitcom) depends on audience _ with recurring characters and conditions to explore life in the home, workplace, or some other common location. (familiar)【答案】familiarity【解析】【考查点】名词。【解题思路】根据动词短语depends on,可知audience _为名词短语,familiarity的意思为“熟悉”,符合语境,指的是观众对情景喜剧的反应需要看他们对情景喜剧中的角色和环境有多熟悉。【句意】情景喜剧要看观众对反复出现的角色和用来探索家庭、工作场所及其他常见场所的生活环境有多熟悉。10. 单选题Many products, including prescription drugs, are regulated by the federal government. However, the
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