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必修一检测第一节:单项填空1. Ten people,three childre n, werein the accide nt.A. in eluded, harmedB. in clud in g, injuredC. contain ed, woun dedD. containing, hurt2. It is surpris ing that every time Ithese figures up, I get a differe nt an swer.A. joinB. addC. mixD. putt want to3. finish his no vel, the writerfor ten mon ths because he did ntroubled by the reporter.A. In order to, hid awayB. In order to, has bee n hid awayC. I n order that, hid awayD. I n order that; were hidi ng away4. Did the stude nt break the window?No, he did it when he played football with his classmates. He was too careless.A. at the same time B. on purpose C. face to face D. no won der5. Some one called me up in the middle of the ni ght, but they hung up I could an swer thepho ne.A. asB. sinceC. un tilD. before6. - It is said that film Tita nica real story.-But I don t think so. I think no one in this world can love the other so deeply.D. is based onD. miss ingA. is made ofB. is known as C. is kept from7. - Is every oneat the meeti ng?-No, Tom is not here. He has something else to do.A. prese ntB. aliveC. sile nt8. - How shall I take the medici ne?You can follow theon the bottle.A. vocabularyB. speech9. - Oh, it s you. Iyou!-I ve just had my hair cut and I A. don t recognize, having on C. haven t known, putting onC. lectureD. directio ns mmy glasses.B. didn t recognize, wearingD. didn t know, dressing10. She looks very young butshe is more tha n thirty years old.A. fortun atelyB. actuallyC. happilyD. stra ngely11. - Why didn t Ted go to our party?his heavy cold.A. BecauseB. Because ofC. Si nee he wasD. For he was12. His wifehim to stop smoking, but he didn t listen.A. advisedB. persuadedC. suggestedD. forced13. He won dered whether it would beto knock at the door of her room so late at ni ght.A. properB. frien dlyC. com monD. popular14. After Billy said he would ride a bicycle safely, his fatherto him and bought him one.A. gave awayB. gave inC. gave upD. gave out15. - Today we are going to talk about traveli ng in space. Every one must say someth ing.-I m sorry, thisisn t familiar to me. I d better listen to others first.A. eventB. jo urnalC. detailD. topic16. A nu mber of books in the librarybee n stole n so that the nu mber of themsmallerthan before.D. have, areD. sleept think he will lose heart.A. have, isB. has, isC. has, are17. Early to bed and early tomakes a man healthy.A. raiseB. sta ndC. rise18. -It is true that he is in trouble at this mome nt. But I don I quite agree with you. He is apers on.A. hard-work ingB. activeC. braveD. determ ined19. My father has bee n ill in bed for some days.I m very sorry to hear that and Ihope he ll be well soon.A. rapidlyB. happilyC. sadlyD. sin cerely20. He appears to be stro ng and healthy but,he suffers from a weak heart.A. as a matter of factB. what s more C. accord in glyD. no won der21.I am very happy to hear that Motherfrom Amoy to visit us this weeke nd.A. has comeB. is comingC. will comeD. comes22. The foreig ner said happily that it was the first time that heChina.A. has bee n to B. had bee n toC. went to D. had gone to23. It is the book Harry Potter writer is very famous attracts quite a few readersthroughout the world.A. what, whoB. which, thatC. whose, thatD. whose, who24. He ll never forget the dayshe stayed with his grandmother in the village.A. whereB. thatC. whichD. whe n25. - I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week.-Is that the reas onyou had a few days off?A. whyB. thatC. whatD. which26. It rains a lot these days,preve nts from going out.A. itB. thatC. whichD. this27. - Some one is knocking at the door.-Let me go and see.A. who is heB. who he isC. who is itD. who it isclock.28. The teacher told the stude nts that therea meeti ng at three oA. were going to haveB. are going to beC. will haveD. was going to bet think so.re wrong29. - Mary, what an interesting film it is! I really enjoyed it! -. I really fell asleep.A. Yes, you are right.B. No, I donC. So it is.D. No, you30. I am going to take part in the exam in ati on n ext week.A. Con gratulati onsB. May you succeed C. With pleasure D. Have a good time第二部分、完型On a Friday 31, a poor young artist stood at the gate of the subway station, playing hisviolin. The music was 32, and many people 33 and put some money into the 34 of theyoung man.The next night, the young artist took out a large piece of 35 and laid it on the ground.Then he bega n 36. The music soun ded more pleasa nt. Some people gathered and they foundthe 37 on that paper.“ Last night, a gentleman put3(n) thing into my hat. Pleasecome to get it back.” Whe
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