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2022年考博英语-湖南农业大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题These proposals sought to place greater restrictions on the use and copying of digital information than _ in traditional media.问题1选项A.existB.existsC.existingD.to exist【答案】A【解析】考查定语从句。than可以做定语从句的关系代词。在此用法中than既充当比较作用,又充当代词作用,代替前面的the use and copying of digital information,主语是复数,谓语动词用原型,所以A选项正确。句意:这些提案寻求在数字信息的使用和复制上给予比在传统媒体的使用和复制上更多的限制。2. 单选题Effective prevention against physical harms has never been _ urgently needed, especially in schools.问题1选项A.moreB.asC.suchD.quite【答案】A【解析】考查比较用法。句意:有效预防人身伤害从来没有()迫切需要,特别是在学校。A选项more是比较副词,当一个句子没有出现对比对象时,可以用比较级来表示最高级。B选项as作副词的词义为“和一样”,放入句中不符合逻辑;C选项such“如此的”后面一般接名词,这个地方如果想表达“如此的”意思时应该用so;D选项quite是程度副词“十分”,把D选项代入到句子中,整个句子将不符合逻辑,有效预防人身伤害从来没有十分迫切需要。因此答案选A。3. 单选题I must take this watch to be repaired; it( ) over twenty minutes a day.问题1选项A.increasesB.progressesC.acceleratesD.gains【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项increases“增加”;B选项progresses“进步”;C选项accelerates“加速”;D选项gains“获得,(钟表等)走快”。句意:我必须去把表修一修,这块表每天()超过二十分钟。从句意可以看出表坏了,具体是因为每天多走20多分钟,这里符合题意的只有D选项,答案选D。4. 单选题The young heir was so _ that he gave all his money away in a couple of years.问题1选项A.handsomeB.genuineC.talentedD.generous【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项handsome“帅气的”;B选项genuine“真实的,诚恳的”;C选项talented“有才能的”;D选项generous“慷慨的”。句意:这位年轻的继承人是如此的()以至于在几年的时间里钱就全部花光了。继承人肯定是因为大手大脚的,所以才在短时间内把钱花光,所以答案选D。5. 单选题The manager realized the importance of qualified staff, and urged all _ to participate in the training program.问题1选项A.concerningB.the concerningC.concernedD.the concerned【答案】C【解析】考查形容词的用法。四个选项都跟concerned有关,句意:经理意识到了合格员工的重要性,并且敦促所有()参加培训项目。A,B选项没有名词词义,代入句中会造成宾语缺失,所以排除;The+形容词表示一类人,因为concerning没有形容词的词性,所以D选项错误,答案选C。6. 单选题He is too young to be able to _ between right and wrong.问题1选项A.discardB.discernC.disperseD.disregard【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项“抛弃”;B选项“辨别,察觉”;C选项“分散”;D选项“不理睬”。句意:他太年轻了不能()对与错。对错之间是需要判断的,所以答案选B。7. 不定项选择题I intend to deal with the problems of formulating practical and realistic plans for the application of science and technology by the government of a newly emerging country. I will specifically have in mind the new African nations, for various historical reasons, they are particularly short of trained manpower.The first thing which must strike, say, the Prime Minster or Minister of finance of such a young nation, is that science and scientists are expensive and that financial demands clash with the innumerable other demands on a countrys very limited financial resources, and still more limited foreign currency.In considering the formulation of national policy in relation to the application of science and technology and to the increase in material wealth, it is useful to distinguish three main aspects of this question.The first is that of known and available technology. The majority of the most urgent needs of the emerging countries in the early stages of development come into this category. To set up a motor-bus service,it is necessary to have the foreign exchange to buy the vehicles and fuel, and the technical schools to train the drivers and repair personnel, but no research or development at all is needed. Nor is new research and development required to set up an airline, or a television system or an electricity supply, or a sewage system and piped water supply or the majority of normal manufacture plants. Though such projects do not involve any appreciable research and development, they do require a large supply of technically and scientifically trained personnel to run them.The second most important aspect of the application of science and technology to a less-developed country is that concerned with problems which are related to the special conditions of the country, and which can only be solved on the spot. Prominent among these, of course, are problems in agriculture and medicine which have specific local significance and so cannot be studied elsewhere. Then there are many problems in meteorology, geology, geophysical surveying, road building and housing, where original research and development related to local conditions are required. In addition, many new technological problems arise in the setting up of local industries, because of the special properties of the local fuels, raw materials, textiles, foodstuffs, etc. In relation to the problems, the importance of a first-rate information service is vital. It must be made as easy as possible for the research and development personnel to be kept aware of the state of general world knowledge on a particular subject, so as not to be led by ignorance into expensive researches to find out what is already well known. The opposite danger is to assume too easily that some process, technique or method, which has long been in successful use in
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