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西南大学22春英国文学史及选读综合作业一答案参考1. This picture is (beautiful) _ than that one, but it is less expensive.This picture is (beautiful) _ than that one, but it is less expensive.more beautiful2. In some ways these schools are (differ) _ from Chinese middle schools.In some ways these schools are (differ) _ from Chinese middle schools.different3. ( )作为罗曼罗兰式人道主义原则的高度凝结,贯穿于他毕生的创作之中。A.爱B.宽恕C.自由D.平等参考答案:A4. mediocre ( )A.commonB.same; equalC.prosperous or rich参考答案:A5. For three-quarters of its span on Earth, life evolved almost _ as microorganisms.A.preciselyB.instantlyC.initiallyD.exclusively参考答案:D6. I stay up all night _ to find a new solution to the problem. A) trying B) have tried C) tI stay up all night _ to find a new solution to the problem.A) tryingB) have triedC) tryD) triedA此题含义为:我整个晚上都在熬夜工作,试图找到解决这个问题的新方法。主语I与try之间的关系是主动的关系,所以D选项排除。此处用现在分词作目的状语,B和C选项没有这种用法。7. _ conscious of my moral obligations as a citizen.A.I was and always will beB.I have to be and always will beC.I had been and always will beD.I have been and always will be参考答案:D8. I am not_this cityWould you please introduce it to me? With pleasure.Afamiliar to I am not_this cityWould you please introduce it to me? With pleasure.Afamiliar toBfamiliar inCfamiliar forDfamiliar with正确答案:D9. incentive ( )A.induce action or motivate effortB.hard workC.to devote ones heart to sb.参考答案:A10. The chairman of the board _ on me the unpleasant job of dismissing good workers the firm can no longer afford to employ.A.compelledB.posedC.pressedD.tempted参考答案:C11. He is too young to be able to _ between right and wrong.A.discardB.discernC.disperseD.disregard参考答案:B12. 50%用信用证,其余的用付款交单,您看怎么样?50%用信用证,其余的用付款交单,您看怎么样?What do you say to 50% by L/C and the balance by D/P?13. If we can be _ any further help, please feel free to let us know Customers&39; inquiries alwaIf we can be _ any further help, please feel free to let us know Customers inquiries always meet _ our careful attention.of,with14. At first, the _ of color pictures over a long distance seemed impossible, but, with the painstaking efforts and at great expense, it became a reality.A.transactionB.transmissionC.transformationD.transition参考答案:B15. prudent ( )A.careful, circumspectB.surprising or astoundingC.of two races参考答案:A16. When workers are organized in trade unions, employers find it hard to lay them _.A.offB.asideC.outD.down参考答案:A17. His remarks were _ annoy everybody at the meeting.A.so as toB.such as toC.such toD.as much as to参考答案:B18. According to most educators, ( ) is not the virtues of homework.A.building good study habitsB.building time-management skillsC.reinforcing the days lessonsD.crying jags参考答案:D19. awash ( )A.be full ofB.awardC.legacy参考答案:A20. What is the attitude of Ian Lang toward the secessionist fever? ( )A.He supports the secessionist action.B.He is against it because he thinks it will harm the unity of the U.K.C.He is neutral towards the action of the secessionists.D.It is not clear in the text.参考答案:B21. Backbite,Sneerwell,and Lady Teazle are characters in the play the School for Scandal by _.A.Christopher MarloweB.Ben JonsonC.Richard Brinsley SheridanD.George Bernard Shaw参考答案:C22. denomination ( )A.supremacyB.acknowledgmentC.an agent or a substitute参考答案:A23. 乔伊斯之所以对人的精神世界能做出真实的揭示,最重要的是将意识流引进了小说。( )T.对F.错参考答案:T24. China spends the least money on cultural conservation.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B25. proxy ( )A.superior intellectual, social, or economic statusB.an agent or a substituteC.supremacy参考答案:B26. Piscataway school board President David Grossman holds the view that school days should be shortened.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A27. What damaged the caves over the years? ( )A.wind, rain and sandB.western plunderersC.touristsD.all of above参考答案:D28. The more a nations companies _factories abroad, the smaller that countrys recorded exports will be.A.lieB.locateC.spotD.stand参考答案:B29. The bank refused to _ him any money, so he had to postpone buying a house.A.loanB.borrowC.leaseD.credit参考答案:A30. In Leaves of Grass, _ is all that concerned Whitman.A.individualismB.the spirit of democracyC.freedomD.all the above参考答案:D31. In Hamilton Country, where Westfield sits, the Hispanic population has increased ( ) percent in 10 years.A.70B.31C.143D.58参考答案:C32. American companies are evolving from mass-production manufacturing to _ enterprises.A.moveableB.changingC.f
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