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考研考博-考博英语-北京体育大学模拟考试题含答案1. 单选题I asked him for a job ( )the impression that he was the head of the firm, but he wasnt.问题1选项A.withB.underC.inD.of【答案】B【解析】考查固定搭配。under the impression that意为“认为.觉得.”句意:我以为他是公司的领导,所以要求他给我提供一份工作,但他不是。选项B正确。2. 单选题The suggestion that the mayor ( )the prizes was accepted by everyone.问题1选项A.would presentB.presentC.presentsD.ought to present【答案】B【解析】语法(虚拟语气)题。suggestion 做主语的句子,是虚拟语气的用法,从句用should +动词原型,should可以省略。所以省略should的B选项正确。3. 问答题The small number of potential buyers does not provide a sufficiently large market for this kind of apparatus.(enough)【答案】The small number of potential buyers does not provide enough market for this kind of apparatus.4. 单选题Not until the game had begun ( )at the sports ground.问题1选项A.had he arrivedB.would he have arrivedC.did he arriveD.should he have arrived【答案】C【解析】语法(倒装结构和时态)题。Not until表示否定意义,位于句首时,主句部分需要部分倒装。从句中的谓语动词had begun为过去完成时,主句中的谓语动词为一般过去时,用来强调从句谓语动词的动作发生在主句谓语动词表示的动作之前,所以C选项正确。5. 单选题Peter, who had been driving all day, suggested ( )at the next town.问题1选项A.to stopB.stoppingC.stopD.having stopped【答案】B【解析】固定搭配题。suggest doing sth.为固定用法,表示“建议做某事”,B选项正确。6. 单选题Once the question is put, we know ( )try to obtain the answer.问题1选项A.to proceed in direction toB.where direction proceed toC.in which direction to proceed toD.which direction proceed toward【答案】C【解析】考查语法结构。分析句子结构可知,know后面的成分为它的宾语,填空处缺少的是方式状语。选项A不定式做主语或目的状语;选项B中where引导地点状语;选项D缺少先行词。所以只有选项C正确。7. 单选题Criticism and self-criticism is necessary( )it helps us to find and correct our mistakes.问题1选项A.by thatB.at thatC.on thatD.in that【答案】D【解析】句意:批评和自我批评是必要的, 因为它有助于我们发现和改正错误。in that为固定搭配, 意为由于, 因为, 在这里引导原因状语从句。所以本题选D。8. 单选题W: Would you like me to get you some tea?M: Not now, thanks. Maybe later.Q: What does the man want?问题1选项A.To drink tea in a while.B.To prepare tea himself.C.To get the woman some tea later.D.To drink something else.【答案】A【解析】根据男士的回答“Not now, thanks. Maybe later.现在不用,谢谢。可能一会儿会需要。”可知A选项一会儿再喝正确。9. 单选题I think I was at school, ( )I was staying with a friend during the vacation when I heard the news.问题1选项A.or elseB.and thenC.or soD.even so【答案】A【解析】词组辨析题。A选项;B选项and then “于是,然后”;C选项or so “大约”; D选项even so “虽然如此,即使如此”。根据句意当听到这个消息时,我应该是在学校,在和朋友度假。应该是表示选择,所以A选项or else “否则,要不然”符合逻辑,正确。10. 单选题The editor-in-chief begs ( )tomorrows meeting.问题1选项A.to be excused to attendB.to be excused to attendingC.to excuse to attendD.to excuse from attending【答案】A【解析】为了参加明天的会议,主编请求准予离开。固定搭配题。excuse sb. from sth.为固定用法,表示“同意某人不做;免除某人”,根据句意是同意,所以排除因此排除C项和D项。“to attend tomorrows meeting”为不定式短语作目的状语,因此答案选A。11. 单选题Beer is the most popular drink among male drinkers, ( )overall consumption is significantly higher than that of women.问题1选项A.whoseB.whichC.thatD.what【答案】A【解析】语法(定语从句)题。分析题目可知,空格处填入的词是引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是beer,跟空格后的overall consumption是所属关系,所以连接词用whose,A选项正确。12. 单选题If I didnt know the word, I had to a ( )dictionary.问题1选项A.look outB.make outC.refer toD.go over【答案】C【解析】词组辨析题。A选项look out “(表示警告,尤指有危险)小心,当心,留神”;B选项make out “理解,辨认”;C选项refer to“涉及,与相关,查阅,参考”;D选项go over “复习,仔细检查”。根据前一句句意我不认识这个单词,以及空格后“a dictionary词典”可知C选项refer to“查阅,参考”正确。13. 单选题W: Would you mind sending champagne and strawberries to my room at 1 a.m. please?M: Ill try, maam. But on Wednesday the kitchen staff leave at midnight.Q: What is the woman doing?问题1选项A.Asking for help.B.Making a request.C.Making a suggestion.D.Ordering food.【答案】D【解析】对话中,女士需要男士在凌晨1点将香槟和草莓送到她的房间,而男士表示厨房工作人员在周三的午夜时分都下班了。确定D选项订购食物正确。14. 单选题Most broadcasters maintain that TV has been unfairly criticized and argue that the power of the medium is ( ).问题1选项A.grantedB.impliedC.exaggeratedD.remedied【答案】C【解析】动词词义辨析题。A选项grant “(尤指正式地或法律上)同意,准予”;B选项imply “暗示,说明”;C选项exaggerate“夸张,夸大”;D选项remedy “纠正,改进”。根据前一句句意“大部分广播机构认为,对电视的职责是不公平的”,确定and后面的句意应是“并且表示媒介的力量被夸大”。所以C选项正确。15. 单选题The newcomers found it impossible to ( )themselves to the climate sufficiently to make permanent homes in the new country.问题1选项A.suitB.adaptC.regulateD.coordinate【答案】B【解析】固定搭配。根据固定搭配adapt oneself to “使自己适应于”,suit to “合适于,相称”;没有搭配regulate to和coordinate to,可排除C和D选项。句意:新来的人发现他们不可能使自己充分适应新国家的气候,而永久定居。因此选项B符合题意。16. 问答题Film makers understandably lose much of their interest in the genre, (appeal to)【答案】It is understandable that the genre doesnt appeal to film makers much.17. 单选题Robots have freed the man from much boring work; ( )they protect man from being harmed by some dangerous w
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