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专题限时检测(五)非谓语动词(共三组,每组限时6分钟)1(2014鄂州市高三期末考试)Like intimate and loyal friends, sweaters accompany us through the whole winter, _ and keeping us warm.(protect)毛衣如同“死党”一般,陪伴我们度过整个冬季,帮助我们御寒保暖。2(2014天门高三调研一)_, the first few minutes of the film pull us into the riddle.(set)该片讲述的故事发生在一个发达的城市,影片开始前几分钟便使观众身陷迷局。3(2014宜昌调研一)With more and more students _, a stricter management style has emerged.(participate)随着更多人加入俱乐部,随之而来的是更加严格的管理制度。4(2014荆州市高中毕业班质量检查一)The reform of College Entrance Examination will begin with English, whose result is not as satisfying _.(expect)高考改革将从英语学科开始,其结果也不像预期的那样令人满意。5(2014荆州市高中毕业班质量检查一)Im so sorry _ at such an awkward time, but I really had something urgent to tell you.(call)我真的很抱歉在这么不合适的时间给你打电话,但我真的有急事告诉你。6(2014荆州质检一)_ with work should not be the reason for treating ones neighbors as strangers.(occupy)工作繁忙不应该成为“对面不相识”的借口。7(2014武汉市高中毕业生二月调研)Several deaths from drowning _ in the past few days, swimming in that river is said to have been banned.(happen)近几天发生了几起溺水身亡的事件,据说在那条河里游泳已被禁止了。8(2014随州调研一)It is, to tell you the truth, very considerate of you _ of what is going on there every day.(keep)老实说,你告诉我们那儿每天发生的一切,真是考虑得周全。9(2014武汉市高中毕业生二月调研)“_ and get good grades, and you will find a highpaying job with great benefits,” my parents used to say.(study)我父母过去常常对我说:“如果你努力学习,得到好成绩,你就能找到高薪并且福利好的职位。”10(2014荆州质检一)_ opposing the suggestion, I kept silent for the rest of the meeting.(scold)因为反对这个建议而遭到了斥责,所以我在剩下的会议时间里保持沉默。1(2014武汉高中4月调研)_ in the cases many times, he was asked to go to the police station to receive the investigation.(involve)多次牵涉到这些案子,他被要求去警察局接受调查。2(2014武汉高中5月模拟)With _, the manager asked us to stay behind to do extra work.(accomplish)这么多的任务要完成,经理叫我们留下来加班。3(2014黄冈5月适应性考试)The novel, reported _ seven languages, has ranked first in the top10 for five weeks.(translate)据报道,这部小说已被翻译成了七种语言,位列前十排行榜的榜首位置已经五个星期了。4(2014湖北八市5月联考)Along the way children _ long wool coats stopped to look at us.(dress)一路上,穿着羊毛长大衣的孩子们停下来看我们。5(2014天门4月调研)On the other hand, _ advertisements can help to change our opinions over time.(expose)另一方面,经常处于广告的包围中,我们的想法有可能随着时间的流逝而发生变化。6(2014武汉二中模拟二)I have something urgent _.Can you tell dad that I will be out for a while?(attend)我有紧急事情要处理。请告诉爸爸我出去一会,好吗?7(2014湖北八校第二次联考)When he came back to himself, he _ by many people.(surround)当他苏醒过来时,他发现自己被很多人围着。8(2014黄石调研二)The snow lasted three days, _ serious traffic confusion in the whole city.(result)这场雪持续了三天,造成全市严重的交通混乱。9(2014鄂州高三调研二)People prefer Tshirts made of cotton, because they are _ and absorb sweat.(wear)人们都偏爱棉质的T恤,因为他们穿着舒适且吸汗。10(2014孝感高三质检二)_ and Ill get the work finished.(more)再过一个小时,我就能完成工作了。1Im sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink in my hand and _ the day.(reflect)我坐在温暖的夜空下,手里拿着一瓶冷饮,回忆着当天的事情。2_ he has failed in his investment, I agree to lend him some money.(convince)相信他投资失败了,我同意借点钱给他。3_, she didnt find the teachers eyes fixed on her.(bury)她埋头看小说,没注意到老师的眼睛盯着她。4_ has made the man keep taking drugs for several years. (aware)没有意识到危害使得这个人吸了好几年毒品。5After she completes the project, shell have _.(worry)当她完成了这项工程后,她就没有什么要担心的了。6Tony is a naughty boy. He likes to play tricks on others but hates _.(make)托尼是个淘气的男孩,他喜欢捉弄别人但是讨厌被捉弄。7He was very clever. I didnt think he would let himself _ by the enemy so easily.(kill)他很聪明,我想他不会这么轻易让自己被敌人杀害的。8A week later, the badlyinjured passenger woke up and _ in bed and surrounded by his family members.(find)一周后,那个受伤很严重的乘客醒来,发现自己躺在床上,家人围绕着他。9_ about the accident, he went to work as usual.(know)对此次事故一无所知,他仍然像平时那样去上班。10An increasing number of people are out of work.The situation will get worse if not _.(deal)越来越多的人失业了。如果不认真对待,这种情形会变得更糟糕。答 案一模题组1protecting us from the cold2.Set in an advanced city3.participating in clubs4.as (it was) expected5.to have called you (up)6Being occupied7.having happened8.to keep us informed9Study hard10.Having been scolded二模题组1Having been involved2.so many tasks to accomplish3.to have been translated into4.dressed in5.being exposed to6.to attend to7.found himself surrounded8.resulting in9.comfortable to wear10.One more hour押题题组1reflecting on2.Convinced (of the fact) that3.Buried in a novel4Not being aware of the harm/That he has not been aware
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