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象征主义在了不起的盖茨比中的运用 Symbolism_in_The_Great_Gatsby 毕业论文 Symbolism in The Great Gatsby象征主义在了不起的盖茨比中的运用 Symbolism in The Great GatsbyContentsAcknowledgmentsiAbstract in EnglishiiAbstract in ChineseiiiI Introduction111 Fitzgerald and The Great Gatsby112 Previous Research on The Great Gatsby3II Symbolism521 The Definition of Symbolism522 Symbolism in Literature Works6III Symbolism in The Great Gatsby831 Symbolism in colors8com Green8 com White1031 Symbolism in settings11com East Egg and West Egg11 com The Valley of Ashes1331 Symbolism in Animals15com The Dog15com The Moth16IV The Effects of Symbolism in The Great Gatsby17 41 The Effect of Symbolism in Colors17 42 The Effect of Symbolism in Settings18 43 The Effect of Symbolism in Objects19V Conclusion19Bibliography21AcknowledgmentsThis paper could not have been completed without the help of a number of people Here I would like to express my sincere heartfelt gratitude to those who have figured most prominently over the last two years of my graduate studyFor encouragement support and frank criticism at various stages of development of this paper I am deeply indebted to my supervisor Zhang Xuena who has afforded me pithy scholarly advice and corrected my paper patiently I am also grateful to my family and friends without whose love and support I could not have completed this paper During the process of writing the paper I had been ill for some days and my parents support me materially and spiritually They bought me some journals and books related to my paper I am really grateful to my familyAbstractFrancis Scott Key Fitzgerald is widely regarded as one of the twentieth centurys greatest writers and considered as a member of the揕ost Generation攐f the Twenties The Great Gatsby is widely accepted as a classic of American literature It is not only a great story but an insight into the flows of real life during the揜oaring Twenties variThis paper analyzes the novel through the perspective of symbolism It consists of five parts The first part introduces Fitzgerald and The Great Gatsby The second part describes the symbolism of the specific meaning and the use of it in literary works The third part mainly discusses the application of symbolism in The Great Gatsby The fourth part focuses on the effects of symbolism in The Great Gatsby The fifth part is the conclusion this part gives the prominence to the theme again and explains Fitzgeralds special writing style of criticizing American dream The author thinks that beside the excellent technique and style in narrative form and structure its outstanding artistic merit also lies in Fitzgeralds original and successful use of symbolism in the novel to depict his view especially of his own times Therefore this paper will emphasize on elucidating the intangible meaning of these symbols to readers so that readers can get the further understanding of The Great Gatsby Key words Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby symbolism 摘要I IntroductionFitzgerald and The Great GatsbyFrancis Scott Fitzgerald September 24 1896December 21 1940 is an American author of novels and short stories whose works are the paradigm writings of the Jazz Age a term he coins himself He is widely regarded as one of the twentieth centurys greatest writers and considered as a member of the Lost Generation of the 1920sThe Great Gatsby is widely accepted as a classic of American literature which is published in 1925 The 1920s proves the most influential decade of Fitzgeralds development Fitzgeralds marriage is mixedboth destructive and constructive Fitzgerald draws largely upon his wifes intense and flamboyant personality in his writings at times quoting direct passages from her letters and personal diaries in his work Zelda his wife makes mention of this in a 1922 mock review in the New York Tribune saying that it seems to me that on one page I recognized a portion of an old diary of mine which mysteriously disappeared shortly after my marriage and also scraps of letters which though considerably edited sound to me vaguely familiar In fact Mr FitzgeraldI believe that is how he spells his nameseems to believe that plagiarism begins at home Bruccoli 2000 6 But the impact of Zeldas personality on his work and life is often overstated as much of his earliest writings reflect the personality of a first love Ginevra King In fact the character of Daisy as much represents his inability to cultivate his relationship with King as it does the ever-present fact of ZeldaThe Great Gatsby is regarded as the most mature work of Fitzgerald Nick Carraway the narrator is a young man from Minnesota goes to New York City as a bond broker He quickly makes friends with his neighbor the mysterious Jay Gatsby Gatsby the title character and protagoni
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