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年级层次:专业:学号:姓名:装订线 装订线 装订线 装订线 注:装订线内禁止答题,装订线外禁止有姓名和其他标记。东北农业大学网络教育学院2011级春季在职专升本第2学期期末考试题签23312010 大学英语4(B)一、单项选择题(每题1分,共30题)1. He asked us to _ them in carrying through their plan. A) provide B) arouse C) assist D) persist2. The destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money could _. A) stank up to B) make up for C) come up with D) put up with3. Modern forms of transportation and communication have done much to _ the isolation of life in Alaska. A) break through B) break down C) break into D) break out4. When there are small children around, it is necessary to put bottles of pills out of _. A) reach B) hand C) hold D) place5. Tryon was extremely angry, but cool-headed enough to _ storming into the bosss office. A) prevent B) prohibit C) turn D) avoid6. Mr. Smith was the only witness who said that the fire was _. A) mature B) deliberate C) meaningful D) innocent7. When a speaker is making a speech he has to think _, for he has neither time nor anyone to ask for assistance.A) on his feet B) in his feet C) over his feet D) by his feet8. _ our small flat, Bills house seemed like a palace.A) Compared to B) Comparing to C) To compare D) Comparing9. We must study hard _ .A) in a best possible way B) in the most efficient possible wayC) in a most possible effective way D) in the possible best way10. He finished the writing assignment today_ he could hand it in on time. A) so as B) such as C) so that D) such that11. “It must be a kind of garden plant,” said another; and so they sneered and despised the plant as a thing from a garden.A) scorn B) criticize C) exclude D) adore12. Gladly would she have plucked a flower, but she could not overcome her reluctance to break one off. A) exhaust B) deserve C) conquer D) appreciate13. This year the farmers were just able to gather in the _ before the fine weather came to an end. A) seed B) flower C) plant D) harvest14. He put in a special _, for an extra days holiday so that he could attend his daughters wedding. A) question B) request C) proposal D) demand15. To get my travellers cheques I had to _ a special cheque to the Bank for the total amount. A) make for B) make out C) make over D) make up16. Please fill _ the form _ ink. A) on.with B) in.in C) in.by D) to.in17. I went yesterday, but I _ it. A) had better not do B) would rather not do C) would rather not have done D) had better not do18. Im sorry _ you up yesterday. A) to wake B) for to wake C) waking D) for waking19. Dont go too far into the sea, children, or the waves will _ you off your feet. A) flow B) cut C) jump D) sweep20. Perhaps well _ each other again sometime. A) run over B) run cross C) run into D) run for21. Every student must learn the new words _ heart. A) by B) with C) in D) on22. Your last sentence in this composition is awkward. Youd better omit it _ in my opinion. A) throughout B) all together C) altogether D) totally23. But for your help, nothing _. A) can be done B) could be done C) can have been done D) could do24. The doctor checked up both his _ lungs. A) father and his mother B) father and his mothers C) fathers and his mothers D) fathers and his mother25. Im sure your mother would not approve _ that sort of behavior. A) to B) with C) of D) for26. We can not study English well, _ we practise it from time to time. A) so long as B) if C) unless D) since27. He can use the bicycle _ he returns tomorrow. A) except that B) on condition that C) even if D) considering whether28. He ran fast _ he should miss the bus. A) so B) when C) unless D) lest29. John was _ to be without taking his dinner. A) so tired that he went B) enough tired to go C) too tired that he went D) very tired that he went30. They seized him _ arm. A) at his B) at the C) by his D) by the二、阅读理解(每题10分,共4题)1. Social change is more likely to occur in societie
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