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泰乐菌素与中草药在肉鸡生产实践中的应用比较学生姓名: 所在院(系):动物科学学院 所学专业: 动物医学 导师姓名: 完成时间: 摘 要:以肉鸡为研究对象,采用单因子随机分组设计,将300羽1日龄肉鸡随机分成4组,每组5个重复,每重复15只(86,79)。组为基础饲料1组方1、组为基础饲料1组方2、组为基础饲料1组方3、组为基础饲料泰乐菌素为对照组。结果表明:复方中草药添加剂各组的日增重在前期与抗生素组差异不显著(P005),但中草药添加剂组对日增重的影响呈上升趋势,尤以组最明显,在3642日龄,组的日增重高于抗生素组,且差异显著(P005)。在物质代谢方面,组方1在促进干物质代谢率、粗脂肪代谢率、粗灰分代谢率与对照组无显著差异,组方2在促进粗蛋白代谢率的作用略优于对照组,组方3在促进干物质代谢率、粗脂肪代谢率与对照组无差异显著。在肉鸡合理的复方中草药可以替代抗生素添加剂。本文报道在同一饲养条件下,饲料中添加50mgkg(I)、20mgkg()和10mgkg)3个剂量的磷酸泰乐菌素组,同时设20mgkg杆菌肽锌组(IV)和空白对照组(V),对450只AA肉鸡进行对比饲养试验。在整个试验期间,与空白对照组(V)比较,试验、和IV组肉鸡的增重分别提高了7.75、6.84、4.12和3.01;饲料增重分别降低了9.1、7.3、4.1和3.3;肉鸡死亡率分别下降了4.8、4.8、1.1和2.2;经济效益分别提高了47.4、43.0、22.8和16.7。而且试验I组和组肉鸡的增重、饲料转化率和经济效益均明显(PO.05)高于试验IV组。试验各组肉鸡的屠宰指标无明显差异(PO.05)。试验结果表明,肉鸡饲料中添加磷酸泰乐菌素或杆菌肽锌均能降低肉鸡死亡率,能够明显提高肉鸡增重、饲料转化率和经济效益。关键词:复方中草药添加剂 , 磷酸泰乐菌素, 生产性能,增重率,饲料转化率The strains of music with chinese herbs in dorking in the application of more Abstract:The test adopted random control design,300 broilers were randomly divided into basal diet 1% formula 1 ( group ) , basal diet 1% formula 2 ( group ), basal diet 1% formula 3 ( group ) and basal diet Tylosin (control) ,5 replicates in each group and 15 chickens in each replicate( 8 males and 7 females). The results showed that the average daily gains (ADG)of 15 35 days of age were not significantly different in group and control(P 0.05). However there was an uptrend in the average daily gains (ADG) of 15 35 days of age in the experimental group. The daily weight gain of Group was significantly higher than that of the control ( P 0.05 ) in 36 42 days of age. The metabolic rates of nutrients were not significantly different in each group ( P 0.05 ). The mtabolic rate of crude protein of the two trial groups was slightly better than that of the control group. Formula 3 showed no significant difference in dry matter metabolic rate, fat metabolic rate and phosphorus metabolic rate ( P 0.05). Chinese herbal medicine can replace antibiotic for feed additives in the poultry industry.The paper reports on the same breeding conditions, adding fodder 50mg/kg (I), 20mg/kg ( 10mg/kg) and (3) the dose s music, phosphate, and set 20mg group/kg bacillus peptide (IV) and zinc group (V), control of 450 only AA chicken feeding trials comparing. In the experiments, and the control group (V) is blank, test , , and IV of weight chicken group were improved, and the 7.75% 6.84% and 4.12% 3.01%, Feed increase/decrease the 9.1%, 7.3%, 4.1 per cent and 3.3%; Chicken dropped 4.8 percent, respectively, the mortality rate of 4.8 per cent, and 2.2% 1.1%, To improve the economic benefit of 47.4% 43.0%, respectively, fulfill and 16.7%. And I group and the test group of weight, feed conversion rate and the economic benefits were significantly (P O.05). Test results show that the chicken feed add phosphoric acid, or bacilluss music can reduce broiler peptide zinc mortality, improve the chicken feed conversion, and increase economic benefits, and 20mg/kg and 50mg /.Key words:compound Chinese herbal Thai music bacterium, phosphate, Chicken, Weight gain, The feed conversion。目 录:1前 言72研究分析磷酸泰乐菌素的实验结果对于肉鸡生产性能的影响72.1 材料与方法72.2 供试抗生素添加剂及剂量82.3试脸动物及分组 8 2.4 饲养管理按NRC肉鸡营养需要量配制日粮82.5 效果判定82.5.1临床观察从试验开始至结束,观察记录鸡群的健康状况82.5.2增重在21,42和51日龄称各组鸡的重量8 2.5.3饲料转化率记录各圈鸡的投料量8 2.5.4屠宰试验试验结束时的数据分析8 2.5.5经济效益分析分别计算投入与产出,进行肉鸡增值效益分析82.6结果与分析82.6.1成活率与死亡率试验I和I组鸡全期的死亡率最低,均为3%.82.6.2增重试验各阶段及全期鸡的增重情况见表192.6.3饲料转化率试验各阶段及全期鸡饲料计,各组之间的屠宰率半净膛率、全净膛率、消耗情况见表192.6.4屠宰测定屠宰测定结果见表292.6.5经济效益分析见表3103讨论与小结103.1泰乐菌素的属性10. 3.2磷酸泰乐菌素应用最佳效果的研究应用剂量113.3磷酸泰乐菌素的应用前景114复方中草药对肉鸡生产性能(生长发育及鸡肉品质)的影响研究11 4.1材料与方法114.2试验动物及试验设计124.3中草药及抗生素添加剂124.4测定项目12 4.4.1生长性能12 4.4.2屠宰试验13 4.4.3肌肉肌苷酸的含量134.5 数据的处理135.1中草药对AA肉鸡生长性能的影响13.5.2中草药对AA肉鸡胴体品质的影响145.3中草药对AA肉鸡肉质理化特性的影响15.5.4中草药对AA肉鸡肌肉鲜味的影响156结论与讨论167参考文献:178致谢181前 言:1泰乐菌素作为畜禽饲料添加剂,具有促进生长、防治疾病和改善饲料报酬的作用,已为养殖业公认,其应用风靡全球。泰乐菌素作为大环内酯类抗生素,具有明显的抗菌作用,并具有促进畜禽生长的效果,防治动物疫病历史悠久泰乐菌素磷酸盐是一种较新的药物性
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