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编号:时间:2021年x月x日书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟页码:第1页 共1页toptoptop UN HQ Internships 总部实习生 Professional and higher categories 专业以及更高级别 General Service & related 一般工作人员 Field Service 当地雇员 Post Adjustment 职位调整 Salary Scales 窗体顶端窗体底端THE PROFESSIONAL AND HIGHER CATEGORIES Level of salaries:级别 The level of salaries for Professional staff is determined on the basis of the Noblemaire Principle which states that the international civil service should be able to recruit staff from from its Member States, including the highest-paid. Therefore, the salaries of Professional staff are set by reference to the highest-paying national civil service. The International Civil Service Commission (ICSC) makes a periodic check to identify the national civil service of the Member State which has the highest pay levels and which by its size and structure lends itself to a significant comparison. The federal civil service of the United States of America has to date been taken as the highest paid national civil service. Salary scales:范围 The salary scales for the Professional and higher categories are based on five Professional grades (P-1 to P-5), two Director levels (D-1 and D-2) as well as the levels of Assistant Secretary-General and Under Secretary-General in some organizations and Assistant Director-General and Deputy Director-General in others. The scales are expressed as gross and net base salaries and applied uniformly, worldwide, by all organizations in the United Nations common system. Net base salary is obtained by deducting staff assessment from gross base salary. 以下为链接Click here for the latest salary scales for staff in the Professional and higher categories (effective 1 January 2010). Note:Staff assessment: 职工衡平基金Staff assessment is a form of internal tax administered by the organizations. Staff assessment rates are derived from income tax rates applicable at the seven headquarters cities of the organizations in the common system (Geneva, London, Montreal, New York, Paris, Rome, and Vienna).Income taxes: 所得税Most member states have granted United Nations staff exemption from national income taxation on their United Nations emoluments. However, a few member States do tax the emoluments of their nationals. In such cases, the organizations reimburse the income tax to the staff member. THE GENERAL SERVICE AND RELATED CATEGORIES Level of salaries: Staff in these categories are paid on a local basis. The level of salaries is established in accordance with Flemming Principle which provides that the conditions of service for locally recruited staff should reflect the best prevailing conditions found locally for similar work. Consequently, the local salaries are established on the basis of salary surveys which facilitate the identification of the best prevailing conditions. The local salary surveys are conducted in accordance with a comprehensive methodology approved by ICSC. At headquarters duty stations, ICSC is responsible for conducting salary surveys and for recommending salary scales for final approval by the organizations concerned, mainly United Nations and WHO. At non-headquarters duty stations, salary surveys are conducted by the United Nations and certain agencies of the United Nations common system. Salary scales: There is normally only one local salary scale per country. There are, however, a few cases where more than one salary scale is in effect in the same country, when UN offices are established in more than one duty station in the country. Local salary scales are expressed in local currency as gross, gross pension, total net, net pension and non-pensionable component (NPC) per grade and step. They are based on a seven-grade level structure, except some duty stations. Longevity steps may be included in the salary scales where local conditions so justify. At other locations, provision is made for one long-service step in addition to the regular steps for each grade. To qualify, staff must have been at the top of their grade for five years and have a minimum of 20 years service. Click here for the latest salary scales for staff in the General Service and related categories (by duty station). Methodology for Local Salary Surveys at Non-Headquarters Duty StationsManual for Local Salary Surveys at Non-Headquarters Duty StationsTHE FIELD SERVICE CATEGORY Salary structure: Staff in this category, employed in peace-keeping missions and in the operation of the United Nations telecommunications systems, are internationally recruited and entitled to a range of international benefits. The salary structure is similar to that of Professional staff, with a single salary scale applicable to worldwide. Salary rates for the seven grades in this category are likewise established by comparison wit
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