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传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除!旅游中常用英语口语 一、旅游英语如何搭乘公共交通 出国旅游如果不是跟团游,学会关于公共交通的旅游英语是必须的,且看有哪些相关词汇以及常用英语。 traintren 火车 subwaysbwe地铁 metrometr地铁 underground ndgrand地铁 tubetju:b 地铁(英) bus stop bs stp 公共汽车站台 stationsten车站 farefe(r)车票 ferryferi渡船 cruisekru:z巡游 greyhoundrei haund灰狗巴士 schedule edju:l 时刻表 When is the next train to NewYork?下一班去纽约的火车是几点? There is one at 10 am and one at 12 am.有一趟是上午10点还有一趟是12点。 When does it get there?几点会到哪里? Its scheduled to arrive at 10:50.按照列车时刻表是10点50到。 Where is the nearest metro station?最近的地铁站在哪里? Can I take this train to Los Angeles?去洛杉矶能够乘坐这辆火车吗? Language points: schedule 表示“按计划”,也能够说 due in arrive at 也能够表示为get to 二、旅游必备英语丨讨论旅行目的地 旅游途中,如果能交到一两个外国朋友,讨论一下旅游地点,也是非常有协助的。首先是必备单词: travel agency ednsi package tour pækd DIY tour backpacker bækpæk(r) sightseeing satsi: in particular ptkjl(r) 下面是一些常见的句子: 1. How about Brazil? 去巴西怎么样? 2. We havent been to New York yet. 我们还没有去过纽约呢。 3. Id like to see the sights of Paris. 我想领略一下巴黎的风光。 4. I cant wait to see Hong Kong. 我迫不及待要看一看香港。 5. Ill have two days to do sightseeing in that beautiful city. 我将在那个美丽的城市游览两天。 6. Ill spend the last two days shopping and visiting some friends in Singapore. 最后两天时间,我将在新加坡买点东西,看看朋友。 7. Ive been dying to take a trip into the mountains. 我好想到山里去旅游。 8. What places do you want to see in particular? 有没有什么你特别想去的地方? 9. Ive decided to go on a three -week tour of South-east Asia. 我决定要参加一个为期三周的东南亚旅行团。 三、旅游必备英语如何搭讪 Vocabulary & Expressions 1. Its nice to meet younice to meet you很高兴见到你 Its a pleasure to meet you 2. on vacation vken 度假 3.have been to Sp. 去过.地方 4.have a great time 度过美好时光 5.Excuse me?(升调) Pardon me?(升调)请再说一遍 1.和素昧谋面的人打招呼: What is your name? 你叫什么名字? Hi, my name is Steve. Its nice to meet you. 我叫Steve,很高兴见到你。 Its a pleasure to meet you. Im Jack. 很高兴见到你,我是Jack。 2.然后没话找话说,找共同点么,肯定都是度假 Are you on vacation here? 你是在度假吗? Yes. Im taking a vacation from Korea. 是的,我是从朝鲜来度假的。 How are you enjoying your vacation? 假期过得怎么样? Im having a great time. How about you? 很好,你呢? Its pretty fun here. 很有意思,你过得愉快吗? 3.聊聊家庭吧 Are you here with your family? 你和家人一起来的吧。 Im here with my wife and 2 kids. They are so excited to be here. 我和太太还有2个孩子一起来的,他们都很兴奋。 My kids love this place. This is our third time here. Have you been here before? 孩子们都很喜欢这个地方,这是我们第三次来,你之前来过这个地方吗? This is my first time here. I always wanted to come and Im having a great time. 这是我第一次来,我一直想来,在这里我度过很好的时光。 4.相关国籍 Where are you from? /Where (Which country) do you come from? 你来自哪里? Im from China./ I come from China. 我来自中国 5.对中国稍微了解一些的老外会问: Which part?/Which part of China do you come from? 你来自中国什么地方? I come from Beijing, the capital of China, you know. 我来自北京,中国的首都。 I come from Suzhou, which is very close to Shanghai. 我来自苏州,一座离上海很近的城市。 回答完自己的情况能够反过来问对方一句: How about you? 你呢? 6.旅行计划 How long have you been here? 你已经在这里待多久了? Ive been here for 5 days. 我已经在这里待了5天了。 And how many more days are you going to stay? 还要再待几天呢? 3 more days, I think. 再待3天。 四、旅游必备英语如何邮寄 旅游在外,假使突然看到一个特别喜欢的物品,但是体积庞大不得不以邮寄的方式带回国内,那以下的旅游英语就能协助到你了。 1.询问包装盒: Do you sell boxes here? 你们这里卖盒子吗? What is the largest box you sell? 的盒子多大? How much is the box? 包装盒的价格是多少? 2.询问邮寄方式: How would you like to send it? 请问你用哪种方式邮寄? If that is too expensive, you can ask if there is anything cheaper. 这种方式太贵了,你能够问问是否有更便宜的方式。 What is the cheapest way to send it? 的方式是什么? 3.常规问题: Are there any perishableperblfood items in the packagepækd? 有没有易腐烂的食物? Are there any fragile frædalitems? 有没有易碎品? 还会问你要不要保险: Would you like to insuren(r)your package? Would you like insurance? How much is it? Its $7.16. 4.其他: How much does it cost to send a regularregjl(r)letter to Korea? 寄一封去朝鲜的普通信要多少钱? What is the fastest way to send this mail? 哪种方式寄这封信最快? What time do you open in the morning? 早晨什么时候开箱?
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